
2018-03-05 02:03客户岐阜市
世界建筑导报 2018年1期




用地面积:14 848.34m2

建筑面积: 15 444.23m2





该建筑共两层,长宽尺寸为80 x 90米。第一层正中为玻璃书库,藏书60万册,内部环境极其安静。书库周围依次为展览馆、多功能厅和市民活动交流中心。



屋顶由切面大小为120 x 20毫米的本地木材铺叠而成,呈平缓波浪状。薄木板相互层叠,从三个方向编织。“Globe” 悬挂之处的屋顶亦顺势升起,屋顶的波浪结构优化了“Globe”的功能。屋顶在四周群山的映衬下,形成了一幅恢宏而和谐的城市景象。


With the “Globes” channeling natural energy into the building, the utilization of underground water as“Globe”向建筑传输自然能源,同时,建筑利用地下水作为热源为地板辐射供暖/制冷,以及在屋顶安装太阳能电池板,从而形成一套均衡机制。凭借上述节能设计,该建筑有望较二十世纪九十年代同等规模建筑减少至少50%的能耗。



‘Minna no Mori’ Gifu Media Cosmos is a library complex, opened in July 2015. The site has a symbolic view of the city: Mount Kinka with Gifu Castle on its top. It is located 2km north from JR Gifu Station and has abundant subsoil water from Nagara River.

In order to create a new cultural centre and to activate the city, there was a design competition for a complex and plaza around it. We were selected as the designer in February 2011.

The building is made up of two stories, about 80m x 90m in dimension. The fi rst fl oor has a glass book archive that accommodates 600,000 books, located in the middle of the large plan within the most stabilized environment. An exhibition gallery, a multi-purpose hall and a civic activity and exchange centre are placed consecutively around the archive.

The second fl oor is one large reading area with no walls, and has shelves for 300,000 books as well as various kinds of browsing seats (910 seats in total).

Large translucent umbrellas named “Globe”, hang above the circular reading spaces as well as the reception counter. The “Globes” are made of polyester fabric and are shaped like an inversed funnel.Eleven “Globes” of 8m–14m in diameter create gentle air movements and soft diffused light from above, providing a comfortable indoor environment.

The gently undulating wooden roof is made out of domestic-scale timber of 120mm x 20mm in section.The thin timber slats are stacked on top of each other, laminated in three directions. The function of these “Globes” is optimized by means of the roof’s undulation, as the roof rises where the “Globes”are located. The roof being embraced by the surrounding rows of mountains create a grand and harmonious scene for the city.

The site had been abundantly planted with trees, where a 240 metres long promenade of trees fl ank the west side of the building. On the south there is a plaza that is 45m in width. The three terraces on the second fl oor each has its own character, creating distinctively comfortable and relaxing areas.

a heat source to generate radiant fl oor heating and cooling, as well as the use of solar panels on the roof, all combined into a balanced mechanism. With all these features the building is expected to reduce the primary energy usage by at least 50%, compared to a building of the same size if it were in the 1990s.

Instead of clearly dividing or concealing spaces to reduce consumption of energy, we create a comfortable and energy-saving environment while in pursuit of connection with nature, a theme that has long existed in Japan, allowing people to feel alive and be nurtured within the space.

It can be said that this is clearly the case after the opening of the building, with the users enjoying the space as if they are within a townscape, as well as new found connections between different people who uses this space.

千载藏书风 化绩于当下——《嘉兴藏书史》评鉴
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