
2018-03-05 02:03项目地址墨西哥普埃布拉
世界建筑导报 2018年1期




建筑面积: 18 149m2


当地建筑师:Federico Bautista Alonso

结构工程师:SAPS (Mutsuro Sasaki, Toshiaki Kimura),

SC3 (Ing. Ernesto Lira)

景观设计:Tada Arquitectos (Antonio Cesar López Willars)

家具设计:Fujie Kazuko工作室

普埃布拉是墨西哥第四大城市,拥有常住人口2 850 000人,联合国教科文组织于1987年将其列为世界文化遗产,而墨西哥巴洛克国际博物馆(MIB)正位于这样一座历史文化名城。巴洛克艺术被誉为首个风行全球的艺术形式,巴洛克国际博物馆将向全世界展示该艺术。





2. “美丽的光线”



博物馆位于San Andrés de Cholula和普埃布拉市郊区的大都会公园中。该公园北面是巴洛克国际博物馆,南面是阿托亚克河。Malinche山的雨水注入阿托亚克河。大都会公园于2012年开放,园内设有多个以人与自然共生为主题的项目。例如净化阿托亚克河的实验性生物系统,种植从植物非法走私中查获的仙人掌。市民可在漫步公园的同时加深对环境的理解。我们希望在博物馆中创造类似的人与自然关系。博物馆引入采光井和流动空间的设计理念不仅体现巴洛克艺术,而且强调人与自然的对话,技术手段的运用令这一特点更为突出。普埃布拉全年气候稳定,凭借这一优势,博物馆采用利用外部空气(自然冷却)的方式减少能源负荷。在被水泥高墙包围的建筑中为博物馆设计若干大小适宜的通风口。为建立巴洛克国际博物馆与大都会公园之间的视觉联系,入口附近的湖面被设计为一片浅浅的水景,延伸至公园内部则成为一汪天然池塘。我们希望后者周围能长满自然生长的水生植被 。此外,建筑能够收集污水和雨水,在经过净化处理后形成循环,先注入浅水区及天然池塘,进而注入阿托亚克河,有助于河水净化。


Museo Internacional del Barroco (MIB) is located in the city of Puebla, the fourth largest city in Mexico (2 850 000 inhabitants), and it is listed as a World Heritage Site by Unesco in 1987.This museum will introduce Baroque Art on a global level, which was considered the fi rst style of art that was spread internationally.

It is very diきcult to de fi ne Baroque Art with a single word. In terms of history of art, it is a style that wanted to break the strict rules imposed by Renaissance; it also emerged as a Counter-Reformation that combined religious, intellectual and political movements. In terms of geography, Baroque Art spread internationally due to the Age of Discovery; while socially it was developed to be enjoyed by both the bourgeoisie and the commoners. Baroque Art encompasses all the arts: painting, sculpture, architecture, music, theatre, literature, cuisine,fashion, etc; it is an art driven by sentiment. Therefore, it is very diきcult to be understood in a theoretical or rational manner; to the extent that it is a feeling that must be experienced.

Thinking about all this, we set three guidelines for the design of the museum:

1. “Starting with a rigid order, this can be dissolved creating an out fl ow. The resulting space gives the impression of fl uidity”

Cities and contemporary architecture has been turning away from nature and attempting to control the inside by putting up barriers and driving out the exterior. This anthropocentric philosophy in architecture results in a functional grid. If we consider the Baroque movement, which broke the Renaissance vision of man as the centre of the universe, and moved on to a relationship between God and man, a similar trend is now produced in the era we live in: the search for the relationship of people with nature. This search will be one of the most important issues of this century. In the MIB we try to break and dissolve the cold and rigid order to achieve fl uid spaces. We hope that when people move from one room to another, they experience a Baroque space.

2. “Beautiful Light”

In Baroque art light symbolizes a revelation from God opposing the darkness of ambivalence. In this project, light also acquires a special meaning. In plan which at fi rst glance looks like a maze, we see that each room is connected to the next by a light dome that joins them like rosary beads. The visitors can follow the light stream and into the next room without losing their way. The amount of light entering each patio varies according to the requirements for the adjacent rooms. Visitors can experience the light that literally falls from the sky, as if a dialogue between man and nature is taking place.

3. “Ecological mechanism and care of the environment”

The site of the museum is in the Metropolitan Park, on the outskirts of the municipalities of San Andrés de Cholula and Puebla. This park is bound by MIB on the North, and the Atoyac River on the south,which collects rainwater coming from the Malinche Mountain. Opened in 2012, the park has devised programs that focused on interactions between human and nature. For example experimental biological systems that purifies the Atoyac River, and the planting of Cacti that were seized in illegal plant traきcking. Citizens can wander around this pleasant park while deepening their understanding of the environment. We want to create a similar relationship to nature in the museum. The idea of a museum with light wells and fl uid spaces that exhibit Baroque art, emphasizing the dialogue between nature and man is complemented by a technological proposal. Puebla has a virtually constant climate throughout the seasons. Taking advantage of this, the museum uses a system that utilises outside air (free-cooling)to reduce energy load. In a building surrounded by tall concrete walls optimum sized openings were designed for the museum.

To create a transition between the MIB and the Metropolitan Park, the lake is designed as a shallow fi lm of water in areas near the entrance, and as a natural pond the further we advance into the park. In the latter area we anticipate a natural growth of aquatic vegetation around the edges of the lake. Moreover,the building collects sewage and rainwater, and once it is treated and passed through a cleaning process, it forms a circuit that feeds into the shallow fi lm of water and the natural pond and from there on to the Atoyac River, contributing to its cleansing.

Conceptually we want the building to “sprout from the earth like spring water and grow.”
