郭 霖,白 丹,王新端,王 程,周 文,程 鹏
郭 霖1,白 丹1※,王新端1,王 程1,周 文2,程 鹏2
(1. 西安理工大学水利水电学院,西安 710048;2. 华北水利水电大学水利学院,郑州 450011)
综合目前计算灌水器流量的方法,鲜有对于灌水器流量直接预测的研究,一般根据流量与压力的经验公式先回归计算流态指数和流量系数,再建立二者与流道几何参数的线性或非线性回归方程,间接计算流量,统称为回归拟合方法,其原理为经验风险最小化(empirical risk minimization,ERM)[31]。但回归拟合方法存在一定的不足,其一,回归拟合方法的前提是样本数趋于无穷大时的渐进理论,即对于大样本数据可得到较为可信的预测结果,但在研究过程中所能提供的样本数有限,回归方程的泛化能力较弱[32];其二,通过流态指数和流量系数间接预测流量的方法,实质上是双变量回归计算问题,计算流量多有不便,同时多次回归计算存在较大的拟合误差。
因此,寻求更为合理、简便和直接的灌水器流量预测方法、弥补计算流量的不足、提高预测模型的泛化能力对于灌水器的深入研究是必要的。近年来,很多学者借鉴了具有较强泛化能力和广泛适用性的支持向量机(support vector machine,SVM)在气象、水文预测等领域的突出表现[33-34],对土壤的水力学参数[35]、湿度[36]、水分入渗[37]以及10 m压力下迷宫式滴头水力性能[31]等进行预测,并取得了较为理想的结果,同时由于SVM是在统计学习和结构风险最小化原理基础上建立的一种预测方法,对于预测对象具有一定的普适性,因此,本文采用SVM预测方法构建预测灌水器流量的SVM响应面,直接预测不同工作压力、不同几何参数的双向对冲流灌水器流量,即给定1组输入(不同工作压力、不同几何参数)如何求得所需的输出(流量)是本文研究的重点,解决这一问题对增加预测灌水器流量的可信度、提高灌水器研发效率、降低研发成本具有重要意义。
1.流道进口 2.流道出口 3.外壁面 4.分水件 5.挡水件
流道几何参数取值范围包括:、、分别取0.6、0.7、0.8、0.9、1.0 mm,和分别取1.0、1.1、1.2、1.3、1.4 mm,取0、0.3、0.6、0.9、1.2 mm,取0.5、0.6、0.7、0.8、0.9 mm,取18、20、22、24、26。
2.3.1 训练样本集
2.3.2 检测样本集
为了从全面设计方案的样本点中挑选出部分具有代表性的样本点作为训练样本集,依据正交设计的“均匀分散”和“整齐可比”的“正交性”特征,按照正交设计表L50(511)安排训练样本方案,如表1所示,每个灌水器方案分别在50~250 kPa工作压力下采用数值模拟进行流量计算,每隔40 kPa计算一次,共计算6次,总共需要计算50×6=300组流量,并将300组流量模拟值作为SVM预测流量的训练样本集,即训练样本集中9个因素各有300组输入,对应训练样本集有300组输出。
表1 训练样本方案
表2 检测样本方案
3.5.1 目标函数
3.5.2 约束条件
3.5.3 参数优化模型求解
表3 训练样本结果
Note:is working pressure of emitter, kPa, same as below.
表4 检测样本结果
图3 预测流量的相对误差
为进一步验证SVM预测流量方法的可靠性,选取5组灌水器流道几何参数组合作为试验验证方案,对比流量试验值与回归拟合方法和SVM预测方法计算的流量预测值的误差,验证方案参数取值及计算结果如表5所示,试验采用EM-G32S-X32型高精密雕刻机同比例加工灌水器样机,并参照GB/T17187-2009《农业灌溉设备-滴头和滴灌管-技术规范和试验方法》的技术要求搭建试验平台,对灌水器样机进行流量测试,每组灌水器样机分别安装5个,并在工作压力为50~250 kPa范围内同时进行流量测试,每组测试时间均为5 min,测试3次,取3次流量测试的平均值作为灌水器流量的试验值。
表5 试验验证方案及结果
图4 试验验证样本的相对误差
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Establishment and validation of flow rate prediction model for drip irrigation emitter based on support vector machine
Guo Lin1, Bai Dan1※, Wang Xinduan1, Wang Cheng1, Zhou Wen2, Cheng Peng2
(1.,,71004,; 2.,,450011,)
To carry out the prediction and calculation of the flow rate for further study the hydraulic performance and the structure optimization of the flow channel in drip irrigation emitter is of great significance. In order to predict and calculate the flow rate of the emitter accurately, in this study, the prediction and calculation method of Support Vector Machine (SVM) with strong generalization ability was introduced, and the flow rate prediction model of the SVM was built. We chose six working pressures and eight geometric parameters of the flow channel as factors, and arranged 300 sets of emitter schemes as training sample of SVM according to the orthogonal experimental design method, and 30 sets of schemes as test sample. Based on these, the prediction model sample set of flow rate of SVM was established. The flow rate of the emitter was simulated by the SST k-ω model with high precision in the sample set, and compared with the predicted value of flow rate of the SVM. The pressure and geometric parameter of the emitter was taken as the input item, and the flow rate was taken as the output item of SVM. The prediction and simulation of the flow rate were carried out in State Key Laboratory Base of Eco-hydraulic Engineering in Arid Area, Xi’an University of Technology. In order to eliminate the impact of each factor on the predicted results, the input and output item in the emitter sample were normalized before predicting flow rate. At the same time, the Genetic Algorithm was used to optimize the C and δ parameter in the Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel of the SVM, and then the minimum error between the predicted value and simulated value of flow rate was obtained. The results showed that the relative error between the predicted value of flow rate using SVM and the simulated value was from 0.09% to 6.43%, the average relative error was 1.91%, and the determination coefficient was 0.98 when the optimal values of SVM parameterandwere 100 and 20, respectively. The predicted value of flow rate of SVM had a good correlation with the simulated value, which satisfied the predicted demand for the flow rate of the emitter. However, when the regression fitting method was adopted and calculated, the relative error between the predicted value and the simulated value was from 0.15% to 26.69%, the average relative error was 6.45%, and the determination coefficient was 0.93, which indicated excellent superiority based on SVM. To further verify the reliability of SVM, the five experimental verification schemes were chosen, and manufactured by using high-precision engraving technology. The flow rate value of experimental verification sample was tested under different pressure range, and was compared with the predicted value of flow rate. The relative error between the predicted value of flow rate using SVM and the experimental value was from 0.14% to 5.13%, and the average relative error was 2.25%, which were within the error range, verifying the accuracy and reliability of predicting flow rate using SVM. The establishment of the flow rate prediction response surface based on SVM can effectively improve the development efficiency of the emitter, and provide the evidence and guidance for the hydraulic performance evaluation, the flow channel structure design and optimization.
flow rate; numerical analysis; models; drip irrigation emitter; working pressure; geometric parameter; support vector machine; optimization
郭 霖,博士生,主要从事节水灌溉技术研究。Email:guolinedu@126.com
白 丹,教授,博士生导师,主要从事节水灌溉理论与技术研究。Email:baidan@xaut.edu.cn
郭 霖,白 丹,王新端,王 程,周 文,程 鹏. 基于支持向量机的滴灌灌水器流量预测模型建立与验证[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(2):74-82. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.02.010 http://www.tcsae.org
Guo Lin, Bai Dan, Wang Xinduan, Wang Cheng, Zhou Wen, Cheng Peng. Establishment and validation of flow rate prediction model for drip irrigation emitter based on support vector machine[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(2): 74-82. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.02.010 http://www.tcsae.org