李心平,熊 师,耿令新,姬江涛
李心平,熊 师,耿令新,姬江涛
(河南科技大学农业装备工程学院,洛阳 471003)
为研究玉米果穗的抗压特性及破裂机理,探索含水率对玉米果穗抗压特性的影响,该文先分析了玉米果穗的生物特性,然后选取2个品种的玉米果穗,含水率处理至5个标准,在电子万能试验机上进行了静态压缩试验。试验结果表明:玉米芯含水率对玉米果穗抗压特性有极大影响,含水率低于13%时,随着含水率的降低果穗抗压能力小幅度增强;含水率在13%~25%内,随着含水率的增加果穗抗压能力增强;含水率高于25%后抗压能力急剧减弱;含水率为25%时玉米果穗抗压能力最强;玉米果穗的破裂是由内向外逐步破裂的过程,在受压过程中,芯髓最先破裂,随后木质环形体破裂,木质环形体是玉米果穗抗压的主要部位;玉米果穗在受压过程中存在籽粒脱落的现象,对玉米果穗施加的载荷值低于610 N不仅可以防止果穗断裂而且有利于脱粒。该研究结果可为玉米不断芯脱粒的进一步研究提供参考。
图1 玉米果穗的构造
表1 试验材料参数
主要试验设备有DNS系列电子万能试验机,美国帝强十二型水分测试仪和DSC-W630型相机(索尼有限公司生产)。DNS系列电子万能试验机由试验机主机和计算机组成,示值误差为±0.5%,试验机主机结构如图2所示;负荷传感器采用CLY型、精度为0.02、量程为10 kN的力传感器。电子万能试验机和负荷传感器均由长春机械科学研究院有限公司生产。美国帝强十二型水分仪由DICKEY-john公司生产,示值误差为±0.5%。
1.上横梁 2.上压盘 3.玉米果穗 4.下压盘 5.负荷传感器 6.活动横梁
试验时,将玉米果穗放在压缩夹具下压盘工作面中央,点击开始按钮后,活动横梁开始向上移动。当压缩夹具上压盘接触到玉米果穗后,活动横梁以5 mm/min的速度均匀缓慢地向上移动,同时计算机开始记录位移-力、位移-应力的数据。试验设定的断裂敏感度为最大值的80%,因为数值下降至最大值的80%时,玉米果穗已经完全破裂,满足试验结束的要求。当达到断裂敏感度时,活动横梁停止,试验自动结束,计算机输出载荷、应力的数据以及相应的图像。用相机拍下玉米果穗破裂过程中外部变化的照片,然后将果穗沿径向切开,观察其内部变化,记录玉米果穗的破坏形式,然后进行下一次试验,每个品种每一含水率均进行6次试验。为观察记录玉米果穗的内部破裂过程,每个品种每一玉米芯含水率均额外选取一个果穗从中间径向切开,把切开的玉米果穗放到下压盘上进行试验,以果穗径向截面为观测窗口,用相机连续拍下果穗压缩试验的全过程。
表2 玉米果穗压缩试验结果与处理
表3 回归分析结果
Note:is water content of corn cob,is maximum load of corn ear,is maximum stress of corn ear.
3.1.1 玉米芯含水率对玉米果穗塑性的影响
图3 玉米芯含水率与玉米果穗破裂应变的关系
3.1.2 玉米芯含水率对玉米果穗应力与载荷的影响
a. 玉米芯含水率与玉米果穗破裂最大应力的关系
a. Relationship between water content of corn cob and maximum stress in the rupture of corn ear
b. 玉米芯含水率与玉米果穗破裂最大载荷的关系
3.2.1 玉米果穗内部变化与破裂机理
图5 玉米果穗破裂过程
注:玉米芯含水率:1. 10.5%2. 16.5%3. 24.5%4. 29.5%5. 33.5%
3.2.2 玉米果穗外部变化与分析
图8 玉米果穗外部变化
1.籽粒 2.颖壳 3.木质环形体 4.芯髓
1.Grain 2.Glume shell 3.Wooden ring form 4.Core pulp
Note:is grain gravity, kN;cis connection force of grain and corn con, kN; is angle of support force andaxis;is angle of pressure andaxis;is angle of gravity and y axis;Nis support force of glume shell on grain when angle is, kN;fis friction of glume shell on grain when angle is, kN;5is pressure from upper adjacent grain, kN;6is pressure from basiscopic adjacent grain, kN.
图9 玉米果穗受压时径向受力分析
Fig.9 Force analysis of corn ear in radial direction
由上述平衡方程可知,在压力施加的初始阶段,果穗侧面籽粒能够保持径向受力的平衡,籽粒不会脱落,但随着压力的增大,籽粒间的相互挤压力增大,导致籽粒与玉米芯连接力逐渐增加到最大值,也就是果柄的断裂极限值,随后平衡方程会被破坏,果柄断裂,籽粒出现脱落现象。果穗顶部和底部的籽粒受到压盘的直接压力,随着压力不断增大,果柄会断裂,籽粒逐渐被压入颖壳深处,颖壳对籽粒的紧密包裹是籽粒没有脱落的原因,但承受正压的籽粒与果穗实际已经分离。机械脱粒时确保脱粒装置对玉米果穗施加的载荷值低于610 N不仅可以防止果穗断裂而且有利于脱粒。
3)玉米果穗在受压过程中,压力会传递给周向分布的籽粒,籽粒间挤压力的增大会破坏籽粒的径向受力平衡,导致果柄断裂,籽粒脱落。机械脱粒时确保脱粒装置对玉米果穗施加的载荷值低于610 N不仅可以防止果穗断裂而且有利于脱粒。
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Influence of water content on anti-pressing properties of corn ear
Li Xinping, Xiong Shi, Geng Lingxin, Ji Jiangtao
The corn threshing without cob fracture can greatly simplify cleaning link. The rupture of corn ear can directly affect the effect of the core threshing without cob fracture. In order to study the anti-pressing properties and rupture laws of corn ear and explore the effect of water content on anti-pressing properties, the static compress experiments were carried out on the electronic universal testing machine. The analysis of the biological characteristics of corn ear showed that the wooden ring form had compact structure and its strength was big. And the core pulp and the glume shell had loose structure and small strength. The corn varieties selected by experiment were Zhongdan 868 and Zhenghuangnuo No. 2. The water content of each variety was treated as 5 criteria. Four tests were done for each test level. The corn variety and the water content of corn cob were used as test factors. The maximum load and the maximum stress of corn ear were used as the test indices. The experimental data were analyzed by MATLAB software and the function relation between water content of corn cob and test indices was obtained. The relationship between water content of corn cob and fracture strain of corn ear indicated that the plasticity of corn ear was firstly enhanced and then declined with the increase of the water content of corn cob. Through the analysis of the fitting curves between the water content of corn cob andthe test indices, it was known that the water content of corn cob had a tremendous effect on the anti-pressing properties of corn ear. When the water content was below 13%, with the decrease of water content, the plasticity of corn ear decreased and the compressive strength increased slowly, which resulted in a slow enhancement of the anti-pressing ability of corn ear. When the range of water content was 13%-25%, with the increase of water content, the plasticity and the compressive strength of corn ear both increased, which resulted in the enhancement of the anti-pressing ability. When the water content was higher than 25%, the plasticity of corn ear was weakened and the compressive strength decreased with the increase of water content, which resulted in a sharp decline of the anti-pressing ability. To observe the internal fracture process of corn ear, samples were cut in radial direction and then the cut samples were put on the test bench to do experiment. Using the radial section of corn ear as the observation window, the whole process of corn ear compression test was recorded by camera. Through the analysis of the photos of corn ear in the process of compression, it was known that the core pulp firstly ruptured and the crack was extended in vertical direction. Then the crack gradually approached to the wooden ring form. Finally, the wooden ring form ruptured and corn ear presented obvious deformation. The analysis of the strain-stress curves indicated that stress gradually increased and corn ear showed plastic deformation with the increase of strain. Stress began to decline after peak. Curves showed jagged wave and the yield stage was entered. The rupture of the wooden ring form led to the decline of stress curves. So the wooden ring form was the main anti-pressing part of corn ear. In the process of compression, corn ear showed the phenomenon of grains falling. The radial balance equations of grain were established by force analysis. Analysis indicated that pressure would be transmitted to the grains in the circumferential distribution. The increase of the pressure between grains would destroy the radial force balance of grains, resulting in the fracture of the carpopodium. Test results showed that the anti-pressing ability of corn ear was the strongest when the water content of corn cob was 25%, and this water content of corn cob was the most suitable for the corn threshing without cob fracture. The rupture of corn ear was a gradual rupture process by the inside-out. Applying pressure less than 610 N to corn ear could not only prevent the fracture of corn ear but facilitate threshing. The research results can provide data reference and theoretical support for the further research of the corn threshing without cob fracture.
moisture; crops; pressure; corn ear; anti-pressing properties; water content; experiment
李心平,熊 师,耿令新,姬江涛. 含水率对玉米果穗抗压特性的影响[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(2):25-31. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.02.004 http://www.tcsae.org
Li Xinping, Xiong Shi, Geng Lingxin, Ji Jiangtao. Influence of water content on anti-pressing properties of corn ear[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(2): 25-31. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.02.004 http://www.tcsae.org