中图分类号:G632.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2017)10-0064
例如,在Western Festivals的教学中,针对学生的对西方节日文化背景知识比较缺乏的情况,教师播放一首Christmas in my heart歌曲之后,提问学生:Christmas is a festival. So can you tell me other festivals? 学生列出了他们所知的许多节日名称,如:Halloween; Eastern; Thanksgiving Day; April fools Day; Childrens Day等。同时,教师还通过提问:Do you know when is Halloween? What do you eat on eastern? What do you usually do on April 1st day?等激活了学生对西方文化的认知。接着,教师引出了学生将要重点学习的两个节日,Thanksgiving Day & Halloween,但教师并没有让学生马上进行阅读,而是问学生:What do you want to know about these two festivals? Can you ask questions you are you interested in? 即在读前先让学生通过自己提问的方式激发学生的好奇心,学生提出了很多问题,如:What kind of clothes do they wear? Why is it named Thanksgiving Day? What do people usually do during the festival? What do people usually want to eat on Thanksgiving Day? Why do people carry jack-o lantern? How many countries celebrate the Thanksgiving Day? Why do people like these festivals? 等。很顯然,读前教师通过师生共同提问激发了学生的思维,通过已有背景知识和求知欲望的激发,为进一步构建思维课堂的打下良好的开端。
例如:在A Great and Wonderful Mess教学中,教师通过以下阶梯式问题,促进学生发散和拓展思维:1. How does a mess mostly make people feel? 2. How about this mess? 3. Why is it a great and wonderful mess?4. What did Robert learn from this mess?5. What can we learn from this passage?
以The beggar教学为例,教师在让学生读完莫泊桑的《一个乞丐》后,设置一个问题:How do you feel about the story? Could you finish the ending? 让学生经过思考,并完成故事结局:Such a(n) thing!学生经过一番思考,给出了丰富的答案和充分的理由:
1. I want to put “realistic” into the blank. In our society, there is something in similar. In our life, some people dont care how other people live and they wont even watch the begger when they are walking in the street.endprint
2. I think we can use the word “ironic”. If he goes to the police at first, he may not die. But he goes to the police in this way, he is dead. So it is ironic. The police must be helping him, not killing him.
3. I want to put a simple word “poor” here, not only to the begger, but also to the society. Because it is said it depends on the economic level and everybody should take care of him. But unlucky the society is very cold. Not only the begger is poor, but also the people are poor inside.
在学生经过激烈的表述并给出了不同的理由后,教师补充了The writer use the word “astonishing” to show irony.
同时,教师还继续补充提问:What did he try to expose(揭露) with irony?让学生各抒已见,学生说出很多:It shows the society is dark and miserable. / It shows the miserable life and how poor live in the society at that time. / It shows us the coldness of the society. / People were indifferent to the poor.
(作者单位:浙江省温州市瓯海区梧田第一中學 325000)endprint