董金玲 吴天添 谢志宏 张颖
[摘要] 目的 探討在丙肝病毒(HCV)感染合并脂肪肝及肝硬化的患者中Sirtuin-1和SREBP的变化及其临床意义。方法 选择单纯丙肝患者37例,丙肝合并重度脂肪肝患者34例,丙肝合并肝硬化患者31例,正常志愿者35例,共137例。分别采集各入组者的外周血样本、丙肝合并重度脂肪肝及丙肝后肝硬化患者的肝脏穿刺样本,通过Realtime qPCR及Western Blotting方法检测Sirtuin-1和SREBP的转录和表达水平。 结果 血液中Sirtuin-1转录水平:与正常人比较,单纯丙肝患者下降(P=0.0013);丙肝合并重度脂肪肝患者又较单纯丙肝患者下降(P=0.0006);而在丙肝后肝硬化与丙肝合并重度脂肪肝患者之间无统计学差异(P=0.2741);但丙肝合并肝硬化患者仍较单纯丙肝患者有明显下降(P=0.0026)。血液中SREBP-1c转录水平:单纯丙肝患者较正常人高(P=0.0130);丙肝合并重度脂肪肝较单纯丙肝患者高(P=0.0021);丙肝后肝硬化较丙肝合并重度脂肪肝患者亦有升高(P=0.0481)。血液中Sirtuin-1表达水平:正常人、单纯丙肝患者、丙肝合并重度脂肪肝患者、丙肝后肝硬化患者逐步下降(P分别为0.0003、0.000021、0.0207)。血液中SREBP-1c表达水平:正常人、单纯丙肝患者、丙肝合并重度脂肪肝患者逐步升高(P分别为0.00017、0.0003),而丙肝合并重度脂肪肝与丙肝后肝硬化患者之间则无明显差异(P=0.0814)。SREBP-2在血液中mRNA及蛋白水平表达均无显著统计学差异(P>0.05)。肝穿组织中:Sirtuin-1基因转录与蛋白表达水平,丙肝后肝硬化患者均较丙肝合并重度脂肪肝患者低(P分别为0.0013和0.0001);而SREBP-1c的基因转录与蛋白表达水平,丙肝后肝硬化患者均较丙肝合并重度脂肪肝患者高(P分别为0.0201和0.0083);SREBP-2转录和表达在两组间无差异(P>0.05)。 结论 HCV有可能通过下调Sirtuin-1及上调SREBP-1c的表达加重肝细胞的脂质化及肝硬化的程度。
[关键词] Sirtuin-1;SREBP-1c;SREBP-2;HCV;肝脂肪变性;肝硬化
[中图分类号] R512.63 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-9701(2018)29-0017-06
Changes and clinical significance of Sirtuin-1 and SREBP in progression of hepatitis C to cirrhosis
DONG Jinling1 WU Tiantian2 XIE Zhihong1 ZHANG Ying1
1.Department of Infectious Diseases, the First People's Hospital of Huzhou in Zhejiang Province, Huzhou 313000, China; 2.Department of General Surgery, the First People's Hospital of Huzhou in Zhejiang Province, Huzhou 313000, China
[Abstract] Objective To explore the changes and clinical significance of Sirtuin-1 and SREBP in hepatitis C virus(HCV) infected patients with fatty liver and liver cirrhosis. Methods A total of 137 patients, including 37 patients with HCV alone, 34 patients with HCV with severe fatty liver, 31 patients with HCV and cirrhosis, 35 patients with normal volunteers, were selected. The peripheral blood samples of the enrolled patients, liver puncture samples from patients with HCV with severe fatty liver and those with HCV and cirrhosis were collected. Transcription and expression of Sirtuin-1 and SREBP was detected by Realtime qPCR and Western Blotting. Results Compared with that of normal people, the Sirtuin-1 transcription level in blood in patients with hepatitis C decreased(P=0.0013). The Sirtuin-1 transcription level in patients with HCV and severe fatty liver was lower than that of patients with hepatitis C(P=0.0006). While there was no significant difference in the Sirtuin-1 transcription level between patients with HCV and severe fatty liver and those with HCV and cirrhosis(P=0.2741). However, the Sirtuin1 transcription level in patients with hepatitis C and liver cirrhosis was still significantly lower than that of patients with only hepatitis C(P=0.0026). SREBP-1c transcription level in blood in hepatitis C patients was higher than that of normal people(P=0.0130). The SREBP-1c transcription level in patients with HCV and severe fatty liver was higher than that of patients with hepatitis C(P=0.0021). And SREBP-1c transcription level in patients with HCV and cirrhosis was also higher than that of patients with HCV and severe fatty liver(P=0.0481). The expression level of Sirtuin1 in blood was gradually decreased in normal subjects, patients with hepatitis C only, patients with hepatitis C and severe fatty liver, and patients with hepatitis C and cirrhosis(P=0.0003, 0.000021, and 0.0207, respectively). The SREBP-1c expression level in blood was increased gradually in normal subjects, patients with hepatitis C only, and patients with hepatitis C and severe fatty liver(P=0.00017, 0.0003, respectively). There was no significant difference between patients with hepatitis C and severe fatty liver and those with hepatitis C and liver cirrhosis in the SREBP-1c expression level(P=0.0814).There was no significant difference in mRNA and protein expression of SREBP-2 in blood(P>0.05). Sirtuin-1 gene transcription and protein expression level in liver perforation tissue of post-hepatitis C liver cirrhosis patients were lower than that of patients with hepatitis C combined with severe fatty liver(P=0.0013 and 0.0001, respectively). SREBP-1c gene transcription and protein expression level in patients with hepatic cirrhosis after hepatitis C were higher than that of patients with severe fatty liver and hepatitis C(P=0.0201 and 0.0083, respectively). There was no significant difference in SREBP-2 transcription and expression between the two groups(P>0.05). Conclusion HCV may increase the degree of hepatocyte lipidation and cirrhosis by down-regulating Sirtuin-1 and up-regulating SREBP-1c expression.
[Key words] Sirtuin-1; SREBP-1c; SREBP-2; HCV; Liver steatosis; Liver cirrhosis
本试验通过Real-time qPCR、Western Blot方法,探讨丙肝合并重度脂肪肝、丙肝合并不同程度肝硬化患者肝组织中Sirtuin-1、SREBP-1c、SREBP-2的转录及表达情况;研究正常受试者、丙肝、丙肝合并重度脂肪肝、丙肝合并不同程度肝硬化患者血清中Sirtuin-1、SREBP-1c、SREBP-2的转录及表达情况。探讨上述基因在丙肝患者进展为肝硬化过程中的作用及临床意义。
1.1 一般资料
1.1.1入选标准 (1)丙肝抗体和丙肝病毒RNA均阳性,且未行抗病毒治疗的患者。(2)B超检测 在丙肝确诊的基础上,根据《非酒精性脂肪性肝病诊疗指南》[16]:①肝区近场回声弥漫性增强(强于肾脏和脾脏),远场回声逐渐衰减;②肝内管道结构显示不清;③肝脏轻至中度肿大,边缘角圆钝;④彩色多普勒血流显像提示肝内彩色血流信号减少或不易显示,但肝内血管走向正常;⑤肝右叶包膜及横膈回声显示不清或不完整。第①项、第②~④中的其中两项以及第⑤项达到标准即为重度脂肪肝[17]。(3)CT和肝脏穿刺活检在丙肝的基础上,根据《非酒精性脂肪性肝病诊疗指南》[16]:CT值低于23HU的且肝/脾CT值比值≤0.5的判别为重度脂肪肝。肝脏变小,密度高低不均,局灶性低密度区,或者密度高低相间的结节状改变。脾肿大、腹水、门脉主干扩张,脾门附近、食管下端和胃的贲门区域侧支血管建立、扩张和扭曲[18]。各种脂肪肝的基础上出现的肝硬化征象,并由肝穿刺活检确诊的丙肝后肝硬化患者。
1.1.2 排除标准 通过血液RNA检测,排除甲、乙、丁、戊型肝炎患者;排除长期饮酒以及应用免疫调节药物等患者;排除药物性肝病、肠外营养、肝豆状核变性等可导致脂肪肝的原发疾病;排除肥胖、血脂紊乱、高血压等代谢综合征;排除肝癌、肝脏转移性肿瘤等肝脏恶性肿瘤。
1.2 Sirtuin-1、SREBP的检测方法
1.2.1 Sirtuin-1、SREBP的Real-time qPCR检测 抽取正常志愿者、单纯丙肝患者、丙肝+重度脂肪肝患者以及丙肝+肝硬化患者血液样本,提取血液中的总DNA,而后Real-time qPCR检测Sirtuin-1、SREBP-1c和SREBP-2的mRNA转录水平;对丙肝+重度脂肪肝患者和丙肝+肝硬化患者两个组的患者进行肝脏细针穿刺活检,分别做病理和组织Real-time qPCR检测Sirtuin-1、SREBP-1c和SREBP-2的mRNA转录水平。各基因序列见表2,Real-time qPCR试剂Power SYBR GREEN PCR Master Mix购自Life Technologies公司。
1.2.2 Sirtuin-1、SREBP的Western Blotting检测和比较 同样对四组患者予抽取血液样本,提取血液中的总蛋白,Western Blotting法检测Sirtuin-1、SREBP-1c和SREBP-2的蛋白表达水平;对丙肝+重度脂肪肝和丙肝+肝硬化两组的患者进行肝穿活检,所取组织分别做病理及WB试验。
1.2.3 丙肝RNA含量检测 检测和比较各组患者血液丙肝RNA含量。
将各组Real-time qPCR数值转化成2-△△Ct后进行比较。将正常组2-△△Ct值设为1,其余各组与正常组进行比较得相对值。结果表明,单纯丙肝患者Sirtuin-1转录水平较正常人下降(P=0.0013);丙肝合并重度脂肪肝患者较单纯丙肝患者明显下降(P=0.0006);而Sirtuin-1在丙肝合并肝硬化与丙肝合并重度脂肪肝患者之间无统计学差异(P=0.2741);但丙肝合并肝硬化患者Sirtuin-1较单纯丙肝患者有明显下降(P=0.0026)。对于SREBP-1c,单纯丙肝患者较正常人高(P=0.0130);丙肝合并重度脂肪肝较单纯丙肝患者高(P=0.0021);丙肝合并肝硬化较丙肝合并重度脂肪肝患者亦有升高(P=0.0481)。SREBP-2各组间均无统计学差异,P值均大于0.05(单纯丙肝患者与正常人P=0.3744,丙肝合并重度脂肪肝与单纯丙肝患者P=0.1380,丙肝合并肝硬化与丙肝合并重度脂肪肝患者P=0.2911,丙肝合并重度脂肪肝患者与正常人P=0.0831,丙肝合并肝硬化患者与正常人P=0.0620,单纯丙肝与丙肝合并肝硬化患者P=0.1329)。见图1。
2.2 各组间血清中Sirtuin-1、SREBP蛋白表达水平比较
2.3 Sirtuin-1、SREBP在丙肝合并重度脂肪肝与肝硬化两组患者肝组织中的变化
对丙肝合并重度脂肪肝及丙肝合并肝硬化两组患者进行肝穿刺活检,所取组织为肝脏结节样组织,且经病理证实(封三图2)。所取组织分别提取RNA及总蛋白,进行Real-time qPCR及Western Blotting检测。结果发现Sirtuin-1基因的转录水平,丙肝合并肝硬化患者显著低于丙肝合并重度脂肪肝患者,差异有统计学意义(P=0.0013);Sirtuin-1蛋白表达水平亦有差异,丙肝合并肝硬化患者更低(P=0.0001)。SREBP-1c基因转录水平及蛋白表达水平,丙肝合并肝硬化患者均高于丙肝合并重度脂肪肝患者(P值分别为0.0201和0.0083)。两组间SREBP-2基因转录及蛋白表达均无统计学差异(P值分别为0.0716和0.1905)。
Sirtuin广泛分布于机体成熟组织、胚胎早期组织及生殖细胞之中。在胎儿和成人的脑组织、肾、心脏、骨骼肌及睾丸中分布尤为多[27]。7个型中Sirtuin-1型研究的最为透彻。有研究表明,Sirtuin-1蛋白可去乙酰化叉头蛋白盒转录因子1(FOXO1,forkhead-box transcription factors 1),抑制氧化应激过程,减少细胞损伤[29]。甚至还可以通过与解耦联蛋白2(UCP2,uncoupling protein 2)基因启动子结合,抑制 UCP2 表达,来调节胰岛素的分泌,间接调节糖、脂代谢。另一方面,它还能保护延长细胞寿命和促进细胞存活的功能[30],但机制尚不明确。而有细胞学试验报道,Sirtuin-1激动剂白藜芦醇能降低转化生长因子TGF-β1的表达[31]。而TGF-β1则能引起诸如人四型胶原(ColⅣ),以及肝纤维化四项指标中的Ⅲ型前胶原氨基端肽(PⅢNP)、层粘连蛋白(HA)和透明质酸酶(LN)这些具代表性的肝纤维化指标表达量的增加[32]。
本試验发现,随着丙型肝炎病程的加重,发展至脂肪肝,甚至肝硬化期间,患者血液中及肝脏中Sirtuin-1、SREBP-1c的含量有着显著的变化。HCV有可能通过下调Sirtuin-1、上调SREBP-1c来加重肝细胞的脂质化及肝硬化的程度,而SREBP-2在正常人、丙肝患者、丙肝重度脂肪肝及丙肝后肝硬化的患者中均一致。脂肪肝被认为是肝硬化独立的诱发因素[36],而Sirtuin-1及SREBP-1c在本试验中被验证与脂肪肝的严重程度相关,增加Sirtuin-1的表达及控制SREBP-1c的增加可延缓脂肪肝及肝硬化的进程,但肝硬化与此两种基因的相关性则未见文献报道。有文献报道,SREBP-1c可维持肝脏脂代谢内环境的稳定,其适度升高有利于缓解肝脏的脂毒性,然而,SREBP-1c 的持续增高则引起脂质过度堆积[37]。本试验的样本量偏小,未发现上述SREBP与脂肪肝的关系。Sirtuin-1及SREBP-1c的变化趋势可预测丙肝患者的严重程度,但具体的生物学机制仍需进一步研究,将其应用到临床是否经济可行,也有待进一步的推广。
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