Module 10Units 3—4 综合检测

2018-02-18 01:30石勇
中学课程辅导·高考版 2018年12期



1. Many people have heard of the ‘brain drain. This is  happens  people with good skills and a good education move to other country for study or work, often at great expense to their home countries.

A. which; whenB. what; that

C. what; whenD. why; when

2. The female driver was criticized online after being beaten up for  lane changes.

A. abruptB. offensive

C. accidentalD. slight

3. Alcohol can damage the liver and do great harm if  in large numbers.

A. being consumedB. consumed

C. to consumedD. consuming

4. The suggestions deserve support as the needs of children should be given  to.

A. priorityB. preference

C. privilegeD. promotion

5. Finally, drug users find themselves  in a prison  they cant escape.

A. being trapped; where

B. trapping; from where

C. trapped; from which

D. trapping; which

6. He has made a discovery,  of great importance to the progress of science and technology.

A. I think which isB. which I think is

C. which I think itD. which I think it is

7. Why dont you turn to John for help? It is he,I,  at computer.

A. more than; who amB. less than; who is

C. other than; that amD. rather than; that is

8. He believes that education as well as medical treatment  the key to stopping the disease in the future.

A. isB. are

C. has beenD. have been

9. Scholars from the University of Kansas published the results of a decadelong study recently, suggesting that sending children to “preschool” at the age of 6 comes too late to  for educational drawbacks at home.

A. compensateB. answer

C. accountD. allow

10. The media can actually play a positive role in  consumer issues in some new areas, such as ecommerce and online finance services, which arent fully covered by current laws.

A. adjustingB. announcing

C. addressingD. acknowledging

11.  to what many people think, HIV can not be spread through mosquitoes, a cough or by merely touching someone with Aids.

A. ObjectiveB. Opposite

C. ContraryD. Contradictory

12. He did not  easily, but was willing to accept any constructive advice for a worthy cause.

A. approachB. wrestle

C. communicateD. compromise

13.  losing ones parents to this disease seems terrible and unfair, Ajani and his sister are fortunate. Their mother  prescription Aids medicine when she was pregnant, they didnt get HIV from her.

A. Despite; have access to

B. While; have access to

C. Despite; have access for

D. While; have access for

14. Most companies have been unwilling to report cases of cybercrime. They fear that by doing so, they will lose customers, who may think that the company can not protect their  information or their money.

A. controversialB. contradictory

C. confidentialD. conservative

15. —It would be so cool if I can win this contest. I dont think Im good enough, though.

—! Youll never know.

A. By no meansB. Give it a shot

C. You betD. Forget it


Every week or so I buy a fresh bouquet of flowers for my wife, I dont smoke or have any similar habits on which I need to 16 money, I decided I would put my money to the very good use by bringing 17 of beauty to the one who brings beauty into my world.

Just yesterday I 18 by the florists shop down the street and for the first time discovered the rock tree. The tree doesnt 19 rocks, although jokingly I told the florist I 20 knew until now where rocks came from.

The approximately sixfoot tall tree had 21 hanging on four branches. Each was placed at four points as if to 22 balance. In fact the woman told me that that is 23 what it does—creates balance. She read about it in an oriental book.

The tree was planted there 24 it died. It seemed to have little chance to 25 there. The book said that 26 balancing the tree and weighting it down, it would have a better chance of survival.

In recent months, I have discovered the same principle also 27 to our lives. Often at times the reason why we 28 in achieving our goals and dreams is that our lives are not balanced properly. Its 29 when you are considered as the person who works too much, everything else including marriage and family life will 30.

In my mind, the four corners of a balanced, 31 life are as follows: spiritual, family, personal and professional. They are in fact in order of 32. Just like the tree, when we learn to balance our lives our roots grow 33. We open ourselves to the nourishment(營养) that 34 a balanced life and the fruits of our efforts are abundant in all tour areas. Strong 35 help us to stand tall against the most destructive storms.

16. A. saveB. spend

C. wasteD. make

17. A. somethingB. nothing

C. anythingD. everything

18. A. wanderedB. arrived

C. leftD. stopped

19. A. bringB. grow

C. becomeD. like

20. A. alwaysB. often

C. alreadyD. never

21. A. rocksB. leaves

C. notesD. branches

22. A. findB. enjoy

C. createD. lose

23. A. finallyB. exactly

C. luckilyD. slowly

24. A. whenB. after

C. untilD. before

25. A. playB. work

C. surviveD. rise

26. A. byB. in

C. withD. on

27. A. contributesB. applies

C. subscribesD. leads

28. A. waitB. regret

C. stayD. fail

29. A. apparentB. impossible

C. strangeD. special

30. A. happenB. change

C. sufferD. appear

31. A. richB. successful

C. hardD. common

32. A. safetyB. difficulty

C. interestD. importance

33. A. strongerB. thinner

C. higherD. farther

34. A. includesB. protects

C. providesD. prevents

35. A. windsB. roots

C. treesD. wishes



My 18monthold son, Adam, called from the front door. “Look, Mama! Doggie!” I dropped what I was doing and stuck my head out of the door. Brandy, our nextdoor neighbors 11yearold dog, was over again. “Go away!” I shouted.

Brandys owner had died about a month earlier. The womans family had emptied the house and stuck a “For Sale” sign in the front yard, but the family had left old Brandy behind. For weeks, shed been wandering around the neighborhood.

It wasnt that I disliked dogs or anything like that. I just didnt think about them very much. I never had a dog growing up and had never thought to get one.

Brandy went away and I stayed outside with Adam. Then the phone rang. I went inside to take the call. When I came back, Adam was gone. I searched the yard, front and back, then the basketball court and public pool. No trace of him. I was so nervous that I ran home and called the police, then my husband.

Police searched the neighborhood. Suddenly I heard another sound: a dog barking. “Its coming from the woods.” one of my neighbors said. We followed the barking to a wooded cliff. There we found my son, and he was just inches away from the edges of the cliff, fast asleep.

Brandy was beside him, leaning against him to keep him away from the edge. When I picked Adam up, Brandy sank down on her side, breathing quickly. She must have been holding Adam there for hours!

I thanked the police and brought Adam and Brandy back to our house. She hesitated a moment on our doorstep, no doubt remembering the time Id driven her away.

“Come on, girl.” I said. “This is your home now.” Brandy stepped in, and once she saw she was really welcome, she relaxed and lay down on the floor just inside the door. Shed done a great thing, and I wondered if she knew it. Shed certainly touched me in a way that no animal ever had.

What a pity a dog like Brandy had been left behind!

36. What did the woman do when she first saw Brandy?

A. She drove her away.

B. She gave her some food.

C. She took her home.

D. She said thank you to her.

37. How were they able to be aware that the womans son was near the cliff?

A. By searching the neighborhood.

B. By hearing her sons crying.

C. By following a dogs footsteps.

D. By hearing a dog barking.


Thousands of taxi drivers in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, reportedly blocked streets with their vehicles on Sunday in protest against unlicensed vehicles using taxihiring apps (打車软件) and appsbased car rental companies providing passenger services, including highend cars. Although the drivers also complained about the withdrawal of the fuel subsidy(补贴) by the government, their main complaint was the loss of business because of the rising number of Internetbased car services companies.

On Wednesday, news reports came that Beijing transport authorities will take measures to stop the illegal “taxi business” of private cars through the newly rising Internet apps, following the footsteps of Shenyang and Nanjing.

It is not yet clear how the Shenyang city government will handle the issue and whether it will declare the services offered by market leaders such as Didi Dache, a taxihiring app provider backed by Tencent Holdings, and Kuaidi Dache illegal. But Shanghai transport regulators have set a rule, by banning Didi Zhuanche, or car services offered by Didi Dache in December.

Such regulations will cause a setback to the carhiring companies and investors that are waiting to cash in on the potentially booming business. Just last month, Didi Dache got $700 million in funding from global investors, including Singapore state investment company Temasek Holdings, Russian investment company DST Global and Tencent. Besides, the market is uncertain that Kuaidi Dache is about to finalize its latest round of funding after getting $800 million from global investors.

Regulatory uncertainties, however, could cast a shadow on the future of the Internetbased carhiring services, which have become popular in most of Chinas big cities. To be fair, these companies business model is anything but bad. For example, Didi Zhuanche works side by side with established car rental companies to provide highend car service mainly for business people through the Internet and mobile phone apps.

Every link in this business model chain has legal companies and services. Therefore, it is hard to define it as illegal and ban it.

38. Why did taxi drivers in Shenyang block the streets with their vehicles?

A. Because they wanted the authority to increase their driving allowances.

B. Because they wanted to be taught how to use the taxihiring apps.

C. Because they wanted to appeal to passengers not to hire the private cars.

D. Because they wanted to make their main complaints known to the authority.

39. The authors attitude to banning internet carhiring service is .

A. positiveB. negative

C. neutralD. unclear

40. We can learn from the passage that .

A. Shenyang forbade appsbased car rental companies

B. Shanghai is the second city banning Didi Zhuanche

C. it is not difficult to picture the appsbased car rental companies illegal

D. some international investment companies have strong faith in the future of appsbased car rental companies


Engineers should embrace(接受) the arts, Sir John OReilly, a fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, argued in a lecture.

About 59% of engineering companies in the IETs 2014 survey feared skill shortages could threaten business.

“There is nothing as creative as engineering,” Sir John told the reporter. He says science, technology, engineering and mathematics—often known as “Stem” subjects, are vital for a modern knowledge economy. But there is a massive shortfall in the number of recruits(招聘)—with a recent study by the Royal Academy of Engineering saying the UK needs to increase by as much as 50% the number of Stem graduates it produces.

Delivering this years Mountbatten Lecture at the Royal Institution, Sir John argued that engineers should recognise the role of the arts in their work—among other benefits; this could attract more people into the profession. The lecture, Full Steam Ahead for Growth, advocated a wider adoption—Steam, or science, technology, engineering, arts and maths. Engineers should embrace the arts as being key to creativity and an important component of innovation(創新), important to creating new products and boosting future competitiveness, he argued. “Engineering and technology is an increasingly diverse and creative field,” said Sir John.

Some university engineering departments already cooperated with art schools to develop understanding, he told the reporter. In particular he mentioned Cranfield Universitys Centre for Creative Competitive Design and Imperial Colleges work with the Royal College of Art. The two sets of people could work well together and more emphasis on the creative side of engineering could improve the success of products, he said.

“Aesthetics(美学) is part of it,” he told the reporter, adding that Apples iPod was not the first digital media player, nor the only one that worked—but it came to dominate the market “because it was nice to have”.

Sir John said he was not suggesting universities started requiring Alevel art from engineering applicants—the key subjects for admission would continue to be maths and the sciences. But an emphasis on creative skills would help “broaden the pool and attract more people in”.

41. According to a recent study by the Royal Academy .

A. skill shortages could threaten business

B. engineering graduates are not as creative as expected

C. there are not enough arts graduates produced in the UK.

D. the UK needs more graduates in science, technology, engineering and mathematics

42. According to the lecture Full Steam Ahead for Growth, .

A. engineers should cooperate with arts majors

B. accepting the arts could attract more people into engineering

C. engineers should realize arts play the most important part in their work

D. engineering and technology is as diverse and creative as before

43. By giving the example of Apples iPod, Sir John intends to .

A. stress the importance of arts

B. stress the importance of marketing

C. stress the importance of communication

D. stress the importance of science and technology

44. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Lack of creativity makes it difficult for the engineering major to find a satisfactory job.

B. The key subjects for engineering majors remain to be maths and the sciences rather than arts.

C. University engineering departments should cooperate with art schools to improve the success of products.

D. Engineering needs to emphasize its creative side to encourage more young people to choose it as a career.


One day one of my selfproclaimed(自稱的) Month of Gratitude, my fiveyearold son woke up “bored” at 5:15 a.m., I spied a speeding ticket in my wifes purse, and our water heater spluttered to its death as I was getting into the shower. Ordinarily, I would have started complaining and the day would have been off to an ugly start. But this day was different. How cute my childs dimples (酒窝) are. How fetching my wifes taste for adventure. Only 29 days to go.

Just a week earlier, as I struggled with the feeling that Id been put on this earth to load and unload the dishwasher, Id decided it was time to end my reflexive complaining. But it wasnt simply the little things that were annoying me. All of a sudden, my friends were dealing with bad news—cancer diagnoses, divorce, job loss. Shouldnt I be celebrating my relative good fortune?

Id heard about the feelgood benefits of a gratitude attitude. Hoping for tips, I called professor Emmons, who pioneered research on the benefits of positive thinking. Emmons quoted new studies that indicated that even pretending to be thankful raises levels of the chemicals associated with pleasure and contentment. He recommended keeping a log of everything Im grateful for in a given week or month.

I followed his suggestions, but my first attempts at keeping a gratitude list were pretty weak: coffee, naps, caffeine in general. As my list grew, I found more uplift: freshly picked blueberries; the Beatles White Album; that Im not bald.

By day three, I was on a tear, thanking every grocery bagger and parent on the playground like Id just won an Oscar and hanging Postit notes to remind myself of the next days thankyou targets: the mailman, my sons math teacher. But soon, the fullon approach started to burn me out.

Researchers call it the Pledge of Allegiance(效忠誓言) effect. “If you overdo gratitude, it loses its meaning or, worse, becomes a chore,” professor Emmons told me when I mentioned my low spirits. Be selective, he advised, and focus on thanking the unsung heroes in your life.

Then professor Emmons suggested a “gratitude visit.” Think of a person who has made a major difference in your life and whom youve never properly thanked. Compose a detailed letter to him or her that expresses your appreciation in concrete terms, then read it aloud, facetoface.

I immediately flashed on Miss Riggi, my eighthgrade English teacher. She was the first one to open my eyes to Hemingway, Faulkner, and other literary giants. To this day, I am guided by her advice (“Never be boring”). I booked plane tickets to my hometown, Scranton, Pennsylvania.

Miss Riggi was shorter than I remember, though unmistakable with her still long, black hair and bright, intelligent eyes. After a slightly awkward hug and small talk, we settled in. I took a deep breath and read.

“I want to thank you in person for the impact youve had on my life,” I began. “Nearly 30 years ago, you introduced my eighthgrade class to the wonders of the written word. Your passion for stories and characters and your enthusiasm for words made me realize there was a world out there that made sense to me.” And whether it was Miss Riggis enormous smile when I finished the letter, or the way she held it close as we said goodbye, my feeling of peace and joy remained long after I returned home.

Since then, I have written several more gratitude letters, and my wife and I both summon our “training” when we feel saddened by life. The unpleasant matters are still there, but appreciation, Ive learned, has an echo—and its loud enough to drown out the complaints in a low tone of one man emptying the dishwasher.

45. The author didnt start complaining when he met with unpleasant experiences because .

A. he thought the day was different from before

B. it was one of his selfproclaimed day of Gratitude

C. his son became more cute and his wife more adventurous

D. he could manage these little unhappy things in life

46. According to the passage, what did Professor Emmons propose to have a gratitude attitude?

A. Making oneself appear to be grateful.

B. Keeping a detailed dairy.

C. Thinking positively in a given time.

D. Recording everything appreciated for a certain time.

47. According to the context, “gratitude visit” in Paragraph 6 refers to .

A. visiting someone with a detailed letter

B. calling on someone with an appreciated letter

C. seeing someone you owe gratitude to

D. seeing someone personally

48. The authors reunion with his English teacher, Miss Riggi, shows that .

A. the author was desperate to see his teacher

B. his teacher had great impact on him

C. his teacher still had a deep impression of the author

D. the author wanted to testify the professors proposal

49. The last paragraph shows that .

A. professor Emmons suggestions were effective to the author

B. professor Emmons suggestions were unpractical to the author

C. the author and his wife learn how to show gratitude to others

D. professor Emmons suggestions were considered as unacceptable

50. Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?

A. How to pay a gratitude visit.

B. How to make matters differently.

C. How to be thankful and improve your life.

D. How to become an appreciated man.


Tourism broadens the thinking of the traveler and leads to culture contact between the hosts and guests from faroff places. This can benefit the locals, since tourists bring culture with them.

Tourism may help to preserve local customs, as when traditional shows, parades, celebration and festivals are put on for tourists. The musicals, plays and serious drama of London theatres and other kinds of nightlife are largely supported by tourists. Such events might disappear without the stimulus of tourism to maintain them.

On the other hand, tourism often contributes to the disappearance of local traditions and folk songs. Churches, temples and other similar places are treated as tourist attractions. This can be at the expense of their original function: how many tourists want to worship in the middle of a flow of atheist invaders (無神论侵犯者) ? Who would want to pray while curious onlookers walk back and forth with guide books, rather than prayer books in their hands?

Tourism may bring other indirect cultural consequences. Anxiety which already exists between ancient and more modern ways may be deepened by tourists ignorance of local customs and beliefs. Tourists, if not actually richer, often seem more welloff than natives. The former may therefore feel superior, leaving the latter embarrassed about their lifestyles. The result may be an inferior feeling which hardly helps the sense of identity which is so important to regional culture. The poverty of locality can look even worse when contrasted with the comfortable hotel environment where the average life expectancy is 75 years, may well cause anger in Sierra Leone, where the local population can expect to live to no more than 41 years. The relative prosperity (繁荣) of tourism may encourage crime. In Gambia, unemployed young people offer to act as guides in return for money. When the tourism season is over they can no longer get wages that way so that they turn to stealing from the locals. All this affects the local social life and culture badly.

Culture erosion (侵蚀) can also take place at more unnoticeable levels. Greek villagers traditionally prided themselves on their hospitality (好客). They would put up travelers for free, feeding them and listening to their stories. To take money would have been a disgrace. That has changed now. Tourists exist to be exploited. Perhaps this is hardly surprising if the earnings from one room rented to a tourist can exceed a teachers monthly salary.

TopicTourism VS Culture


Children in kindergarten are learning social skills. For this reason, its important to tell the children what will make them become good citizens when they grow up. Its up to parents, teachers and all others involved with a kid to teach these skills.

Teaching kids to pick up things by themselves is a good way to teach them not to throw things on the ground. For example, if a class has to make paper cutouts (剪下的图样), after cutting, have the children pick up the wastepaper and place it in the wastebasket.

The golden rule of good citizenship should be taught at this age. The rule is “One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself”. Teachers should ask their students how they want to be treated. There are many answers, such as not being treated in bad manners. The teacher should explain that others dont like to be scared, so you should not scare others either.

Following the laws is good citizenship. Proper games can be played in the classroom. Games have rules, and all students in the class should follow the rules of the games. If a child doesnt want to follow, it is up to the teacher to explain them to the child. Teaching children about following rules should help them understand the need to obey the law when they become adults.


1. 以约30个词概括这篇短文的内容要点;

2. 不少地方在创建文明城市。请以约120个词谈谈我们该如何成为文明市民。


(1) 你认为文明市民 (a civilized citizen) 应具备什么素质,列舉两三种文明行为;

(2) 作为中学生,谈谈你应如何从小事做起,为创建文明城市做贡献。


1. 可以使用实例来支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。


