Says CFO说

2018-01-29 10:39
首席财务官 2017年13期

PADORA A/S CFO, Peter Vekslund

I’m very engaged in recruiting and developing people. I believe this is about getting people with a skill set that is not just about technical competence, but also the right mindset. Another is being a role model, even in small details:showing up on time, calling in on time, responding to emails and questions and so on. When people start with a consultancy firm, within the first couple of months they go on consultancy training,looking at how to interact with a client, how to ask the right questions, how to say no. We do a similar training session with all controllers at our headquarters to help them interact with the organization.

Trivago CFO,Axel Hefer

I personally completely overestimated how much you can communicate during the roadshow. Trivago sounds like a simple product but the reason that we are all so excited about it and why we see so much opportunity are more complex than what you can explain in one meeting. It’s one step and then what really matters is that you’re transparent and you share with investors.

丹麦珠宝品牌Pandora(潘多拉)CFO Peter Vekslund表示,“我非常关心员工的招聘和培养。我相信这关系到能否使人们拥有一套技能,不仅是技术能力,而且是正确的心态。另一点是要在各个方面成为角色模范,即使是在一些细节方面:会面不迟到、准时打电话、回复电子邮件和提问等。进入咨询公司的员工在最初的几个月里,都会接受咨询培训,学习如何与客户互动,如何问正确的问题,如何说‘不’。我们在公司总部对所有主管人员也进行类似的培训,以帮助他们学习如何与组织互动。”

全球最大的酒店搜索引擎Trivago CFO Axel Hefer谈到IPO成功时的感受称,“我完全高估了路演过程中可以沟通的程度。Trivago听起来像是一件简单的产品,而事实上,之所以IPO成功让我们这么激动以及为什么我们看到这么多的机会,背后的复杂原因很难通过一次路演解释清楚。路演只是其中一步,真正重要的是公司的透明度,以及愿意与投资者进行分享。”

Manx Telecom CFO, Danny Bakhshi

Get good people around you. The technical aspects of the function are getting so wide that it’s hard for one person to be an expert in all aspects of it. Really work at the insight,” he adds. “Understand what the numbers tell you about a business and what you need to do, rather than just report the numbers. I think that is going to be absolutely critical over the next five years.”

ManxTelecom是一家位于英属曼岛的领先托管及通信解决方案提供商。作为CFO,Danny Bakhshi认为,对CFO来说,不断吸引人才是最重要的。“财务功能的技术范围正变得越来越大,任何一个人都不可能在所有方面成为专家。一定要深入研究财务,了解财务数字告诉的我们商业信息和你需要做什么。这在未来五年内是至关重要的。”

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