
2018-01-27 19:51干雪琴张文武王伊娜潘彬斌冯蕾
中国现代医生 2017年35期


[摘要] 目的 研究住院痴呆患者伴发谵妄的相关疾病特征,分析痴呆叠加谵妄的危险因素。 方法 研究对象为符合DSM-IV诊断标准的痴呆患者共165例,基线期分别以CDR、MMSE、NPI及ADL评估疾病严重度、认知功能、精神行为症状及功能,按住院8周内是否伴发谵妄,将患者分为无谵妄组和有谵妄组,比较两组疾病特征的差异,进行Logistic回归分析。 结果 老年痴呆患者合并谵妄的比例为29.09%;痴呆患者发生谵妄的危险因素包括高龄、丧偶、血管性痴呆、总体疾病严重度及精神行为症状高评分。 结论 痴呆患者伴发谵妄的发生率较高,可针对相关危险因素进行预防和早期干预。

[关键词] 痴呆;谵妄;住院患者;危险因素

[中图分类号] R749.1+6 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2017)35-0072-03

[Abstract] Objective To investigate the characteristics of related diseases associated with delirium in hospitalized patients with dementia and to analyze the risk factors of dementia complicated with delirium. Methods A total of 165 patients with dementia who were in compliance with the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria were selected as the research subjects. At the baseline stage, the severity of disease, cognitive function, mental behavior symptoms and function were evaluated by CDR, MMSE, NPI and ADL. According to whether the patients were complicated with delirium 8 weeks after hospitalization, the patients were divided into non-delirium group and delirium group. The differences in disease characteristics between the two groups of were compared. Logistic regression analysis was performed. Results The proportion of patients with senile dementia complicated with delirium was 29.09%; risk factors for delirium in the patients with dementia include advanced age, being widowed, vascular dementia, overall disease severity and high score of mental behavior symptoms. Conclusion The incidence rate of patients with dementia complicated with delirium is high, and prevention and early intervention can be carried out pertaining to related risk factors.

[Key words] Dementia; Delirium; Hospitalized patients; Risk factors


1 对象与方法


选取2014年1月~2017年2月住我院老年精神科,符合美国精神障碍诊断和统计手册(第4版)(diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, fourth edition,DSM-IV)痴呆诊断标准[6]的患者165例,排除院前合并谵妄者。

1.2 方法

1.2.1 人口学资料 年龄、性别、婚姻状态及病前文化程度等一般资料。

1.2.2 痴呆临床特征 包括痴呆病程,类型分为阿尔茨海默病、血管性痴呆或混合性痴呆、帕金森病所致痴呆等,以临床痴呆评定量表(clinical dementia rating,CDR)评定痴呆严重程度,简易精神状态评定量表(mini-mental state examination,MMSE)评定患者认知功能,神经精神问卷(neuropsychiatric inventory,NPI)評定患者精神行为症状,日常生活能力指数量表(activities of daily living,ADL)评定患者的总体功能。

1.2.3谵妄诊断 住院8周内由病区副主任以上医师逐日查房,按DSM-IV诊断标准确诊是否合并谵妄,将痴呆患者分为无谵妄组及有谵妄组。endprint

1.3 统计学方法


2 结果

2.1 痴呆患者合并谵妄的发生率


2.2 两组一般资料及临床特征比较



2.3 痴呆患者发生谵妄的危险因素分析






痴呆的临床症状可分为认知功能下降、精神行为症状和日常生活能力下降,本研究分别以MMSE、NPI及ADL评估上述症状,结果发现两组间NPI及ADL有显著差异,而进入谵妄预测模型的仅为NPI高评分。以往研究发现谵妄可导致认知功能的下降[14],同时较多研究认为认知功能不良可预测老年患者在住院期间发生谵妄,如Zeng L等[15]报告 MMSE在24分以下是谵妄的危险因素,Davis DH等[16]报道MMSE每减1分,谵妄的风险增加5%,尚有研究[17]报道MMSE量表中定时、定向及视觉空间记忆检查有关条目的低评分能预测谵妄发作,但本研究未发现MMSE评分与谵妄的关系,考虑可能与不同样本对象有关,如血管性痴呆的特征为局灶性损害,如果卒中未累及到海马等记忆有关组织,在MMSE评分方面则不会有明显下降。NPI高评分表示患者有较多的精神行为症状,Landreville P等[18]研究报告痴呆患者中精神行为症状与谵妄的相关,与本研究结果一致,而Wharton T等[19]研究发现谵妄可以预测老年痴呆患者在住院期间的攻击行为,反面证明了两者之间有密切的关系,Abenga?觡a J等[20]的研究认为精神行为症状导致睡眠障碍和电解质紊乱等问题,间接地促使痴呆患者發生谵妄的易感性升高。



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Stanford A型主动脉夹层术后发生谵妄的治疗经验
“谵妄便是清醒者之梦”①——后人类时代的谵妄电影(delirium cinema)指南(上)