
2018-01-26 01:43刘丁睿
重庆与世界 2018年1期

□ 文 图/见习记者 刘丁睿










Thailand is rich in agricultural products and tourism resources such as fruits and rice, etc., Chongqing is famous for the advantageous industries such as electric vehicles and smart electronics.Moreover, with the normalization of seamless connection between China Railway Express (Chongqing) and the Chongqing-ASEAN Highway trucks, Chongqing and Thailand are complementary in economy and enjoy a broad space for cooperation.

On December 13, 2017, the 2nd meeting of the Working Group on Friendly Cooperation between China Chongqing and Thailand was held in Chongqing. Thailand is an important member of ASEAN. At this meeting, The Thai side invited Chongqing to participate in the construction of the EEC (Eastern Economic Corridor) in Thailand and the 4.0 development plan of Thailand so as to promote the mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation.

The meeting was co-chaired by Tang Wen, Deputy Director General of the Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government (hereinafter referred to as “Municipal Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office”), and Mrs. Phantipha Iamsudha Ekarohit, Consul General of Thailand Consulate General in Chengdu. Members of the two parties were from the Municipal Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, the Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, the Municipal Commission of Education, the Municipal Transportation Commission, the Municipal Commerce Commission, the Municipal Culture Commission, the Municipal Tourism Administration, the Port Office of Chongqing Municipality,the Customs and Chongqing Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau and the Thai Consulate General in Chengdu, the Investment Office of Thai Consulate General in Shanghai, the Customs Office of Thai Consulate General in Guangzhou, the East Asia Division of Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Chengdu Office of Tourism Bureau subordinate to Thai Ministry of Tourism and Sports and other relevant personnel.

At the meeting, the attendees reviewed on the exchanges and cooperation between Chongqing and Thailand since the 1st meeting of the Working Group on Friendly Cooperation between Chongqing China and Thailand held on September 1, 2014.Chongqing Municipality has established sister cities relations with Chiang Mai Province and Bangkok and has made close exchanges

with the two places. In recent years, Thailand has become the largest destination for air travelers from Chongqing. And Chongqing has opened a total of 8 direct flights to Thailand and there are 1,500 Thai students studying in Chongqing at present.

According to the meeting, the Thai Consulate General in Chengdu has decided to approve three tourism companies in Chongqing to be registered in the Consulate General for the first time and allowed them to submit tourist visa applications on behalf of customers from Chongqing from September 25, 2017 so as to further promote contact between the two peoples.

During their stay in Chongqing, the delegation also went to Banan Highway Logistics Base, Jiangjin Shuangfu International Agricultural Trade City, Taiji Group, and Fengsheng Environmental Education Base of Sanfeng Environmental Industry Group Co.,Ltd. for site visits and exchanges.

On the day of 12th, the delegation visited the China South City of Chongqing, B type Bonded Center of Nanpeng Road and the Jingdong Electrician Industrial Park accompanied by Zhang Chunping, Deputy District chief of Banan District. The two sides made in-depth exchanges and strengthened the cooperation between Chongqing ASEAN International Logistics Park and Thailand Logistics companies to increase the weekly regular trucks to and from Chongqing to Bangkok; On the day of 13th,the delegation visited the vegetable area, fruit area and Se-rich agricultural exhibition hall in the Agricultural Trade City with the companion of Zhang Guo, menser of the standing committee of Jiangjin District and Executive Vice District Chief, and negotiated to strengthen the trade with Thailand agricultural products; in Taiji Group, Bai Lixi, chairman of Taiji Group, and the delegation made discussion and exchanges together and discussed to help Taiji Group to promote sales in Thailand, as well as helping Thailand to introduce the related product medicine into China. At Fengsheng Environmental Education Base of Sanfeng Environmental Industry Group Co., Ltd., Tang Guohua, Deputy Party Secretary of Chongqing Sanfeng Environmental Industry Group Co., Ltd.,also the Vice-General Manager, accompanied the delegation in inspection and discussed how to strengthen the cooperation in thefield of generating electricity through garbage incineration.

Tr. by Li Hui

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