11月27日~30 日,以“智汇跨界新纺织”为主题的第十八届上海国际纺织工业展览会将在上海浦东新国际博览中心举办。目前本届展会已进入了最后的准备阶段,其规模如何?將呈现出哪些新亮点、新特色?有哪些看点?为此,本刊记者分别采访了展会主承办单位负责人——上海纺织技术服务展览有限公司总经理刘卫平、上海市国际展览有限公司副总裁卞国荣、香港雅式集团董事长朱裕伦。
The 18th International Exhibition on Textile Industry (ShanghaiTex 2017), themed on “Textile for Smarter Future”, is to be held in Shanghai New International Expo Center from November 27th to 30th, 2017. At present, the exhibition has entered into the final preparation stage. What is its scale? What new highlights and characteristics will be presented? Does it have any watching focus? For this purpose, the journalists of this magazine has interviewed the responsible persons of the organizers of the exhibition respectively, including Liu Weiping, General Manager of Shanghai Textile Technology Service & Exhibition Co., Ltd., Bian Guorong, Vice President of Shanghai International Exhibition Co., Ltd., and Zhu Yulun, President of Hong Kong Adsale Group.
刘卫平:本届展会规模为10万平方米,分为化纤和纺纱,针织和机织,染色、印花和后整理及纺织专配件和测试仪器专馆,其中还设立智能制造、绿色纺织、健康纺织和新技术专区,到目前为止已有来自全球20 多个国家和地区的1000 多家企业参展,这将是2017 年全球纺织机械最大的一次盛会。
上海国际纺织工业展览会从1984 年首届举办以来,始终致力于搭建一个纺织新装备、新技术、新理念的交流平台,为促进中国纺织业的发展尽一份力。近年来在中国纺织工业联合会、中国纺机协会和全国15 个省市的纺织协会关心支持下,展览会紧紧围绕纺织“十三五”规划的要求和上海纺织“科技与时尚”的发展理念求新求变,努力打造一个更贴近企业需求,更贴近市场变化的交流沟通平台。
刘卫平:2017 第十八届上海国际纺织工业展览会各项工作都在有序的推进中。本届展览会加大了新媒体的应用,利用新媒体进一步加强了对展览会和参展企业的介绍和宣传。同时也加强了与专业媒体的充分合作,目前已与全球15个国家和地区的100多家媒体展开合作,使第十八届上海国际纺织工业展览会的信息得到更广泛的传播。在专业观众组织方面更注重各纺织产业集群地的联络和宣传,让展览会的各项信息能更有效地传递到各个重要的地区和企业,另外在展览会的现场也会有不少新的做法和安排,让参展商和广大观众能有更好体验和更多的收获。
The greatest event of the global textile machinery in 2017
- An Interview of Liu Weiping, General Manager of Shanghai Textile Technology Service & Exhibition Co., Ltd.
China Textile: What is the scale of this exhibition? Compared with the previous exhibitions, what characteristics does it present?
Liu Weiping: The scale of this exhibition is 100,000 m2, which is divided into the exhibition halls of chemical fiber and spinning, knitting and weaving, dying, printing and finishing as well as the textile accessories and testing instruments, in which there are also the exclusive zones of intelligent manufacturing, green textile, healthy textile and new technology. At present, over 1,000 enterprises coming from more than 20 countries and regions throughout the world have decided to participate in the exhibition. It will be the greatest event of the textile machinery in 2017 in the whole world.endprint
Since the fist commencement of Shanghai International Textile Machinery Exhibition in 1984, it has been keeping on committing to build up a communication platform for the new equipment, new technology and new idea of the textile industry, so as to play a part in the development of the Chinese textile industry. In recent years, with the care and support of China National Textile and Apparel Council, China Textile Machinery Association and the textile associations in more than 15 provinces and cities throughout China, the exhibition kept on seeking for novelty and change embracing the requirements of the “13th Five-Year Program” on textile industry and the development philosophy of “science and fashion” of Shanghai textile, thus putting great efforts to forge a communication platform which is closer to the enterprises demands and the market changes.
China Textile: What is the present condition of the exhibition?
Liu Weiping: Various preparations of the 18th ShanghaiTex are all advancing in order. This exhi- bition has increased the application of new medias which are used for further introduction and publication of the exhibitors. Meanwhile, the cooperation with professional medias has also been enforced. At present, we have cooperated with over 100 medias in more than 15 countries and regions throughout the world, thus enabling that the information of the 18th ShanghaiTex will be better propagated. As to the aspect of organizing professional audiences, we pay special attentions to the contact and communication in various textile industrial clusters, so that the information of the exhibition will be able to be transferred to the important areas and enterprises effectively. Moreover, there are also not a few practices and arrangements at the exhibition site. We are sure that the exhibitors and vast audiences will have better experiences and more harvests.
工業4.0 智汇跨界新纺织
卞国荣:上海国际纺织工业展览会是中国首个自主举办的民族品牌纺织工业展。展会主承办单位密切结合时下热点,不断创新办展思路、拓展新的展览板块,力求打通纺织业全产业链。展会以前沿视角、多元形式为切入点,汇聚全球顶尖纺织机械,为中国纺织业的技术革新、合作交流、贸易往来构建专业性、权威性和前瞻性的展示平台。第十八届上海国际纺织工业展览会以“浦东新国际·智汇跨界新纺织”为主题,立足浦东、面向国际,在巩固传统纺织产业的同时,利用智能制造等创新技术,构建新的跨界板块,以打破纺织业当前困局、展望智能化未来。除了印花/染色/后整理机械及纺织化学品、数码印花机械、纺纱及产业用布机械、针织及织袜机械、织造机械、纺织机械零配件六大传统专区外,全新亮相的智能制造专区、C2M 智能工厂体验区、供电及电动力技术专区、运动纺织品技术、牛仔的绿色新天地,将让观众领略到纺织业未来技术和发展趋势。同时,在展会首日我们还将举办“2017 国际纺织智能制造高峰论坛”。中国纺织工业联合会领导将出席本次高峰论坛并发表主旨演讲;来自纺织高等院校的专家教授、纺织机械标杆企业代表、机器人企业代表,也将围绕纺织产业的智能化生产进行交流,分享纺织企业效率提升和智能化管理经验,促进纺织产业结构调整和转型升级。endprint
Industry 4.0 Textile for Smarter Future
- An Interview of Bian Guorong, Vice President of Shanghai International Exhibition Co.,Ltd.
Bian Guorong: ShanghaiTex is the first national brand textile industry exhibition held by China autonomously. The main organizers of the exhibition integrate the present hot spots and keep on innovating the holding idea and expanding new exhibition sections, thus striving to getting through the global industrial chain of the textile industry. The exhibitions regarded the frontier viewing perspective and multiply style as the entry point, so as to gather the top textile machines throughout the world, thus constructing a professional, authoritative and prospective exhibition platform for the technical innovation, co-operation and exchange, business trade of the Chinese textile industry. ShanghaiTex 2017, themed on “Textile for Smarter Future”, keeps a foothold in Pudong and looks forward to the international market. In consolidating the traditional textile industry, intelligent manufacturing and other creative technologies to construct new trans-boundary plates, so as to break the present predicament of the textile industry and look into the intelligent future.
In addition to the six traditional zones which are respectively the dyeing, printing, and finishing machinery and textile chemicals, digital printing machinery, spinning and techtextile machinery, knitting and hosiery machinery, weaving machinery, and spare parts and accessories for textile machinery, the brand new intelligent manufacturing area, C2M Smart Factory Experience Zone, power supply and electrodynamic force technical area, spots textile technology, new green zone for denim are also presented, so that the visitors will be able to appreciate the future technology and development tendency of the textile industry.
Moreover, on the first day of the exhibition, we will hold “2017 International Textile Intelligent Manufacturing Summit”. The leaders of China National Textile and Apparel Council will attend the summit and make keynote speeches. The professors from textile institutions of higher learning, representatives of the textile machinery benchmarking enterprises and representatives of robot enterprises will also communicate on the intelligent manufacturing of the textile industry to share their experiences on improving the efficiency of the textile enterprises and intelligent management, so as to promote the structural regulation as well as the transformation and upgrading of the textile industry.endprint
China Textile: Does the exhibition make any improvement and promotion on the service?
Bian Guorong: Under the background of the gradual dilution of the trading function of the exhibition, ShanghaiTex 2017 insists on being established on the road of independent innovation, so as to establish solid market status and brand strength in the industry and keep on expanding the formats of foreign trade. In addition to the technological means such as“big data cloud marketing system” which was put into use in the last exhibition and won good publication effect, the undertaking units of the exhibitions also grip the market demand to visit the associations of the textile and relevant industries in various provinces and cities as well as the industrial clusters for several times, so that they can communicate and exchange with the enterprises directly to extract and comprehend their manufacturing and trade demands. The enterprises are invited to come to the exhibition for visit and procurement. Moreover, we still establish the long-term communication and contact mechanism with the consul organizations of various countries residing in Shanghai. With this opportunity, we grasp the development chances of “The Belt and Road” to increase the business trade with enterprises of various countries, invite the relevant enterprises and units to the exhibition to expand overseas markets as well as seek for new business opportunities.
Meanwhile, in order to enhance the intellectual property protection of the exhibition and maintain the rights and interests of the exhibitors, ShanghaiTex 2017 will continue to set the intellectual property infringement consultation office, where the relevant departments are invited to reside to protect the consultations on the intellectual property for the exhibitors and audiences and deal with the complaints and disputes on the intellectual property. In addition, in order to improve the visiting experience of the vast audiences and advocate green exhibition, ShanghaiTex 2017 will adopt the WeChat online registration to simplify the registration procedure. The organizers suggest that the domestic and overseas visitors should make registration in advance and exchange for the free chest cards at the green registration passage on site, so that they will be able to enter into the hall to visit quickly.
朱裕伦:作为一个行业大展,ShanghaiTex所聚焦的纺织科技、应用能引领出行业最前沿的变化趋势,我们希望把纺织业当下最火热的话题透过一些具针对性的同期活动,比如把专业论坛、展示活动、商贸配对等带到镁光灯之下,把展会塑造成一个汇聚国际纺织行业智慧、充满新点子的交流平台。 本届的同期活动主设有三大主题:“智能生产”、“运动用品科技”及“环保牛仔科技”。针对“智能生产”,我们将邀请海内外智造专家现场举行“纺织工业4.0 论坛”,呈献如何利用智慧化科技在生产的各个环节进行数据化和智能化逐步提升。另外,我们将会和酷特智能合作,在E1馆的“智能工厂及C2M体验区”展出红领集团移动定制体验中心“魔幻大巴”,让观众当场体验3D量身和大规模定制风潮下的服装生产科技。运动用品科技方面,设立在W1馆的“运动科技竞技场”将横跨三大热点:运动文胸、可穿戴科技和跑鞋科技。同时,一系列相关的专业论坛、比赛、专题展示和精彩表演将活力上演,世界最大的3D打印供应商之一比利时玛瑞斯公司(Materialise)更将于现场展示分享最新3D打印在跑鞋设计的最新动向,探索运动市场带来的创新、高附加值的纺织和跨界创新科技。针对牛仔环保科技,设在E1馆的“牛仔的绿色新天地”将汇聚牛仔行业领军企业,展示牛仔新技术,包括:染料、助剂、纺织品化学;牛仔后整理设备;以及激光加工、剪裁设备等,新设牛仔展區获得著名展商大力支持。专区内更将举办“品读牛仔”论坛,针对牛仔的最新环保科技、设计、市场等未来趋势作出探讨,共同开启牛仔的绿色之旅。endprint
朱裕伦:为了增加本年展会宣传的广泛性和影响力,我们在展前制定了一个展商代言的推广计划。除了将推出展商微信邀请函,方便展商用微信邀请观众参观,我们还会亲身拜访11位纺织行业巨头的生产基地,与展商进行采访,一同针对工业4.0、行业趋势、高增长应用等热话进行深入探讨,各大展商更会分享公司的最新发展,并将预告在ShanghaiTex 现场展示的最新产品。
Three main themes concentrated in the same event
- An Interview of Zhu Yulun, President of Hong Kong Adsale Group
China Textile: What seminars and activities are deserved to be concentrated in the exhibition?
Zhu Yulun: As a big exhibition in the industry, the textile technology and application focused by ShanghaiTex can lead the most frontier variation tendency of the industry. We hope to bring the hottest topics in the present textile industry such as the professional forum, exhibition activity, commerce and business matching to the public through some specific activities of the same periods, thus moulding the exhibition into a communication platform gathering the intelligence and new ideas of the international textile industry. There are three main themes set for the activities of the same period, which are respectively: “Industry 4.0”, “Sports Technology”and “Green Denim Production”.
For “Industry 4.0”, we are going to invite smart manufacturing experts at home and abroad to hold “Textile Industry 4.0 Forum” to present how to use the intelligent technology to conduct digital and intelligent promotion in various steps of manufacturing. Furthermore, we will cooperate with Kutesmart to display the “magic bus” experiencing center which is customized by RED COLLAR GROUP in the “C2M Smart Factory Experience Zone” in E1 hall, where the visitors will experience the garment manufacturing technology in the trends of 3D tailoring and large-scale customization.
As to the “Sports Technology”, the “Sports Arena”set in W1 hall will stretch over three hot spots: sports bra, wearable technology and running shoes technology. Meanwhile, a series of relevant professional forums, competitions, specialized exhibitions and excellent performances will be performed. One of the biggest 3D printing suppliers in the world - Materialise company in Belgium will display and share the latest trend of 3D printing in designing the running shoes. It will explore the textile and trans-boundary innovation technologies with innovations and high added values brought by the sports market.
As for the “Green Denim Production”, the “New Green Denim” set in E1 hall will gather the leading enterprises in denim industry to display new technologies, including: dyestuff, auxiliaries, textile chemicals, denim finishing equipment, as well as laser processing, cutting device and so on. The newly established denim zone is supported vigorously by famous exhibitors. In addition, in this zone, the “Denim Appreciation Forum” will be held to discuss the latest environmental technologies, designs and markets as well as other tendencies of the jeans, thus starting the green journal of denim.
China Textile: Does the exhibition have any new measures in publication?
Zhu Yulun: In order to increase the universality and influence of the publication of this exhibition, we have enacted a promotion scheme represented by the exhibitors before the exhibition. In addition to the WeChat invitation letters for the exhibitors, which is convenient for the exhibitors to invite visitors through WeChat, we will also visit the manufacturing bases of 11 giants in the textile industry to interview the exhibitors and have deep discussion to industry 4.0, industry tendency, high growth application and other hot topics together. Moreover, various exhibitors will share the latest developments of the company and give a preview of their latest products to be exhibited in ShanghaiTex.endprint