
2018-01-09 21:33曲峻锋常浩廖飞赵智宏王巨
现代仪器与医疗 2017年5期

曲峻锋 常浩 廖飞 赵智宏 王巨

[摘 要] 目的:比较PET-CT术前检测食管癌(EC)、非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)淋巴结转移的准确度,观察其诊断EC、NSCLC淋巴结转移的临床价值。方法:43例EC患者及113例NSCLC患者术前1周接受PET-CT检查,以术后病理检查结果为金标准,计算并对比术前PET-CT诊断EC、NSCLC淋巴结转移的灵敏度、特异性及准确率,分析其临床参考价值。结果:43例EC患者共切取淋巴结350枚(188组),病理诊断检出59枚淋巴结转移(16.86%),113例NSCLC患者共切取淋巴结494枚(215组),病理诊断检出131枚淋巴结转移(26.52%)。术前PET-CT检测EC淋巴结转移的灵敏度、阴性预测值高于NSCLC,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),术前PET-CT检测EC、NSCLC淋巴结转移的特异性、准确率、阳性预测值比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:PET-CT术前检测EC、NSCLC淋巴结转移的参考价值均较高,且评估EC淋巴结转移的灵敏度更为理想。

[关键词] 正电子发射型计算机断层扫描;食管癌;非小细胞肺癌;淋巴结转移

中图分类号:R734.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-5200(2017)05-018-03


Comparative analysis on the test accuracy of PET-CT on esophagus cancer and non-small cell lung cancer QU Junfeng, CHANG Hao, LIAO Fei, ZHAO Zhihong, WANG Ju. (Department of Thoracic Surgery,First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, Harbin 150001, china)

[Abstract] Objective: The objective of this study was to compare the accuracy of PET-CT on EC and NSCLC lymphatic metastasis and observe its clinical value in diagnose these lymphatic metastasis. Methods: 43 cases of EC patients and 113 NSCLC patients were examined by means of PET-CT one week before operation. The pathological results were considered as the criteria to measure the accuracy. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the preoperative and postoperative PET-CT were calculated and compared. Results: Of 43 EC patients, 350 (188 groups) lymphatic gland were excised and the pathological results showed that 59 lymphatic metastasis occurred (16.86%); of 113 NSCLC patients, 494 (215 groups) lymphatic gland were excised and the pathological results showed that 131 lymphatic metastasis occurred (26.52%). The test accuracy and negative predictive value of PET-CT on EC before operation were higher than that on NSCLC, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The specificity, positive predicative value and the accuracy of PET-CT on EC and NSCLC were compared and the difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05). Conclusions: PET-CT has higher reference value in the test accuracy of EC and NSCLS lymphatic metastasis and the sensitivity on the evaluation of EC lymphatic metastasis is relatively ideal.

[Key words] position emission computed tomography; esophagus cancer; non-small cell lung cancer; lymphatic metastasis

食管癌(EC)是一種侵袭性极强的恶性肿瘤,居癌症相关病死率第6位,其5年生存率不足25%;非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)约占肺癌的75%~80%,患者5年生存率仅为15.6%[1]。术前淋巴结分期对确定手术方案具有重要意义 [2]。


1 资料与方法

1.1 研究对象


患者均于术前1周接受PET-CT检查,空腹6 h以上,明确空腹和(或)随机血糖浓度正常后,静脉注射2-氟-18-氟-2-脱氧-D-葡萄糖(18F-FDG),注射剂量3.7~5.5 MBq/kg,平卧1 h,排空膀胱,使用Gemini TF 16 PET-CT(荷兰飞利浦公司),自颅顶至大腿上1/3扫描(NSCLC)或颅顶至双侧肾脏下缘(EC),4 min/床位,共采集6个床位。将数据均传输至Xeleris工作站,经数据迭代重建后,获取冠状面、矢状面、横断面图像[5-6]。

1.2 研究方法


SPSS 18.0处理数据,χ2检验,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1 病理分期


2.2 淋巴结转移


2.3 诊断效能


3 讨论






参 考 文 献

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