
2018-01-09 00:54王韦韦朱存玺陈黎卿李兆东李金才
农业工程学报 2017年24期

王韦韦,朱存玺,陈黎卿,李兆东,黄 鑫,李金才


王韦韦,朱存玺,陈黎卿,李兆东,黄 鑫,李金才※

(安徽农业大学工学院,合肥 230036)

针对黄淮海麦玉轮作区小麦秸秆全量还田下苗床整备前存在多机具多次下田、生产成本高以及传统玉米免耕播种机在小麦秸秆全覆盖地作业时存在开沟壅堵、架种、晾种等问题,该文设计了一种基于“秸秆移位”防堵思路的主动式秸秆移位防堵装置。运用EDEM软件构建无支撑秸秆全覆盖土壤离散元模型,在秸秆-土壤-主动式防堵装置系统中进行秸秆移位虚拟仿真,设定了主动式秸秆移位防堵装置的刀轴驱动转速为500 r/min、回转半径为120 mm、刀盘幅宽为216 mm及刀齿入土深度为10 mm,利用仿真数据对秸秆扰动位移、清秸率进行分析,检验主动式秸秆移位防堵装置结构参数和运动参数设计的合理性。田间试验结果表明,安装主动式秸秆移位防堵装置的玉米免耕播种机的作业通过性稳定,改善种床环境,开沟壅堵次数为0次,秸秆清秸率为90.21%,相比仿真减少8.29个百分点。该研究可为小麦高留茬、秸秆全覆盖地的玉米免耕播种机的设计与推广提供参考。


0 引 言




1 总体结构与设计原理

1.1 总体结构


1.2 秸秆移位防堵装置设计原理


1.对偶立式刀片 2.旋转刀盘 3.旋转轴承

1.Dual vertical blade 2.Rotating cutter head 3.Rotary bearing


Note:vis forward operation velocity, m·s-1;is driving velocity of the cutter shaft, r·min-1.

图2 秸秆移位防堵装置结构示意图

Fig.2 Structural diagram of straw-removing anti-blocking device

2 秸秆移位防堵装置工作参数设计

2.1 刀刃运动轨迹分析








2.2 刀轴转速、回转半径、刀盘幅宽参数确定




从图4a可以看出π/2,则π/2,并将式(4) 代入式(6)并变换式(7)得



由方程式(11)可知,与成正比例关系,随着的减少而减少,从而秸秆扰动节距减小,由于覆盖秸秆属于无支撑多自由度群体,扰动节距越小,开沟器正前方作业行内的秸秆量越小。根据保护性耕作要求玉米播种时土壤扰动量越小,保墒效果越好,尽量确保主动式秸秆移位防堵装置刀刃不入土或浅入土。播种开沟实际垄形宽度为40~60 mm[17-19],侧位施肥法要求施肥开沟器与播种开沟器距离30~50 mm,为了同时保证播种和施肥开沟器的空间位置及开沟垄行宽度要求,故防堵装置回转半径取120 mm。结合农艺要求播种行距为600 mm,播种机作业速度取4 km/h。根据文献及对偶立式刀片安装刀盘的强度要求,系数不宜过小,故取1.5~1.8[20-23],则刀盘幅宽为216~240 mm,同时结合方程(4)、(11)可得速度比为2.9~3.5,则秸秆移位防堵装置刀轴转速为445~538 r/min。

3 离散元仿真分析

为了验证秸秆移位防堵装置结构参数和运动参数设计的合理性,运用离散元法进行主动式秸秆移位防堵装置作用下秸秆移位虚拟仿真试验。本文采用EDEM 2.6软件建立秸秆全覆盖土壤模型,为了能够准确地反映防堵装置移位秸秆的作业效果,首先需要确定离散元仿真参数。

3.1 离散元土壤接触模型与本征参数确定




F根据秸秆颗粒是否有粘聚力进行设定。试验区土壤为砂姜黑土,具有散粒体物料特性,颗粒表面黏附力较小,且具有一定的压缩性,因此本研究设定土壤颗粒塑性变形的Hysteretic Spring接触模型和添加一个法向黏聚力的Linear Cohesion接触模型。土壤本征参数经测量及多数研究者在离散元土壤模型相关文献[25-26]可得如表1。

表1 土壤参数和接触参数

3.2 离散元秸秆接触模型与本征参数确定

通过扫描电子显微镜及傅里叶红外光谱测定小麦秸秆是一种典型的多相、筛状、不连续、不均匀、各向异性的复合材料,故仿真小麦秸秆难度较大。至今未见有运用商业离散元软件建立全方位柔性体秸秆模型的相关研究[27-28],本文采用EDEM中软球模型建立秸秆颗粒模型,其中软球颗粒的法向力简化为弹簧k和阻尼器C,切向力简化为弹簧k、阻尼器c和滑动摩擦器。选用10个半径为6 mm、球心间隔为14 mm组成的长为140 mm的长线性模型作为秸秆颗粒,如图5所示,每1节是具有刚度和阻尼的空心圆柱体连接2个圆球颗粒形成的。仿真过程中所使用的防堵装置参数及秸秆颗粒之间的恢复系数、静摩擦因素、滚动摩擦因素参照文献[29-32],如表2所示。


表2 秸秆参数和接触参数

3.3 土壤-秸秆-防堵装置几何模型的建立

通过对土壤-秸秆-防堵装置系统相互接触模型及仿真参数的测定,建立2 400 mm(长)×800 mm(宽)× 200 mm(高)离散元秸秆全覆盖土壤模型,为了减少土壤表层仿真秸秆与实际对应的覆盖秸秆密度的误差,虚拟秸秆覆盖土槽0~150 mm深度的耕作层土壤颗粒为随机排列;150~200 mm深度的秸秆颗粒采用随机(孔隙率12.5%)排列;仿真共生成250 000个土壤颗粒和4 000个秸秆颗粒。防堵装置采用65 Mn钢加工,选用“L”型立式刀片,为了减少覆盖秸秆下耕作层的土壤扰动量,达到保墒的目的,主动式秸秆移位防堵装置刀齿入土深度设为10 mm。结合上述秸秆移位防堵装置参数分析,应用UG/NX软件创建不同参数的防堵装置几何仿真模型,并将几何仿真模型导入EDEM中。仿真开始前,防堵装置位于系统模型的一端,图6所示为土壤-秸秆-防堵装置系统模型。

图6 土壤-秸秆-防堵装置系统模型

3.4 结果分析与讨论

利用建立的秸秆全覆盖土壤离散元模型对主动式秸秆移位防堵装置进行仿真试验。根据2.2节运动方程求解及后期整机设计中换向器传动比选型要求,仿真设置中对刀轴转速进行取整为500 r/min、回转半径为120 mm、刀盘幅宽216 mm、刀齿入土深度为10 mm、前进速度为4 km/h。通过导出防堵装置刀刃切向力、秸秆位移量、秸秆作用力及移位效果等指标,验证秸秆移位防堵装置结构参数和运动参数设计的合理性。在保证秸秆移位仿真过程中秸秆颗粒运动的连续性的前提下,设定仿真时间步长为3.5×10-3s,仿真总时间为6.5 s。

3.4.1 秸秆微观运动

全覆盖无支撑秸秆颗粒随机排列在土壤颗粒表层,每一时刻秸秆所受刀齿的切向力的EDEM仿真结果可以用来研究扰动过程中秸秆的运动轨迹。首先分析余摆运动的刀齿在50 mm深的秸秆颗粒中扰动作业时所受切向力如图7所示,刀刃所受切向力随时间变化呈出不规律的上下浮动,其切向力平均值为5.8 N。

图7 50 mm深处刀刃所受切向力的时域曲线

为了更好地分析秸秆的运动轨迹,随机选取的3根秸秆颗粒(1号、2号、3号)在主动式秸秆移位防堵装置的扰动下运动,设定所有秸秆颗粒的初始位置为坐标原点,从图8a受力-时间曲线可以看出旋转刀刃的瞬间滑切扰动作用产生一个波峰力,随后秸秆颗粒移位脱离刀刃接触,作用力开始衰减至0左右,其中单根秸秆颗粒受力平均值为55.2×10-3N。从图8b位移-时间曲线图中可以看出秸秆位移在作用力0.2 s以后位移量瞬间突增,后来的飞溅运动靠自身的惯性,作用力消失后1.2 s左右,秸秆位移矢量值稳定在400~580 mm范围内,秸秆颗粒从作业行移位至苗床行间,符合农艺行要求。

图8 防堵装置作业秸秆颗粒的运动分析

3.4.2 秸秆移位效果

仿真过程中秸秆受防堵装置刀齿作用力发生运动,不考虑秸秆被切断的情况。由于仿真时间0~3.65 s内,没有前进运动,装置处于下降调整入土深度运动。3.65 s后防堵装置开始作前进和回转耦合运动,秸秆颗粒开始发生位置变化,对回转区域内的约1 200根秸秆颗粒进行位移追踪,同时对作业区初始位置秸秆颗粒数和仿真结束后该位置秸秆颗粒数进行统计,设定作业区内初始位置秸秆颗粒数与被移至的秸秆颗粒数比值百分数为秸秆清秸率,则仿真试验统计在回转区域内秸秆清秸率达98.5%,同时对无秸区行宽进行随机采样测量取平均值为245.5 mm,符合无秸区开沟施肥、播种要求,故秸秆移位防堵装置的机构参数和运动参数设计可行。如图9所示不同时刻秸秆移位追踪效果图,随着防堵装置扰动前进出现一片无秸秆区域。

图9 不同仿真时刻秸秆移位效果图

4 田间试验

4.1 试验条件

田间试验选定安徽省宿州市现代农业示范园安徽农业大学皖北试验站进行试验。主要考核麦秸秆粉碎全量还田,秸秆留茬高度40 mm、秸秆覆盖量均值为1.24 kg/m2下玉米免耕播种防堵技术试验。将主动式秸秆移位防堵装置安装在2BMY-4型玉米免耕播种机机架上,整机作业幅宽2 400mm,作业效率为0.56 hm2/h。使用功率55 kW拖拉机进行田间试验,其中拖拉机后输出最高转速为720 r/min,其中换向器传动比为0.9,实际田间试验时实测作业转速可达到秸秆移位防堵需要刀轴转速为500 r/min的条件,开沟器深度为150 mm,机具的前进速度4 km/h。

4.2 试验方法


根据农业行业标准《免耕播种机质量评价技术规范》[33](NY/T1768-2009)及农业部农机鉴定总站免耕播种机性能检测要求,按照正常的作业速度前进,观察机具在作业过程中能否正常作业,记录机具停下来清茬的次数,本试验采用往返作业300 m为一组,共记录5组。并与传统玉米免耕直播机进行对比。




4.3 试验对比结果与分析

4.3.1 通过性


图10 主动式秸秆移位防堵装置作业前后秸秆覆盖效果

4.3.2 秸秆清秸率

为了减少覆盖秸秆下耕作层的动土量,达到保墒的目的,主动式秸秆移位防堵装置刀齿入土深度为10 mm。表4测定结果表明:采用加装秸秆移位装置的免耕播种机,秸秆清秸率平均值为90.21%,相比仿真减小8.29个百分点。

表4 秸秆清秸率测定结果

5 结论与讨论


1)运用EDEM软件建立了土壤-秸秆-防堵装置系统模型,设定刀轴转速为500 r/min,回转半径为120 mm,刀盘幅宽为216 mm,秸秆移位玉米免耕播种机防堵装置刀齿入土深度为10 mm,通过分析秸秆微观运动和秸秆移位效果,检验了刀轴工作转速、回转半径和刀盘幅宽等参数设计的合理性。

2)田间试验表明,留茬高度40 cm、覆盖量1.24 kg/m2的小麦秸秆全覆盖田,使用主动式秸秆移位防堵装置的2BMY-4型玉米免耕播种机作业,未发生堵塞现象,通过性良好,秸秆平均清秸率90.21%,较仿真结果低8.29个百分点。


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Design and experiment of active straw-removing anti-blocking device for maize no-tillage planter

Wang Weiwei, Zhu Cunxi, Chen Liqing, Li Zhaodong, Huang Xin, Li Jincai※


Conventional farming methods with multiple operations by multiple types of machinery may lead to serious shallow soil hardening and cost increases for wheat-maize rotation cropping areas in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain of China. In addition, there are several technical problems for the traditional maize no-tillage planter when seeding in the fields covered by heavy wheat straw, 1) soil-buried parts of the no-tillage planter are easy to be blocked by the wheat straw, which cannot guarantee the smooth operation; 2) the seeds may be improperly planted on the top of wheat straw since the soil is totally covered by the wheat straw; 3) the germinated seeds cannot grow up normally as no soil covered, which result in production declines. In the current study, an active anti-blocking device was designed for the maize no-till planter for removing wheat straw that covered on the soil surface. During seeding in the field, the wheat straw that covered on the surface was disrupted and thrown into the air by the device and was transferred backward before it landed. Then, the planter would ditch, fertilize and seed in the cleaned field produced by the device. At the last, the smashed straw was evenly covered on the fields after planting. The structural parameters and motion parameters of the anti-blocking device were determined based on a simulation model built by the discrete element method (DEM). The model was composed of soil, full-coverage straw, and device, which can be used to simulate the process of removing the unsupported straw from the soil surface. The model and interaction system was established in EDEM 2.6 simulation environment, and their physical properties were calibrated with the real properties of lime concretion black soil and wheat straw. According to theoretical design to set simulation parameters, the radius of the cutter head was set to 120 mm, the driving speed of the cutter shaft was set to 500 r/min, and the depth of the cutting edge was set to 10 mm, the operating velocity of the active anti-blocking device was set to 4 km/h.The simulation experiment was used to analyze the displacement and the clearance rate of straw for selecting suitable structural parameters and motion parameters for design. The simulation results indicated that the tangential force of the cutting edge was irregularly fluctuating with time, and the average tangential force was 5.8 N; the straw clearance rate was 98.5% in the disrupted zone, the average width of the area without straw was 245.5 mm according to the random sampling, which was in accordance with the requirement of ditching, fertilizing, and seeding. The field experiment was carried out by a straw-removing maize no-tillage planter with the designed anti-blocking device mounted, for ditching, fertilizing and seeding, within a field covered by 1.24 kg/m2wheat straw with stubble height of 40 mm. The planter was hauled by a high-power tractor of over 55 kW with an operating velocity of 4 km/h and a working width of 2 400 mm, resulting in a pure productivity of more than 0.56 hm2/h. The field experiment and measurement results showed that the straw-removing no-tillage planter with an active anti-blocking device had a stable operation that can significantly improve the seeding environment. The number of clear straw was 0, the straw clearance rate was 90.21%, and reduced by 8.29 percentage points compared with the simulated value. This study illustrated that the maize no-tillage planter with active anti-blocking device was suitable for removing the covering straw, cleaning the seedbed, fertilizing, and covering the seedbed with wheat straw. Meanwhile, the research provides a reference for the design and extending of the no-tillage planter for the fields with full coverage of straw.

mechanization; design; computer simulation; straw-removing; discrete element method; straw-cover field; no-tillage seeding; active anti-blocking










王韦韦,朱存玺,陈黎卿,李兆东,黄 鑫,李金才. 玉米免耕播种机主动式秸秆移位防堵装置的设计与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(24):10-17. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.24.002 http://www.tcsae.org

Wang Weiwei, Zhu Cunxi, Chen Liqing, Li Zhaodong, Huang Xin, Li Jincai. Design and experiment of active straw-removing anti-blocking device for maize no-tillage planter[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(24): 10-17. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.24.002 http://www.tcsae.org
