Fantasy Films: Theory and Ideology奇幻电影的理论与思想

2018-01-06 03:35:21凯瑟琳福克斯杜磊审订肖维青
英语世界 2017年7期

文/凯瑟琳·A. 福克斯 译/杜磊 审订/肖维青

By Katherine A. Fowkes

Much that has been written about fantasy focuses on it as a literary genre, but it can be equally applied to cinema. Although it is common to classify fantasy texts by themes and motifs1motif母题,与theme主题相对。or by the extent to which storyworlds and events deviate from realistic representations, Tzvetan Todorov2茨维坦·托多罗夫(1939—2017),法国结构主义代表人物,批评家、符号学家。concentrates on theresponsegenerated by the “fantastic” events in the story. In this light, fantasy must be considered not justone“mode,” butthree, since it creates a continuum3continuum连续体。stretching from“the marvelous” to “the uncanny,”depending on the extent to which the characters and/or the reader experience feelings of awe and hesitation provoked by strange, improbable events. If the narrative’s impossibility can be explained rationally or psychologically(as a dream, hallucinations), then the term “uncanny” is applied. The purely “fantastic” comes into play only during the hesitation and uncertainty experienced by the characters and/or the reader/viewer when faced with an impossible occurrence. By contrast,the term “marvelous” is applied to selfcontained story worlds such as those ofThe Lord of the RingsorThe Dark Crystal(1982), which do not ask the reader or viewer to question the reality of the story.

[2]The Wizard of Ozdemonstrates all three modes operating within a single fantasy. Unlike films that propose an alternate, imaginary universe as the setting for the entire tale,The Wizard of Ozframes its fantasy world with the real world of Kansas, suggesting that Oz is only a fantasy of the imagination.In light of Todorov’s de finitions, we can see that upon first encountering Oz, both Dorothy and the audience are operating in a “fantastic” capacity. But wonder and disbelief eventually give way to“marvelous” acceptance, and Dorothy and the audience participate in the quest to find the wizard and ultimately kill the wicked witch. While Dorothy and the audience may continue to “marvel”at the strangeness of creatures and events in Oz, it is never suggested that Oz is not actually “real” until the end,when the dream explanation shifts our understanding of the events into the“uncanny” mode. Our prior willing suspension of disbelief only adds to the impact of the final scene, when the audience shares Dorothy’s consternation at being told it was all “only” a dream.

[3] As a psychological phenomenon,the term “fantasy” refers to our unconscious desires (dreams, daydreams,wishes). For this reason, Rosemary Jackson notes that fantasy stories are perhaps the type of fiction most amenable to4amenable to顺从于。psychoanalytic interpretations.Although Jackson applies her analysis only to fantasy literature, it can be easily extrapolated5extrapolate推断。to film. Drawing on Todorov’s de finition, Jackson argues that the fantastic is inherently subversive. By raising questions about reality and by revealing repressed dreams or wishes,fantasy makes explicit what society rejects or refuses to acknowledge.Indeed, to the extent that it includes the surreal and experimental, fantasy is oftenexplicitly6explicitly明显地。subversive. The original surrealists thought art should be shocking and politically progressive,and they intentionally disrupted7disrupt使中断,扰乱。those cinematic conventions that help create coherence and meaning for the viewer.But most mainstream fantasy films take care to adhere to the conventions of classical cinematic storytelling while constructing coherent space, time, and narrative causality. Nevertheless, horror differs from fantasy in this respect: it is a form of mainstream fantasy whose formulaic8formulaic公式化的。content is often examined for its subversive potential and for symptoms of a culture’s repressed desires.

much critical attention, other types of fantasy are often rejected as being merely“escapist”—a term generally associated with works of art that one is not supposed to take seriously. Most fantasy films are considered escapist because they temporarily transport viewers to impossible worlds and provide unrealistic solutions to problems. Even Jackson concedes that most fantasy is“marvelous” instead of truly “fantastic,”more a matter of wish fulfillment than of challenge. Indeed, referring toThe Lord of the Ringstrilogy from which the films were adapted, Jackson describes Tolkien’s fantasy as inherently conservative and nostalgic. With its magic, fantastical beings and clearcut delineations of good and evil,TheLord of the Ringspresents a compelling fantasy mirrored to some extent in theHarry Potterfilms. Many would argue thatHarry Potter, likeThe Lord of the Rings, uses imagination to uphold rather than to transcend traditional values.Both tend to reinforce a hierarchical9hierarchical等级制度的。world based in traditional notions of morality, gender, and heroism. Both rely on a sense of mystical destiny and grace that, while not explicitly religious in nature, exhibits the strong influence of a traditional Western and Christian perspective. Both series feature a reluctant and somewhat unlikely young hero, and both offer the audience an escape into a different world where difficult problems are solved through magic as well as old-fashioned courage and integrity. TheHarry Potterfilms differ fromThe Lord of the Ringstrilogy, however, in pitting the viewer’s own sense of “reality” against the magical world of wizards and witches.

[5] A psychoanalytic approach to fantasy must take into account not just the psychological underpinnings10underpinning基础。of the characters but the pleasure and appeal of the story for the viewer. The most successful fantasy films provide viewers with vicarious experiences that resonate with emotional, if not physical, reality.BothHarry PotterandThe Lord of the Ringsdemonstrate the appeal of fantasy as a vehicle for wish ful fillment through their glorification of magical (hence unrealistic) solutions to serious problems.The viewer lives vicariously11vicariously间接感受到地。through the characters of Frodo12弗罗多,《指环王》中的主要人物。and Harry, who strive to overcome the forces of evil. The psychological appeal of fantasy helps to explain the frequency of the Oedipal scenario in these types of narratives.For example,Star Warsfeatures a classic Oedipal struggle between Luke and his father. Superhero movies also construct appealing fantasy scenarios,often starring unlikely or reluctant male heroes reminiscent of Frodo and Harry.Superman(1978),Batman(1989), andSpider-Man(2002) were popular movies that featured “ordinary” protagonists whose unremarkable talents presumably resonate on some level with most viewers. This ordinaryness is revealed as a mere facade, however, masking the true superhuman powers of the character—another attractive problem-solving solution for consumers of fantasy.

[6] Similarly, many recent supernatural/ghost moviesalso deny the reality of death by magically bringing back beloved characters as ghosts, as inGhostandTruly Madly Deeply. A psychoanalytic interpretation of such fantasies, however, yields a more subtle interpretation. Whether or not such films are wish-fulfillment fantasies matters less than whether or not wishfulfillment fantasies are inherently conservative. There is certainly nothing subversive about a story in which a male character wishes to become more macho (as inSpider-Man), for such fantasies merely reinforce traditional Western ideas about masculinity, echoed in many of the fantasy films discussed here. But just because some fantasies are conservative does not necessarily mean that escapism is a worthless denial of reality and therefore of no cultural value. For example, recent melodramatic and comedy ghost films share a tendency to challenge traditional gender roles by creating passive and“emasculated13emasculate使……无男子气。” male characters(Ghost,Truly Madly Deeply,The Sixth Sense) who contrast sharply with the active male protagonists found in most Hollywood movies.

[7] Regardless of whether or not these and other fantasy films are truly subversive or politically liberating,many fantasy movies provide an interlude in which viewers are invited to entertain forbidden desires and other heretofore unimagined possibilities.Thus, to draw on Jean Laplanche and Jean-Bertrand Pontalis’s definition of fantasy as a psychological phenomenon,a fantasy film is thus literally the“mise-en-scène14of desire,” the setting whereby impossible desires may play out to their logical conclusions. ■









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