
2018-01-03 10:43建筑设计CRAB建筑事务所
世界建筑 2017年8期










1 外景/Exterior view







It is our experience that philosophical intentions and curricula have a habit of ebbing and flowing over time but should always be based around observable habits and needs.

Changes occur in response to world issues and new global challenges but sometimes the generators of change are more local – a change of personnel, for example. Hopefully they are the result of thoughtful extensions to the discipline of architecture – the entrenchment of a new way of teaching which reflects life outside.

Thus the material disposition of elements, spaces and mechanisms must be devised in such a way that future visions are not inhibited. A big, bland shed that could be subdivided by screens might be a response to such a view, but we believed strongly in the responsibility of architecture to identify – and by this identification – to stimulate.

Thus this building, the studios and other major spaces follow a clear system – but with deliberate idiosyncrasies – that can resonate with the users. We illustrate this delight in the "incidental" and the "episodic" by logging moments in the building's life, responding with devices such as the "scoops" and constantly drawing upon our long experience of architecture schools.

2 夜景/Exterior view at night

We play out our belief that – as well as identifiable "teaching" – the experience of a good school is made up of friendship, atmosphere, nuanced intriguedness and inspiration. So we devise a series of stages upon which this can all be played-out: which result in "platforms" "pockets" "corners" "eyries" and "escape runs".

3 入口/Entrance

4 内景/Interior views










There are built elements and territories that cry out to be appropriated by those who themselves will spend their lives responding to peoples' needs.

Forested Pads & Silent Scoops

Bond University's new Abedian School of Architecture might be experienced as varied and episodic journey.

Sheltered and determined to the north, the building is airy, effortless and free to the south.

The curvature of its spinal interior route establishes a new soft core for the North West Quadrant of the Campus – a core populated by the life of the school, by student experimentation, social gatherings, lectures, critics and weird happenings...

Leaving the existing spine pathway, the broad internal path dives underneath the nose of the quiet-study strip and proceeds past a series of "scoops".

Via its meandering internal "hill", the rise and fall of the building gently echoes the topography of its surroundings.

From this "street" the faculty's studios and large gathering spaces spread out onto a terraced deck – which itself melts into a re-vegetated hillside garden.

These "tectonic rafts" together with the central "spine", quieter study areas and dramatic "scoops" define the building's rocky core.

In welcome contrast a majority of the filtering "wraps" and "insertions" are of a softer, more translucent character.

We created a very ambient building, where the individual can really identify with the nature of his or her activity – thus the studio pads, scoops, decks and corners – though based on a clear hierarchy and system – have significant shifts of direction or variations of size.

These elements particularise – we hope, in a subtle and enjoyable way.

We wished to manipulate the surface of the building – sheltering it from direct northern light and filtering the southern light into the interior. Avoiding glare and overheating – without homogenising one's experience the interior.

5 内景/Interior views





6 灵活的公共空间/Flexible public spaces


虽然不可能完全消除建筑各个区域对传统机械空调的需求,但室内的围合体能给使用带来灵活性,而建筑的设计控制了所需的常规制冷量。□(尚晋 译)

We created instead, an idiosyncratic series of "lit places" and darker, more elemental pockets.

A multi-modal approach climate control

Our proposal is designed from the ground up to minimise undesirable solar gain within the building's thermal envelope.

Both the roof and façade systems anticipate the potential strength and direction of the Queensland summer sun. Together the orientation of the building's openings, with the sunhoods and column system of the facades succeed in mitigating a majority of the Sun's potentially excessive effects.

The building's orientation reduces the potential exposure of the north, east and west facing walls and windows. On these facades, each opening is sheltered from the strongest direct sunlight. Additional summer solar protection has been applied to all north facing windows. On the largest, west elevation external vertical columns and overhanging roof protect the studio areas from the harshest indirect summer sun.

We have also taken account of the prevailing winds during the development stage of our scheme. The building encircles the crown of the hill, turning its harder "back" to the colder south winds. Winds, whereas the north façade shelters a variety of window configurations that are screened from the sun by a series of metallic "eyebrows" that effectively create a art piece as well as a shielding system.

7 首层平面/Ground floor plan

8 二层平面/1st floor plan

9 三层平面/2nd floor plan1-线性展览空间/Linear gallery12-开放式办公室/Open plan office20-工作室/Atelier28-阅览室/Reading room2-位于凹处的评图空间/Critic space within scoop13-会议室/Meeting room21-会议室/Meeting room29-多功能用房/Utility room3.4-专家工作室 1/Masters studio 114-人员撤离/Staff withdrawal22-有厨房的接待套间/Reception suite Kitchen30-环境科学实验室/Environmental sciences labs 5-预科工作室/Foundation masters studio15-“黑盒子”演讲空间/"Black box" lecture space23-接待套间/Reception suite31-机械设备房/Plant room 6.7-本科生工作室 1/Undergraduate studio 116-学院储藏室/Department storage24-学生餐茶室/Student Tea/Coffee point32-入口坡道/Entrance ramp 8.9-本科生工作室 2/Undergraduate studio 217-设备室/Furniture storage25-讨论/Forum33-室外水泥地面/External concrete hardstand 10-研究生室/Post grad space18-卫生间/Toilet26-学生资料室/Student resource room 11-非对外办公室/Closed office19-咖啡吧/Faculty cafe/Bar27-教工资料室/Staff resource room

Internally, the main circulation areas along the internal "street" act as a thermal buffer and encourage the natural movement of air along the length of the building.

The building's construction also provides a higher degree of inertia against external temperature fluctuations than similar contemporary technologies. The thermal mass of the concrete "scoops" absorb heat when the surroundings are hotter than the mass, returning that warmth to the environment during the evening and at night when the surroundings are generally cooler.

Whilst it may not be possible to eliminate entirely the need for traditional mechanical airconditioning in all areas of the building, the differentiated internal envelope allows for flexibility in its application while the design of the building itself will limit the degree to which conventional cooling methods need be relied upon.□

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 邦德大学/Bond University

地点/Location: 昆士兰,澳大利亚/Queensland, Australia

主要团队/Primary team: Sir Peter Cook and Gavin Robotham, Mark Bagguley, Jenna Al-Ali, Ting-Na Chen, Lorene Faure, Yang Yu, Tim Culverhouse

结构/Structural/ Mechanical and Electrical/Acoustic Engineers: Arup Pty Ltd, Brisbane

总承包商及项目经理/General Contractor and Project Management: ADCO Constructions Pty Ltd, Gold Coast

10 草图/Sketches

混凝土墙模板/Concrete Scoop Wall Shuttering and Formwork: PERI GmbH, PERI Australia Pty Ltd.

玻璃幕墙/Glass Facade: G. James Glass & Aluminium Pty Ltd细木工及栏杆/Fitted Joinery Units and Ply Balustrades: Projects Queensland Pty Ltd.

家具/Loose Furniture: Deja Vu Creation, Hong Kong

机械设备/Mechanical Services: Coolco Air Conditioning Pty Ltd

金属栏杆/Metal Balustrades and Sunhoods: MJX Engineering

屋顶钢结构/Roof Steelwork: Widgee Engineering

造价/Budget: 16,200,000 AUD

面积/Area: 2500 m2

基地面积/Site Area: 9680 m2

建成时间/Completion: 2013

摄影/Photos: Peter Bennetts (fig. 1-5, 11), Rix Ryan Photography (fig. 6, 12-14)

线图/Drawings:CRAB Studio

11 内景/Interior views

12 内景/Interior views

13 内景/Interior views

Abedian School of Architecture at Bond University

Architect: Cook Robotham Architectural Bureau (CRAB Studio)

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