
2017-12-28 20:23张文军
考试周刊 2017年48期




一、 差比句型中否定意义的区别

1. He is not better than you.(否定前者肯定后者)

2. He is no better than you.(前后都否定)

3. He is not richer than you.(绝对意义)

4. He is less rich than you.(相对意义)

二、 表达被动意义或性状的其他一些结构

1. 以 -able或-ible等结尾的具有被动意义的形容词作表语时。例如:

1) The scene I witnessed the other day is unforgettable.

2) His proposal is acceptable.

3) The elements in the water is invisible.

2. 介词短语under加一些具有动作含义的抽象名词作表语时(相当于进行时的被动语态)。


1) The plan to build another science laboratory is under discussion.

2) A bridge connecting the two parts of the city is now under construction.

3) We cant drive there because the road is under repair.

4) The plane is under control and we are all safe now.

3. 以easy,difficult,hard,comfortable,possible等形容词作表语,后面接不定式to do构成的系表结构表达性状时(不定式不能用被动形式)。


1) The work is easy to finish in time.

2) His dream to be a scientist is possible to realize.

3) This armchair is comfortable to sit in.

4) Those apples on the tree are too high to reach.

4. 一些固定短语,如in (the) charge of,in (the)possession of等作表语时,不加定冠词表主动意义;加定冠词表被动意义。


1) He is in charge of the project.比较:The project is in the charge of him.

2) The welldressed woman is in possession of the factory.

比较:The factory is in the possession of the welldressed woman.

5. 有些动词,如sell,wash,read,write,cut等在表达某物的性状时,不能用被动结构。


1) His book sells well.

2) This kind of cloth washes easily.

3) His article doesnt read easily.

4) The ballpen writes smoothly.

5) The knife cuts well.

6. 某物作主语,谓语是need,want,require等表示“需要”的動词时,后面接动名词一般式的主动形态doing表示一般事物的性状,不表示动作,表示动作时要换成不定式的被动结构to be done。


1) My computer needs repairing.(=My computer needs to be repaired.)

2) The newlybuilt laboratory wants decorating.(=The newlybuilt laboratory wants to be decorated.)

7. 某物作主语,谓语动词是wont shut,wont start等的时候表示性状,不能用被动式。


1) The door wont shut.I dont know why.

2) He has tried many times but his car wont start,which makes him very worried.

三、 对照和区别以下由it引起的易混句型

1. It is important/our task that we should learn every subject well.(it为形式主语,真正的主语是that从句。类似的句型还有It is said/thought/believed/reported等加that从句。)

2. It was midnight/ 12 oclock when he came home.(it指时间,when引导时间状语从句,译为“他回到家时已经午夜时分/十二点了。”)

3. It was at midnight/at 12 oclock that he came home.(it是引导词,引起强调句,强调句中的时间状语at midnight/at 12 oclock,译为“他是午夜时分/十二点才回家的。”)

4. It is/has been 2 years since he came here.(it指时间,since引导时间状语从句,译为“他来这儿有两年了。”,即“自从他来到这儿已有两年时间了。”,注意从句中谓语动词是终止性的。)

注:It has been 2 years since he stayed here.(it指时间,since引导时间状语从句,但要译为“他离开这儿或不住在这儿有两年了。”,即“他曾在这儿居住过,距今已过去两年了。”,注意从句中谓语动词是延续性的。)

5. It will (wont) be 2 months before he recovers.(it指时间,before引导时间状语从句,译为“要过(要不了)两个月他才会(他就会)康复的。”)

注:1)It was (wasnt) 3 weeks before they rebuilt the damaged house.(it指時间,before引导时间状语从句,译为“过了(没过)三周他们才(他们就)修复了受损房屋。”,结构与5)相同,只不过是时态不同而已。)

2)It seemed (didnt seem) long before he finished the tough task.(it指时间,before引导时间状语从句,译为“似乎过了(没过)很久他们才(他们就)完成了这个艰难的任务。”,结构与5)相同,只不过是主句中谓语换成了半系动词seem以及时态不同而已。)

6. It is (was) the first time that I have (had) seen such a splendid building.(it指时间,that引导定语从句,it有时候可以换成this,译为“这是我第一次看到如此壮观的建筑物。”注意时态的不同搭配,即现在范畴的搭配;过去范畴的搭配。)

7. It is (high) time that we decided/should decide when to start.(it指时间,that引导定语从句,译为“我们早该决定何时动身了。”,注意从句中的谓语动词可以有变化。)

8. It seems (to me) that it is going to rain.(it 指某一情况或称引导词,引起主系表结构的句型,that 引导表语从句。)

9. It seemed as if the lady had been bullied by someone.(it 指某一情况或称引导词,引起主系表结构的句型,as if 引导表语从句,从句用的是虚拟语气,表示推测。但是,如果接近事实,可以用陈述语气,如It seemed as if the lady was an expert.)



