
2017-12-27 09:05曹帅
校园英语·下旬 2017年13期


【Abstract】Cooperative learning is a commonly used method in language teaching This paper aims at introducing cooperative learning theory to the second language classroom.

【Key words】cooperative learning; second language classroom

“Cooperative learning refers to teaching methods in which students work together in small groups to help each other learn academic content.” (Robert E. Slavin, 2014) It is an instructional strategy in which small groups of students work for a mutual goal on a common task. Students take their own responsibility in the group work, encourage and help each other, build up their social skills while achieving the language learning objectives. “Cooperative learning is the instructional use of small groups so that students work together to maximize their own and each others learning.”(Johnson, D.W., Johnson, R.T., and Smith K. A., 2013)

There are three ways of cooperative learning.

1. Formal cooperative learning

Formal cooperative learning usually lasts for one class period to several weeks, to achieve shared learning goals and complete jointly specific tasks and assignments. (Johnson, Johnson, & Holubec, 2008). During this learning process, there are four roles teachers are performing. First, teachers make per- instructional decisions including assign the size of group and roles and responsibility of each group member, formulate both academic and social skills goals, and arrange materials or work sheets. Second, make the instruction task and cooperative structure explicit to students, like explain the tasks requirements, interaction patterns, criteria for success and expected outcomes, and emphasize the accountability, interdependence and social skills objectives to students. Third, monitor students learning process and intervene to assist learning. The purpose is to check on the progress of tasks, are they doing it effectively and successfully. Last, assess students learning and help students process how well their group functioned. There are steps teachers can do to fulfill this role, like summary of each group work, give effective feedback, or have students to evaluate their own work and make plans for improvement, or celebration for co-efforts.

2. Informal cooperative learning

Compared with formal cooperative learning, informal cooperative learning is usually a shor the temporary group and lasts form a few minutes to one class period. (Johnson, Johnson, & Holubec, 2008) While using informal cooperative learning, teachers should first make the task and instructions clear and precise to students, and require the specified outcome of group work, such as a dialogue, a piece of writing etc. Three parts are included in informal cooperative learning:introductory focused discussion, intermittent focused discussion and closure focused discussion. With different goals of each part, the first part is to organize what students know and clarify the expectations, and second part is to let students work together on specific goals intervened with teachers lectures between 10-15minutes, and last part is to sum up group work and make integration to their existing knowledge frameworks.endprint

3. Cooperative base group

Compared with former two types, cooperative base group is a long term group with stable members. (Johnson, Johnson 2009) Teachers responsibilities are to form a group (3-4) and help students to schedule a time so they meet on a regular basis, help to create agenda, ensure the effectiveness of the group by ensuring the elements of effective group are included. The advantage of long-term group is they can build stable and supportive relationships and more commitment will be made.

All those types of cooperative learning exist in the different classrooms. Getting to know the basic category can help teachers to well organize students group and tasks according to different learning objectives.


[1]Gibbons,P.(2015)Scaffolding language scaffolding learning: teaching English language learners in the mainstream classroom.(2nd ed.)Portsmouth:Heinemann.

[2]Johnson,D.W.Johnson,R.T.& Smith K.A.(2013)Cooperative learning:improving university instruction by basing practice on validated theory,Journal on Excellence in University Teaching 1-26.

[3]Slavin R.E.(2014)Cooperative Learning and Academic Achievement:Why Does Group-work Work?anales de psicología, vol.30,n? 3(octubre),785-791.


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