
2017-12-25 08:11古斯塔夫安布罗西尼圭多卡莱加里GustavoAmbrosiniGuidoCallegari
世界建筑 2017年11期

古斯塔夫·安布罗西尼,圭多·卡莱加里/Gustavo Ambrosini, Guido Callegari

尚晋 译/Translated by sHANG Jin


古斯塔夫·安布罗西尼,圭多·卡莱加里/Gustavo Ambrosini, Guido Callegari

尚晋 译/Translated by sHANG Jin

Roofscapes Redevelopment strategies: An introduction











1 林格托区/Lingotto district

2 马赛公寓/Unité d' Habitation, Marseille

The potentiality of one of the main traditional architectural elements – the roof – is gaining a renewed limelight in present time discourse on the resilience of urban fabric and on more sustainable development models aiming at reducing environmental impacts and the waste of resources.

On the one hand, at the end of the 20th century the increasing awareness about the risks of land consuming strategies and of the impoverishment affecting the values in metropolitan communities' has fostered a warning towards urban sprawl policies. It is a point of view that owes so much to the criticism against large scale urban models, which arose in North America in the 1960s, thanks to the seminal works of Lewis Mumford, Jean Gottmann, Jane Jacobs and other authors. Nowadays, a narrative based on the so-called "compact city" model is rising,as a response to the growing need to limit land consumption, as well as a condition for ensuring social diversity and more sustainable systems of transport development. In recent densification policies a special attention is paid to the roof as a sort of "raised ground", checking its availability to support a (moderate) city extension, adding extra floor space for new functions or greenery.

On the other hand, the renovation of ordinary low quality housing stock constitutes one of the main urgent urban issues. It is a widely diffused phenomenon, more evident in European public housing districts built during the post-war industrial boom: general bad state of conservation, lack of thermal insulation of facades and windows, need to install active and passive energy saving systems etc.Therefore a new term has burst in the architectural vocabulary in recent years: retrofit. The action of retrofitting existing buildings in order to improve energy efficiency seems to put the accent on the performance of the building as a mere technological matter: in order to avoid a separate attitude,the setting out of an inclusive approach, able to assimilate technical items into the architectural identity issue represents an up-to-date challenge.In many cases, the roof undergoes great changes,regarding materials, function, shape: the cover of the buildings often plays a key role in strategies aimed at joining the improvement of energy and functional performances with the increase of the number of dwellings. The economic increment deriving from new housing units additions should allow to undertake high retrofit costs.

Cost-effective implications of roof top extension strategies have been investigated by recent research programmes, like SURE-FIT (Sustainable Roof Extension Retrofit for High-Rise Social Housing in Europe) promoted by the European Commission,in order to assess the meeting of new exploitation with energy conservation issues. The evaluation accompanied the setting up of procedural models and guidelines for realisation, taking into account basic questions as feasibility, property rights,structural loads, actors etc. Along with this, a first taxonomy of interventions emerged, envisaging three main somewhat general architectural strategies: "contrast", when the new volumes express an autonomous identity counterpointing the below architectural features; "expansion", when the new add-on appears as an extension of the original part, fully respecting its architectural characters;"integration", when the extension involves a complete or partial transformation of the building,renewing both the existing part and the new one in the same way.

In this framework, the recent rooftop extension projects should unveil a multiplicity of approaches:the aim of the present issue is to illustrate some of them, in order to highlight several ways to challenge the reinvention of urbanity characters.

A survey among recent case studies can define some recurring topics.

Rooftop re-design inside the traditional urban fabric should generate a subtle change: even a scarcely considerable extension should match spatial and constructive issues in order to push the limits of liveability concept of urban dwelling. It should be a more substantial process of infilling the building body too, "excavating" inside it, leading to a complete renovation.

3 伦敦泰特现代美术馆/Tate Modern, London(1-3摄影/Photos: G. Ambrosini)

Rooftop re-design could meet the growing need to improve energy and functional performance of post-war neighbourhoods, offering the opportunity to add floor space for new functions while keeping existing structures. It implies the possibility to add a layered city identity to those settlements apparently sentenced to a static feature, such as massive blank public housing estates. Cutting-edge technologies,such as new prefabricated dry systems, offer new resources for innovative interventions.

Rooftop re-design often plays an important role, sometimes the most eye-catching component,of factory renovation processes. Some Herzog &De Meuron's projects offer vivid examples. For instance, when a rooftop addition gently completes the heavy mass of the brick Tate Modern in London through a bright "body of light", luminous at night,providing the rest spaces where people gather at the end of the visit and a spectacular open view towards the town. Or when it shapes a dramatic cast iron addition on the heavy mass of Central Eléctrica in Madrid aiming at counterbalancing, in a seemingly impossible way, the below excavation that generates a continuous flowing space inside the new Caixa Forum museum. Or, finally, when it assumes(in the project for the Elbphilharmonie) a former warehouse in Hamburg harbour as a foundation for a bright new urban landmark.

These are some clues, among others, able to show architecture's capacity to adapt to changing conditions and to enhance the resilience of urban built environment. □


