An annotated checklist of Scydmaeninae(Coleoptera:Staphylinoidea:Staphylinidae)of Iran

2017-12-06 00:29HassanGHAHARI
武夷科学 2017年0期


(Young Researchers and Elites Club, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran)

An annotated checklist of Scydmaeninae(Coleoptera:Staphylinoidea:Staphylinidae)of Iran


(Young Researchers and Elites Club, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran)

The fauna of Iranian Scydmaeninae(Coleoptera)is summarized in this paper.In total 8 species are listed as the fauna of Iran.Two species, Euconnus(Psomophus) wetterhallii Gyllenhal, 1813 and Microscydmus(Microscydmus)nanus Schaum,1844 are new records for the fauna of Iran.

Staphylinidae; Scydmaeninae; checklist; distribution; new record; Iran

1 Introduction

Beetles(order Coleoptera)are an extraordinarily species-rich group,comprising over 360 000 described species(Bouchard et al.,2009),with a history dating back at least to the Permian(Lawrence et al.,2011).The Staphylinoidea are one of the largest superfamilies of the order Coleoptera,comprising more than 40 000 species from all zoogeographical regions of the world except for the Antarctic(Naomi,1985;Korte et al.,2004).

The subfamily Scydmaeninae(Ant-like stone beetles)with 4 500 known species in about 80 genera(Grebennikov et al.,2009)is composed of small(0.60-5.00 mm long)staphylinoid beetles with a history dating back to the Cretaceous(O′Keefe et al.,1997).They differ from other staphylinoids by having davate femora,six visible abdominal sternites,dorsally attached parameres on the male genitalia,and a dense covering of hairs(O′Keefe,1998).Most species are predators of Oribatidae(Acari),and some species are associated with ants(Hymenoptera:Formicidae)and termites(Isoptera)(Schmid,1988; Franz,1980; O′Keefe,2001).These insects exist in leaf litter,understones,or other secluded habitats in old growth forests,mountain tops,or moist river drainages.They are distributed in every continent,except Antarctica,and every major island and are most numerous in both numbers of individuals and numbers of species in tropical regions(O′Keefe,1998,2001).

Iran forms a large part of the Iranian plateau,and covers an area of 1 623 779 km2.Climatologically,Iran is a predominantly arid and semi-arid country,but the northern slopes of the Alburz ranges and the Caspian lowland receive 800 to 2 000 mm annual rainfall,making them the most humid parts of the country.The Dasht-e Kavir and Dasht-e Lut deserts are the driest areas with an annual precipitation of less than 150 mm.The highlands receive between 250 and 800 mm(Zehzad et al.,2002).

Among the different taxa of Staphylinoidea(Agyrtidae,Hydraenidae,Leiodidae,Ptiliidae,Scydmaeninae,Silphidae and Staphylinidae)(Löbl et al.,2004),the checklists of only two Iranian families Staphylinidae and Silphidae were completed by Samin et al.,(2011,Staphylinidae)and Ghahari& Háva(2015,Silphidae).The fauna of Iranian Scydmaeninae has so far been studied poorly,and the data are scattered in different contributions.The aim of this paper is cataloguing of all the data on Iranian Scydmaeninae.

2 Material and Methods

The published data on the distribution of the subfamily Scydmaeninae(Coleoptera:Staphylinidae)in Iran are summarized by province.Subfamilies,tribes,genera and species are listed alphabetically.The following data are included in the catalog for each species:(1)valid name;(2)published Iranian records by province(in alphabetical order of Iranian province names)and the relevant references(in chronological order); (3)new country records; (4)information on general distribution on a world scale.Data about classification,nomenclature and distribution data are mainly based on Bouchard et al.(2011),Vit(2004,tribe Chevrolatiini and supertribe Mastigitae)and Davies(2004,tribe Cyrtoscydmini).When accurate data about local distribution in Iran are lacking in a quoted reference,quot;Iran(no locality cited)quot;is used.

3 Results

In this checklist totally 8 species within 5 genera(Chevrolatia Jacquelin du Val,Euconnus Thomson,Microscydmus Sauley&Croissandeau,Stenichnus Thomson and Leptomastax Pirazolli)are listed as the fauna of Iran.The list of species is given below alphabetically with distribution data.

Family Staphylinidae Latreille,1802

Subfamily Scydmaeninae Leach,1815

Supertribe Scydmaenitae Leach,1815

Tribe Chevrolatiini Reitter,1882

Genus Chevrolatia Jacquelin du Val,1850

Chevrolatia egregia Reitter,1881

Distribution in Iran:Tehran(Orousset,2008;Samin et al.,2011).

General distribution:Bulgaria,Croatia,France,Italy,Romania,Slovakia,Turkey.

Tribe Cyrtoscydmini L.W.Schaufuss,1889

Genus Euconnus Thomson,1859

Subgenus Euconnus Thomson,1859

Euconnus(Euconnus)goleanus Franz,1981

Distribution in Iran:Golestan(Franz,1981;Samin et al.,2011).

General distribution:Endemic to Iran.

Euconnus(Euconnus)hirticollis Illiger,1898

Distribution in Iran:Ardabil(Samin et al.,2016).

General distribution:Albania,Armenia,Austria,Azerbaijan,Bosnia Herzegovina,Bulgaria,Croatia,Czech Republic,Denmark,Finland,France,Georgia,Italy,Latvia,Macedonia,Montenegro,Netherlands,Norway,Poland,Romania,Russia(North and South European Territory),Serbia,Slovakia,Slovenia,Spain,Sweden,Switzerland,UK,Ukraine.

Subgenus Psomophus Casey,1897

Euconnus(Psomophus)intrusus intrusus Schaum,1844

Distribution in Iran:East Azarbaijan(Samin et al.,2016).

General distribution:Afghanistan,Albania,Armenia,Azerbaijan,Bosnia Herzegovina,Croatia,Cyprus,France,Georgia,Germany,Greece,Iran,Israel,Italy,Macedonia,Montenegro,Serbia,Switzerland,Syria,Turkey.

Euconnus(Psomophus)wetterhallii Gyllenhal,1813(New record for Iran)

Material examined:Iran,East Azarbaijan province,Kaleybar,38°54′N 47°03′E,1♀,1♂,August 23,2007.

General distribution:Albania,Austria,Azerbaijan,Bosnia Herzegovina,Croatia,Czech Republic,Denmark,Estonia,Finland,France,Georgia,Germany,Greece,Italy,Latvia,Liechtenstein,Lithuania,Macedonia,Montenegro,Netherlands,Norway,Poland,Romania,Serbia,Slovakia,Slovenia,Spain,Sweden,Switzerland,Turkey,Ukraine.

Genus Microscydmus Sauley&Croissandeau,1893

Subgenus Microscydmus Sauley&Croissandeau,1893

Microscydmus(Microscydmus)nanus Schaum,1844(New record for Iran)

Material examined:Iran,Guilan province,Astara,38°20′N 48°46′E,2♀,1♂,July 14,2011.

General distribution:Austria,Azerbaijan,Bosnia Herzegovina,Bulgaria,Croatia,Czech Republic,Denmark,Finland,France,Germany,Greece,Hungary,Italy,Liechtenstein,Lithuania,Macedonia,Netherlands,Norway,Romania,Russia(North European Territory),Slovakia,Spain,Sweden,Switzerland,Turkey,UK,Ukraine.

Genus Stenichnus Thomson,1859

Subgenus Stenichnus Thomson,1859

Stenichnus(Stenichnus)pusillus pusillus Müller& Kunze,1822

Distribution in Iran:Chaharmahal&Bakhtiari(Samin et al.,2016).

General distribution:Austria,Azerbaijan,Croatia,Czech Republic,France,Georgia,Germany,Greece,Hungary,Iran,Ireland,Italy,Netherlands,Poland,Romania,Russia(Central,North,and South European Territories),Slovakia,Spain,Sweden,Switzerland,Turkey,UK,Ukraine.

Supertribe Mastigitae Fleming,1821

Tribe Leptomastacini Casey,1897

Genus Leptomastax Pirazolli,1855

Leptomastax hyrcana Castellini,1996

Distribution in Iran:Mazandaran(Castellini,1996;Samin et al.,2011).

General distribution:Endemic to Iran.

4 Discussion

The results of this paper plus species diversity of Scydmaeninae in adjacent countries of Iran indicate that the fauna of Iran has been poorly studied so far.Among these countries the fauna of Russia and Turkey with 54 and 44 recorded species(Löbl et al.,2004)was studied rather well in comparing to other countries.Neither sampling were done in some neighbouring countries including,Bahrain,Iraq,Kuwait and Omman,and so no species has so far been reported from there(Figure 1).

Among the 8 Iranian species,two species Euconnus(Euconnus)goleanus and Leptomastax hyrcana are endemic to Iran.These 8 species were recorded only from 7 provinces of the 31 Iranian provinces;additionally exact localitis of some species are unknown.Iran is a large country incorporating various geographical regions and climates and we expect that a many other species in these three families remain to be discovered.To find new species and distribution records,more studies should be conducted on these insects in different regions of Iran.

Figure 1 Number of recorded species of Scydmaeninae from adjacent countries of Iran

Acknowledgements:I am appreciated to M.Sörensson(Lund University,Sweden)for insightful comments,A.Newton(Field Museum of Natural History,Chicago,USA)for providing some papers,J.Huang(Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,China)in order to editing and preparing the manuscript for publishing.The research was supported by Islamic Azad University(Young Researchers and Elites Club,Science and Research Branch).

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(Young Researchers and Elites Club,Science and Research Branch,Islamic Azad University,Tehran,Iran)

报道了伊朗Scydmaeninae亚科(鞘翅目Coleoptera:隐翅虫总科Staphylinoidea:隐翅虫科Staphylinidae)的种类名录,共计 8种,其中 2种 Euconnus(Psomophus)wetterhallii Gyllenhal,1813和 Microscydmus(Microscydmus)nanus Schaum,1844为伊朗分布新记录。





Ghahari H,2017.An annotated checklist of Scydmaeninae(Coleoptera:Staphylinoidea:Staphylinidae)of Iran[J].武夷科学,33:13-17.


Author:Hassan Ghahari, Email:hghahari@。


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