
2017-11-13 03:21:41陈守开李慧敏王远明丁泽霖汪伦焰
农业工程学报 2017年20期

陈守开,李慧敏,王远明,郭 磊,丁泽霖,汪伦焰,孙 飚


陈守开1,2,李慧敏1,2※,王远明3,郭 磊1,2,丁泽霖1,2,汪伦焰1,2,孙 飚3

(1. 华北水利水电大学水利学院,郑州450045;2. 河南省水环境治理与生态修复院士工作站,郑州 450002;3. 黑龙江省三江工程建设管理局,哈尔滨 150081)

移动式防洪系统是一种具备高安全性的标准化防洪方法,但在中国的城市防洪系统应用还不多,对其技术性能的研究不足是制约因素之一。该文依托某市的移动式防洪墙工程,设计移动式防洪墙综合试验基地,蓄水试验以及立柱加卸载试验,研究了移动式防洪系统的预埋件安装方法、受力性能和渗漏特性。结果表明,预埋件的直接安装法与预留槽孔法均能满足施工工艺和正常运行要求,但前者优于后者;蓄水后,移动式防洪墙存在渗漏现象,其与水位呈现指数的变化规律,当水位超过1.5 m时渗漏量会快速增大,达到1.7 m时渗漏量可达300 L/h;立柱加卸载(0~100 kN)过程中,首先会引起混凝土塑性变形,进而导致立柱产生残余位移,其受力过程表明立柱、预埋件与基座混凝土体系的破坏过程应是由预埋件两侧混凝土逐渐向迎水面发展。


0 引 言

城市人口密集,财富集中,是一个国家或地区的经济、科技、文化或政治中心。中国滨水城市发展迅速,滨水建筑、园林都已具有相当规模,己发展成为城市靓丽的风景线,是市民和游客休闲、观光的圣地。但是难免要经受洪水的考验与威胁,城市已成为流域防洪的重点[1]。中国许多城市防洪标准偏低,与城市发展很不相符。据初步统计,有防洪任务的城市639座,其中仍有80%的城市防洪标准不足50 a一遇;有近60%的城市不足20 a一遇[2],城市防洪任务形式十分严峻[3-5]。现代化的城市建设,要从城市生态环境的要求和城市可持续发展的高度出发,进行全面规划。良好的城市防洪工程体系是现代化城市可持续发展的基本保障[6],良好的水环境和河流景观又是现代化城市的重要标志[7-8]。这就要求防洪工程建设既要符合城市建设要求,又要满足水面和岸上双向风景观赏要求,同时还要满足市民和游客的亲水性要求。传统填土筑堤加高扩建和修建钢筋混凝土防洪墙提高防洪标准的建设方式,势必破坏现有景观、多占用有限而珍贵的城市土地,更重要的是难以协调防洪安全与城市建设要求、水面和岸上双向风景观赏要求、亲水性要求的矛盾[9]。



1 移动式防洪墙试验方案

1.1 产品来源

本文所采用的移动式防洪墙来自德国IBS公司,该产品已在德国、奥地利、英国及中国等均得到了应用,安装效果如图1a所示,主要构件形式如图1b所示。该系统单跨跨度3.0 m,最大挡水高度1.8 m。该系统立柱及挡板采用铝合金(拉伸强度200 MPa、屈服强度165 MPa),压力固定装置及预埋件使用不锈钢(屈服强度190 MPa、抗拉强度500 MPa),其构件的型号、材料如表1所示。

表1 移动式防洪墙主要构件型号及材质

图1 移动式防洪墙系统及其主要构件

1.2 试验设计

为了研究移动式防洪墙的受力安全性和渗漏特性,设计蓄水试验和立柱加载试验。蓄水试验用于研究正常蓄水至1.8 m时防洪墙的渗漏特性与基座受力情况,设计了3跨防洪墙(图2),包含2个端柱、2个中柱及其预埋件、3跨挡板(共27块挡板);立柱加载试验,主要研究加载范围从0到100 kN时,立柱-预埋件-钢筋混凝土基座体系的受力特征,包含1座单独浇筑的独立基础,1台液压自动加载装置、1个中柱及其预埋件。

图2 蓄水试验平面布置



a. 侧视图

a. Side view

b. 正视图

b. Front view

注:R1~R5为钢筋计编号,S1~S3为应变计编号。下同。“312@150”指布置3根直径12 mm、间距150 mm的钢筋,余同。

Note: R1-R5 are steel bar meter number, S1-S3 are strain gauge number.The same as below. 312@150 refers to three steel bars with diameter 12 mm and spacing 150 mm, the same as others.

图3 预埋件周围钢筋及钢筋计、应变计布置示意图

Fig.3 Layout of reinforcing steel bar and steel bar meter and strain gauge

1.3 试验方法与程序

1)中柱预埋件安装。中柱预埋件分别按两种工艺进行安装,一种为直接安装法,即钢筋绑扎后安装固定预埋件,再浇筑混凝土后完成;另一种为预留槽孔法,在基座预先留设槽孔,待基座混凝土浇筑后一定龄期,再安装预埋件,浇筑二期混凝土后完成。预埋件安装控制精度为:轴线方向误差±5 mm,垂直方向误差±10 mm,水平角度误差≤3°,垂直角度误差0.15%以内,相邻预埋件间距误差±3 mm,间隔预埋件间距误差±5 mm。


图4 移动式防洪墙及蓄水试验

钢筋混凝土受力试验。蓄水前,测量并记录钢筋计与应变计读数;蓄水至1.8 m并稳定后,再次测量并记录钢筋计与应变计读数;计算得到蓄水前后钢筋应力及混凝土应变的变化情况,据此分析2种预埋件安装方法的受力差异。

渗漏试验。通过测读水位尺,得到渗漏引起的蓄水池水位值,研究防洪墙渗漏变化规律。本试验从水位1.75 m时开始,前150 h,观测频次为6~12 h;150 h后,观测频次为50~100 h,至400 h止。

3)加载试验。除基座的钢筋计及应变计外,加载试验还需在立柱布置位移计及应变片,布置情况如图5所示。应变片C1、C2布置在立柱侧面,距离基座面1.02 m;位移计A1、A2、A3布置在立柱背水面,分别距离基座面0.25、1.02和1.57 m;试验采取液压千斤顶连续加载的方式,设定限载100 kN,各测量设备分别在0、25、50、75和97 kN时测量1次。


2 试验结果分析

2.1 正常蓄水时的受力分析


表2 两种安装方法钢筋计实测值和应变计实测值

蓄水后,在水压力、水重和防洪系统自重作用下,各部位受力均发生变化。直接安装法的应力情况为:最大拉应力出现在R1、R4位置,产生约0.9 MPa的拉应力,R3、R5表现为受压,产生约5.8 MPa的压应力。与直接安装法相比,预留槽孔法的R1、R3、R4位置的受力特征一致,但是产生的拉应力更大,如R4达1.39 MPa,R5则表现出相反的受力特征,即产生了0.82 MPa的拉应力。同时,2种安装方法下混凝土的应变特征一致,但后者产生的应变更大,如S2分别产生了5.45×10-6(直接安装法)和11.95×10-6(预留槽孔法)的拉应变。分析认为,这是由于预留槽孔法安装的预埋件与基座的整体性较差,类似预埋件与槽孔混凝土形成构件嵌入基座而成,使其预埋件周围钢筋应力、混凝土应变均大于直接安装法。但2种安装方法,其正常蓄水的实际受力值变化均不大,远未达到钢筋屈服强度(335 MPa)和混凝土极限拉伸应变(100×10-6),运行安全。

2.2 正常蓄水时渗漏分析


式中H为水位,m;t为时间,h。其中t=0时,H≈1.75 m。



将式(1)求导得到渗流速度,代入式(2)计算得到不同水位下平均渗漏量变化规律,并与实测水位换算后的平均渗漏量进行比较见图7。由图6和图7可知,水位超过1.5 m时,该防洪墙的水位变幅快、渗漏量大,在50 L/h以上,当水位超过1.7 m时渗漏量可超过300 L/h。

图7 渗漏量随水位变化规律

2.3 立柱加载试验



加载时,立柱斜向应变C1和C2随荷载接近线性变化规律,加载曲线与卸载曲线基本一致,且C1和C2方向相反、数值相近,50和97 kN荷载下应变值分别约680和1 400,说明在加卸载过程中立柱基本处于线弹性阶段(图8a)。由图8b可知,立柱径向位移表现为上部大于下部(A3>A2>A1),如加载至97 kN时,A1、A2、A3的位移值分别为1.25、7.83和17.1 mm;立柱径向位移随荷载变化呈现非线性变化,卸载后A1、A2和A3实测残余位移分别为0.17、0.36和0.50 mm,该值与位移计所在高度恰好呈线性关系,说明整个加卸载过程中,立柱处于整体变位,因此该残余位移应由预埋件的钢筋混凝土基座引起。

由图8c可知,加载至25 kN左右,混凝土即由弹性阶段进入塑性阶段,如S1和S2在加载至97 kN时分别达到97.34×10-6和−389.47×10-6,此时S2远未达到混凝土极限压缩应变(2 000×10-6),但S1已经接近混凝土极限拉伸应变值,卸载后的S1、S2残余应变分别为6.50×10-6和−26.39×10-6。由图8d可知,加载超过25 kN时,钢筋应力随荷载表现出较明显的非线性变化,且卸载后存在残余应力,其值分别为0.39 MPa(R1)、0.20 MPa(R2)、0.16 MPa(R3)和0.10 MPa(R4),由于试验采用HRB335级钢筋,加载后钢筋应力远未达到其屈服条件,因此钢筋计显示的残余应力是混凝土塑性变形引起的。此外,钢筋计的应力规律整体表现为R2>R1>R4>R3,如加载至97 kN,R1~R4实测最大应力值分别为8.50、12.50、2.70、3.63 MPa,说明立柱受水平荷载时,预埋件侧面受力最大,其次是预埋件迎水面,因此,若发生破坏,启裂点应是从预埋件两侧面逐渐向迎水面发展。

3 结 论

1)移动式防洪墙立柱预埋件的2种安装方法中,直接安装法力学条件优于预留槽孔法。当蓄水至1.8 m时,直接安装法实测最大钢筋应力和混凝土应变分别为0.9 MPa和5.45×10-6,小于预埋槽孔法的1.39 MPa和11.95×10-6。因此,建议工程首选直接安装法。

2)通过三跨移动式防洪系统蓄水池的蓄水试验,实测水位与时间、渗漏量与水位呈指数变化关系,当水位高于1.5 m时,渗漏量会快速增加,超过50 L/h,说明当挡水超过一定高度后,需要重点关注移动式防洪系统的渗漏问题。

3)单立柱加卸载试验(本次限载100 kN)表明,加载至25 kN时,预埋件周围混凝土出现塑性变形,荷载达到97 kN时,接近极限拉伸应变,而整个加、卸载过程,立柱和钢筋均处于弹性阶段,即实测的立柱残余位移、钢筋残余应力是由混凝土的塑性变形引起的。加卸载过程受力分析表明,立柱-预埋件-基座体系破坏将从预埋件周围混凝土开始,并逐渐向迎水面方向发展,直至整体破坏。因此,移动式防洪系统工程应充分重视预埋件周围混凝土的施工质量。

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Test on mechanical and leakage characteristics of mobile flood protection system

Chen Shoukai1,2, Li Huimin1,2※, Wang Yuanming3, Guo Lei1,2, Ding Zelin1,2, Wang Lunyan1,2, Sun Biao3


The high level urban flood control system is the basic guarantee for the sustainable development of modern cities, and the beautiful water environment and river landscape are the important symbols of modern cities. The need of protection is increasing with rising population density in low-lying coastal and river areas in the last decades. Therefore, the demand for technical protection measures is growing. It means that the construction of flood control projects should not only meet the requirements of urban construction, but also meet the requirements of water and shore two-way landscape viewing and residents’ and tourists’ visiting. Recently, more and more mobile protection schemes are on the market promising to fit both requirements: protection in case of flooding and open access to the floodplain in the remaining time. The protection systems differ in material, construction, height, and permanent facilities. They can be divided in structures made of sandbags, plates, concrete elements, flaps, trestles, geomembrane containers, and so on. However, the application of mobile flood control wall in China is not much, and the lack of research on its technical performance is one reason to the constraints. Based on the actual engineering project, the seepage characteristics of the mobile flood control system, and force condition on the foundation of column and embedded parts are studied through the experiment of water storage and column loading test. The testing results show that: Firstly, the direct installation method and the reserved slot method of the mobile flood control wall can meet the requirements of construction technology and normal operation. The anchor plate and foundation are not integrated when using the reserved slot method, which is just like the anchor plate and concrete integrated into the component to insert the foundation. The stress conditions of reserved slot method of anchor plate are worse than direct installation method. So we recommend the direct installation method in construction practice. But the 2 installation methods run safely, because the actual stress values under normal impoundment have only small change, far from steel yield strength (335 MPa) and concrete ultimate tensile strain (100×10-6). Secondly, a water storage pool was constructed to test the leakage characteristics. The mobile flood protection wall leaks when the pool is filled with water and the leakage changes exponentially with the water level. The regression analysis of measured water level and observation time is performed. The leakage will accelerate when the water level exceeds 1.5 m, reaching 300 L/h at a level of 1.7 m. It indicates that the leakage problem is an important aspect that the mobile flood control system needs to solve in order to increase the water retaining height. Finally, the loading and unloading testing of single post (this load limit is 100 kN) shows that when loaded to 25 kN, the concrete around the embedded part has plastic deformation. When the loading reaches 97 kN, the tensile deformation born by the concrete is close to the ultimate tensile deformation. And in the whole loading and unloading process, post and steel are in the elastic phase, that is, the measured residual displacement of the post and the residual stress of the steel are caused by the plastic deformation of the concrete. In addition, the stress analysis of the loading and unloading process shows that the damage of the post- anchor plate - foundation system will start from the concrete around the anchor plate and gradually develops toward the surface of the water surface until the whole is destroyed. Therefore, the mobile flood control system engineering should pay full attention to the construction quality of concrete around anchor plate.

stress; strain; mechanical properties; mobile flood protection system; installation technology of anchor plate; leakage characteristics; displacement







国家自然科学青年基金项目(51309101) ; 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51679092)



陈守开,李慧敏,王远明,郭 磊,丁泽霖,汪伦焰,孙 飚. 移动式防洪系统力学性能及渗漏特性试验研究[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(20):83-89. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.20.011

Chen Shoukai, Li Huimin, Wang Yuanming, Guo Lei, Ding Zelin, Wang Lunyan, Sun Biao. Test on mechanical and leakage characteristics of mobile flood protection system[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(20): 83-89. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.20.011

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