⊙ By Anonymous ⊙ 翻译:T Boy
Ten Things You Didn’t Know about Turkey 关于土耳其的十件事
⊙ By Anonymous ⊙ 翻译:T Boy
The turmoiling[吵闹的]dance actually refers to Turkish dancers who follow the mystic[神秘的]Rumi注. They spin during their religious meditative[冥想的]whirling ceremony,known as the “Sema,” which represents the spiritual ascent[上升]of man.
A soup before a meal is very common,even before for breakfast. No matter what time of day it is, Turks love soup. Breakfast is a very important meal, often consisting of meats, cheeses and breads, but it’s always begun with soup.
Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar may be the world’s largest outdoor market with 64 streets, 4,000 shops and 25,000 workers. It also may be one of the oldest, having been built in the 15th century on the order of the Ottoman Emperor.
Turkey is home to two of the seven wonders[奇迹]of the ancient world. We often assume that the ancient wonders will mainly be in Egypt and Greece, but Turkey has its fair share. The Temple of Artemis is dedicated[献给……的]to the Greek goddess of hunting and childbirth, also known as Diana in ancient Rome. The Mausoleum[陵墓]of Halicarnassus was a burial chamber[墓室]built in 353 BC and was carved by four Greek sculptors.
Turkey is home to the world’s oldest sporting event, grease wrestling, which is also its national sport. Wrestlers cover themselves with olive oil and attempt to either pin[使不动]their opponents[对手]on the ground or lift them up and walk three steps. The first grease wrestling game was hosted in 1362. Held during the summer months, wrestlers are not allowed to stop for breaks[休息]or even drink water.
The women of Turkey won the right to vote before most European countries. It’s easy for us to assume that a predominately[占优势地]Muslim country would be slow on the uptake[领会]when it comes to equal rights for women,but that’s not necessarily the case. Women in Turkey won the right to vote in 1930,before France, Portugal, Belgium, Greece and Switzerland.
◆ Ottoman Empire 奥斯曼帝国:历史上一个跨亚欧非的军事封建帝国。奥斯曼帝国在1299年由突厥人建立,日渐兴盛,极盛时势力达亚欧非三大洲,占有南欧、巴尔干半岛、中东及北非的大部分领土。奥斯曼帝国于1453年消灭东罗马帝国后,定都君士坦丁堡,并以东罗马帝国的继承人自居。奥斯曼帝国位处东西文明交汇处,并掌握东西文明的陆上交通线长达六个世纪之久,其对西方文明的影响举足轻重。19世纪初,奥斯曼帝国境内的巴尔干半岛多国先后独立,第一次世界大战后,帝国遭列强宰割。1919年,凯末尔领导起义,并于1923年建立土耳其共和国,奥斯曼帝国至此灭亡。
One third of the 9,000 plant species found in Turkey are endemic. That means that they grow only in that country and nowhere else. Turkey is also home to 5 unique mammal species, 13 reptile species and 52 freshwater[淡水的]fish species not found anywhere else on earth.
Many Turkish people didn’t have surnames until 1934. A surname law was introduced in 1934, requiring all Turkish citizens to have a surname. Before that,people would take their father’s name and add “son of” or “oğlu.” Since 1934, citizens have used a similar system to many other countries where children take their father’s surname. As of 2013, the most common surname in the country was Yılmaz.
The Turkish baths were an export of the Roman Empire to Turkey in the 7th century,derived[源自]in part from Greek-Roman and Byzantine bathing or purification[净化]traditions.
One of Istanbul’s most expensive restaurants only accepts cash. Kanaat Restaurant is a 360 degree[度数]restaurant in Istanbul that offers a stunning[惊人的]view of the surrounding areas. They serve traditional Turkish and Ottoman food in a modern minimalist[极简的]setting. But they only accept cash. This is common in Turkish restaurants no matter how luxurious.