
2017-11-06 10:25:13殷照阳殷建孙晓霍永峰盛路新
中华肩肘外科电子杂志 2017年3期

殷照阳 殷建 孙晓 霍永峰 盛路新



目的探讨创伤性肘关节内翻-后内侧旋转不稳定的术后疗效。方法2011年6月至2015年12月连云港市第一人民医院收治创伤性肘关节内翻-后内侧旋转不稳定患者10例(10个肘),其中男6例、女4例,平均年龄34.8岁(20~67岁)。术后早期功能锻炼,采用Mayo肘关节功能评分系统(Mayo elbow performance score,MEPS)评价肘关节功能。定期复查X线片,采用Broberg和Morrey肘关节退行性关节炎X射线分级进行评价。结果所有患者肘关节骨折3个月后获得愈合,肘关节活动稳定,8例无疼痛症状,1例静止时偶有疼痛,1例活动时疼痛。肘关节活动伸直平均角度(29.6±11.4)°,屈曲平均角度(113.6±10.2)°,旋前平均(55.2±13.6)°,旋后平均(40.2±9.2)°。1例术后2个月开始出现骨化性肌炎,半年后予以手术松解,满足日常生活需要。根据MEPS评分结果优7例、良1例、中2例、差0例,优良率80%。结论肘关节内翻-后内侧旋转不稳定一期手术治疗至关重要,根据不同损伤类型制定个性化治疗方案有利于关节功能恢复。

肘关节; 外科手术; 骨折固定术



一、 一般资料

本组患者共10例(10个肘),其中男6例、女4例,平均年龄34.8岁(20~67岁)。均为优势肘,且无既往肘关节手术史。损伤原因:骑车摔伤4例、车祸4例、高处坠落伤1例、运动损伤1例。按O'Driscoll分型分为:ⅡA型3例、ⅡB型4例、ⅡC型3例。合并伤包括:合并桡骨小头骨折1例(Mason Ⅲ型)、合并桡骨远端骨折3例。











术后评估应用Mayo肘关节功能评分系统(Mayo elbow performance score,MEPS)[1]对肘关节功能进行评价,其主要内容包括四个方面:肘关节疼痛程度、屈伸活动度、稳定性及日常功能。术后定期复查X线片,采用Broberg和Morrey肘关节退行性关节炎X射线分级[2]进行评价。

结 果


图1 肘关节骨折术前三维CT成像后面观

图2 肘关节骨折术前三维CT成像前面观

图3 肘关节骨折术后正位X线片

图4 肘关节骨折术后侧位X线片

图5 肘关节骨折术后6个月正位X线片

图6 肘关节骨折术后6个月侧位X线片

讨 论



目前在处理肘关节内翻-后内侧旋转不稳定时,对于手术入路、骨折的固定方式、是否修复内侧和外侧副韧带、是否加用铰链式外固定支架等方面仍未达成共识。肘关节内侧手术入路最常用的是“过顶”入路,固定冠状突骨折更加方便,冠状突大的块骨折可以选择螺钉、3.0 mm空心螺钉或“T”型钢板固定,小的骨折块可予以“套索”、锚钉、克氏针连同附着的软组织固定于原骨折处。如骨折块太碎,则取出游离碎片,缝合前关节囊及肱肌腱。关于与前关节囊相连的尺骨冠状突小骨折块应用螺钉或“套索”固定,哪种技术固定效果更佳尚无定论。肘关节结构性稳定系统分为四个柱,内侧柱由肱尺关节内侧和内侧副韧带复合体组成,前侧柱由冠状突、桡骨头前部及前方关节囊组成,肱肌提供辅助作用。冠状突位于肱骨远端滑车的前方,其主要作用是对抗上臂肌肉牵拉尺骨向后的力量,同时也是对抗外伤导致肘关节内翻的骨性结构,而当冠状突骨折或缺失超过50%即可引起肘关节不稳,出现肘关节复发性脱位或半脱位[16]。冠状突基底部是内侧副韧带前束的止点。王友华等[17]发现当冠状突骨折累及高度达到1/2时必然导致前束损伤,此时重建冠状突对比修复和不修复前束韧带的肘关节的稳定性,发现肘关节在屈曲 0°、30°、60°、90°和120°时,外翻角度的显著增加提示了肘关节的不稳,证实内侧副韧带前束在肘关节活动过程中对抗外翻旋转应力起到非常重要的作用。O'Driscoll Ⅲ型冠状突骨折多合并复杂肘关节损伤,冠状突粉碎性骨折难以复位时,需取自体髂骨重建冠状突,且重建冠状突的高度至少达到原来高度1/2,从而获得肘关节前方的骨性阻挡以维持肘关节的稳定性,但如果同时合并桡骨头骨折,无论尺骨冠状突骨折块多小均可能增加肘关节的不稳[14]。因此,冠状突同时参与组成肘关节前柱和内侧柱,其基底部是内侧副韧带前束的止点,后者在肘关节活动过程中对抗外翻旋转应力起到非常重要的作用,重建冠状突的高度和修复内侧副韧带,对于术后肘关节的稳定性有决定性的作用。

关于内侧副韧带是否需要一期修复存在争议,有学者认为复位固定冠状突骨块时应一期探查内侧副韧带前束,如果发现断裂应予以修复或重建,修复断裂的内侧副韧带明显增加了肘关节的稳定性。但有学者认为内侧副韧带并非必须修复[18],外侧韧带复合体作用更为重要,只要固定冠状突骨折块和肘关节外侧结构(桡骨头骨折块和外侧韧带复合体),肘关节多数可获得稳定,无需一期修复内侧副韧带。本组病例冠状突内侧面骨折块较大,多连带内侧副韧带前束一同移位,术中复位固定冠状突骨折块即可。肘关节内翻-后内侧旋转不稳定时常伴有外侧副韧带复合体损伤,肘关节外侧副韧带复合体损伤表现为肱骨止点处撕脱骨折或韧带撕脱,也可能是韧带体部的断裂,以前者最为常见,韧带止点处撕脱予以锚钉修复固定;若是韧带体部断裂,宜选择韧带重建,尺骨远、近端重建的骨道应位于尺骨旋后肌嵴的桡骨头近缘水平及远端15 mm的桡骨头颈交界处水平,而肱骨外侧髁骨道的位置可以通过尺骨骨道穿过一根缝线,在屈伸肘关节的过程中,确定其在外上髁周围的等距点[19-21],即肱骨外上髁前下方4点左右,也就是肱骨小头外侧面的圆心点。值得注意的是桡侧尺副韧带重建时尺骨骨道离肘关节越远,内翻稳定性越好,离肘关节越近,肘关节后外侧稳定性越好,术中应根据具体情况酌情考虑。本组术中探查10例外侧副韧带均有损伤,均为桡侧副韧带肱骨止点撕脱或撕脱骨折,予以带线锚钉编织韧带后固定,透视下行肘关节内翻应力检查,6例仍然出现肱桡间隙明显增宽,加用同心圆外架固定。根据肘关节内翻后内侧旋转不稳定的受伤机制,首先伤及肘关节后外侧结构导致后外侧复合体的撕脱骨折或韧带撕脱,术中是否需要常规探查修复尚无定论,有学者认为内翻-后内侧旋转不稳术中修复外侧副韧带难以牢固固定,需予以肘关节外固定支架固定以保护修复的软组织,否则应制动患肢 1个月[22]。Ring[23]在术中不做切开修复,固定冠状突骨折后予以肘关节同心圆外固定支架固定,取得了良好效果。作者发现术中切开修复后外侧韧带复合体且未使用同心圆外架的患者,术后每日主动屈伸功能锻炼2~3次防止肘关节僵硬,骨折愈合后肘关节功能满意且无肘关节不稳。虽然术中未使用同心圆支架固定可能会导致术后早期活动时出现肘关节不稳,但是通过术后肘关节的功能锻炼可以明显降低肘关节半脱位的发生率,有学者也作了相似报道[24]。因而,术中是否需要进行内侧副韧带修复,仍需要生物力学及临床进一步研究和大宗病例的对照和随访,而外侧副韧带损伤多主张予以探查修复。




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Yin Jian, Email:yinjian0511@163.com

Operative effect analysis of varus posteromedial rotatory instability of elbow joint

Yin Zhaoyang1, Yin Jian2,Sun Xiao1, Huo Yongfeng1, Sheng Luxin1.1Department of Orthopaedics, Lianyungang First People's Hospital,Lianyungang 222000, China;2Department of Orthopaedics, the Affiliated Jiangning Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 211100, China

BackgroundThe varus-posteromedial instability of elbow joint refers to the injury characterized by fractures of the medial surface of coronoid process combined with fractures of coronal process, radial head or proximal ulna. The fractures are caused by the avulsion of lateral collateral ligament from the insertion of external humeral condyle and the impingement of the medial surface of ulnar coronoid process by distal humeral trochlea due to varus, posteromedial and axial stresses on elbow joint. This type of elbow injury is rare in clinic. The elbow joint dysfunction is commonly seen if treated improperly at the first stage.Unfortunately, the effect of orthomorphia at the second stage is rarely satisfactory. Hence, the first stage operation is critical. From June 2011 to December 2015, 10 patients with traumatic varus-posteromedial rotatory instability were treated in the First People's Hospital of Lianyungang and obtained satisfactory results.Methods(1)General data. There were 10 patients (6 males and 4 females) in the group, and the average age was 34.8 years (20-67 years). The dominate elbow joint was affected for all cases, and no patient had previous history of elbow surgery. The causes of injury included 4 cases of bicycle fall, 4 cases of traffic accident, 1 case of high fall and 1 case of athletic injury. According to the O' Driscoll classification, there were 3 cases of type IIA fractures, 4 cases of type IIB fractures and 3 cases of type IIC fractures. Thecombined injuries included 1 case of radial head fracture (Mason type III) and 3 cases of distal radial fracture.(2)Inclusive and exclusive criteria. Inclusive criteria: ① The presence of medial surface of coronoid process fracture with or without olecranon fracture or elbow joint dislocation confirmed by radiological examination suggested definite indication of operation; ②The time from injury to surgery <3 weeks ;③ Closed injuries of elbow joint;④ No obvious surgical contraindication such as cardio or pulmonary dysfunction;⑤ No preoperative cognitive impairment that affected postoperative follow ups. Exclusive criteria: ① Oboslete fracturedislocations of elbow joint; ② Combined neurovascular injuries; ③ Previous history of elbow joint surgery; ④ Incomplete follow-up data or patients who did not cooperate with treatment.(3)Preoperative evaluation. Special attentions should be paid preoperatively to the swelling of soft tissue and the presence of dislocation, compartment syndrome of forearm, or neurovascular injury. Preoperative routine examinations including anteroposterior and lateral views of elbow joint and three-dimensional CT reconstruction of elbow joint were conducted to mainly observe the presence of avulsion fractures at medial and lateral condyles of humerus and the location and size of coronoid fragment. Elbow MRI examination improved the diagnostic accuracy of the extent of medial and lateral ligament injury. If there was elbow joint dislocation before operation,manual reduction should be performed firstly. The elbow was then fixed in 90° of flexion, and the affected limb was raised in bed to reduce the swelling of soft tissue. (4)Operative method. The order of surgical repair was from inside to outside as described below. The fracture fragments of coronoid process were fixed firstly. The fractures of the medial surface of coronoid process or fracture fragments involving Sublime tubercle were fixed with Kirschner wires, screws or plates. Fractures of the apex of coronoid process were treated with “Lasso” fixation. Afterwards,the medial ligament complex was explored, and the anterior humeral or ulnar avulsion or the avulsion fracture was fixed with suture anchor. Varus stress was applied on the forearm to check whether the space of lateral radioulnar joint increased significantly under intraoperative fluoroscopy. The remarkable increment suggested the disruption of lateral ligament complex,which required open suture and/or suture anchor fixation. The gap of lateral radioulnar joint was checked again under fluoroscopy, and pronation and axial pressure was applied on the forearm to check whether there was elbow joint subluxation. If the increased lateral radioulnar joint space or elbow joint subluxation still exist, the elbow joint should be fixed by concentric circle bracket. As the rotating center of elbow joint was confirmed under fluoroscopy, the placement of Schaze screws on humerus and ulna and the assembly of hinged elbow external fixator (for protections of repaired bone and tissue structure) were executed subsequently. The fractures of radial head and distal radius were fixed with plates and screws. (5)Postoperative management.After operation, the affected limb was fixed with elbow brace for 3 weeks. Flexion and extension exercises were performed 2-3 times per day. The elbow flexion and extension activities were allowed on the 1st day after external fixation, but the range of elbow extension should not exceed 30° within 3 weeks after surgery. Later, the range of flexion and extension motions of elbow joint was gradually increased. The external fixator was removed 6 weeks after operation, and the Kirschner wire used for the fixation of ulnar coronoid process tip was removed when the fracture healed 3 months after operation. Oral indomethacin was given postoperatively for 6 weeks to prevent the myositis ossificans of elbow joint. (6)Evaluation index. Mayo elbow performance score (MEPS) was used for the postoperative evaluation of elbow function, which mainly included four aspects: level of pain, range of elbow flexion and extension, stability and daily function. The X-ray films were taken regularly for postoperative examinations, and the degenerative arthritis of elbow joint was evaluated by Morrey and Broberg classification. Results All patients were followed up for an average of (13.8±3.6) months (6-22 months). Ten cases of fractures

bony union and achieved stable elbow joint movement 3 months after operation. There were one case of occasional pain and one case of pain after exercise. During the last follow up,9 cases of fracture had an average elbow extension angle of (29.6±11.4)°, an average elbow flexion angle of (113.6±10.2)°, an average pronation angle of (55.2±13.6)° and an average supination angle of (40.2±9.2)°. These results met the needs of daily life. Myositis ossificans occurred in 1 patient 2 months after operation. 6 months later, the elbow joint movement was remarkably limited. With arthrolysis, the operative effect was satisfactory, which met the needs of daily life. In this group of patients, no bone and soft tissue infection or neurovascular injury symptom was found. The elbow function was evaluated by MEPS, and the mean score was 82 points (62-92 points). There were 7 excellent cases, 1 good case , 2 moderate cases and 0 poor case . The good and excellent rate was 80%. According to the elbow traumatic arthritis evaluation by Broberg and Morrey classification, there were 8 cases of no degenerative change, 2 cases of Grade 1 degenerative change and 0 case of Grade 2 or 3 degenerative change.ConclusionThe stage-one operative treatment is critical for the varus-posteromedial instability of elbow joint, and the individualized treatment based on injury types is beneficial to the recovery of joint function.The assessment of damage levels of elbow bone and soft tissue should be sufficiently made before operation. The individual operative plan is made based on the bone and soft tissue injury of patient. The rigid fixation of bone structure, the proper repair of soft tissue structure and the correct postoperative functional exercise are essential conditions for the successful treatment of traumatic elbow fracture-dislocation.

Elbow joint; Rotational instability; Facture fixation



工作单位: 222000 连云港市第一人民医院骨科1;211100 南京医科大学附属江宁医院骨科2




殷照阳,殷建,孙晓,等. 肘关节内翻—后内侧旋转不稳定的手术疗效分析[J/CD].中华肩肘外科电子杂志,2017,5(3):173-179.

西南军医(2015年2期)2015-01-22 09:09:40
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