设计公司:设计集人 / Design Systems Ltd. (香港)
TUVE, Hong Kong, China TUVE 酒店,中国香港
设计公司:设计集人 / Design Systems Ltd. (香港)
TUVE酒店位于香港熙来攘往的天后商住区,当旅客在混凝土建筑群和霓虹灯星罗棋布的街道上找到这处投宿地,相信会涌现柳暗花明的感觉。由颜色、光线、云石、混凝土、甚至是明喉建构的不同层次和室内的空间感,以至酒店简洁的外墙,充满戏剧性的电梯大堂,和独一无二的建筑物料配搭,都受丹麦建筑和风景摄影师Kim Høltermand 的瑞典湖泊TUVE作品集所启发。在入口通道中,光影的配合就和摄影美学不言而喻,而大堂物料的对比也令人耳目一新。接待处铜制的光滑桌面也配合较温和的氧化金属表面,住客和酒店服务人员的距离也有所拉近。酒店的设计也一贯运用对比。酒店内短暂停留的空间相对长时间逗留的空间,表达更丰富的情感和点缀。客房里面则运用线网玻璃分隔浴室,增加亮度和空间感。小食、书枱和椅子则收藏在一个简约的大盒子里,而混凝土墙身的缝隙则藏有金箔装饰。住客只要用心发掘这个酒店的设计,就能感受其取材于当代视觉艺术的建筑的风格。
Hong Kong’s TUVE hotel rewards travelers with a world of tranquility and subtle contrasts created by flecked marble, textured concrete, and exposed plumbing that is enhanced by mood lighting in the bustling mixed residential and commercialneighbourhood of Tin Hau. Upon arrival, the hotel’s understated facade, dramatic entryway, and unique combination of building materials drew from the Lake Tuve photoset by Danish architectural and landscape photographer Kim Høltermand in order to distinguish the premises from the surrounding concrete jungle filled with neon signs. In a nod to the photographic aesthetic, both natural and arti fi cial lighting are used to shine and cast shadows on the nuanced seems and contours of the precast glass-reinforced concrete the entrance corridor. Subtle contrasts are also evident in the lobby, where the brass countertop of the main reception desk shines like a polished mirror but also invites friendly exchanges between guests and hotelstaff over warmer oxidised surfaces. Throughout the hotel, dramatic effects are created to arouse more intense feelings in areas for transient occupancy,while calmness and peace are achieved with minimaldecorative details in areas for longer stay. In the actual guestrooms, semi-transparent wired glass partitions effectively veil the bathroom yet maximise illumination and spaciousness. Each room also contains a minimalist box, which patrons unfold into a desk and cabinet housing gourmet snacks and various accessories as they discover the hidden beauty of gold fl akes inlaid in the crevices of the concrete walls.Indeed, the entire hotel experience is a kind of hidden beauty to be discovered and appreciated with heart and mind.