
2017-11-01 22:51:14李斌斌李占斌郝仲勇杨胜利黄俊雄
农业工程学报 2017年19期




(1. 北京市水科学技术研究院,北京 100048;2. 西安理工大学西北水资源与环境生态教育部重点实验室,西安710048; 3. 北京市非常规水资源开发利用与节水工程技术研究中心,北京 100048;4. 北京林业大学水土保持学院,北京,100083)

为了进一步研究植被覆盖FBM(fractional brownian motion)分形维数在不同流域中对植被覆盖特征的综合效果及作为固定参数代替现有的植被量化指标在实际的水文、土壤侵蚀等预测模型中的应用,该文通过对大理河流域上中下游青阳岔、李家河和曹坪3个水文站控制流域的降雨、径流和产沙等资料的全面综合分析,以次降雨径流侵蚀功率作为侵蚀外营力输入,通过对站控流域地貌特征FBM分形维数、植被景观格局FBM分形维数和NDVI植被指数作为描述下垫面特征,以地理信息系统(GIS)为平台,利用GIS和RS技术,构建大理河流域侵蚀产沙量多元线性回归模型,并通过2组不同参数预测结果对比,结果表明:以植被格局分形维数为植被量化参数的模型输沙模数模拟值与实测值之间的相对误差和绝对误差比以NDVI为植被量化参数的小;在38场次暴雨洪水中,基于植被格局分形维数为植被量化参数的模型次暴雨输沙模数模拟值与实测值之间的相对误差小于10%、20%、50%的分别占总场次的34.21%、55.26%、86.85%;38场次暴雨输沙模数的模拟值和实测值之间的平均相对误差为25.19%,其中模拟值与实测值绝对误差小于300 t/km2有31场,植被格局FBM分形维数可以更好反映植被覆盖与水土流失之间的关系,并且分析得到植被格局分形维数与土壤侵蚀强度之间呈负相关关系,决定系数为0.506 6,即土壤侵蚀强度随着植被格局FBM分析维数的增大呈减小趋势,说明植被格局FBM分形维数对土壤侵蚀强度的影响较大。


0 引 言


植被覆盖度是全球及区域气候数值模型中的重要参数,也是描述生态系统的重要基础数据。传统的植被覆盖度没有考虑植被空间的分布特征和内部异质性,不能完全表达植被的覆盖特征的复杂性。对植被覆盖数量进行特征量化的研究,从最初的植被覆盖度到大量基于遥感影像的植被指数都有大量的研究[21-22],尤其是归一化植被指数(normalized difference vegetation index,NDVI)方面的研究,NDVI与植被盖度等量化植物生长状况的指标有很好的相关性,并且计算简单,是目前用来表征地表植被状况的重要指标[23-24]。水土流失是否严重可以通过植被覆盖度的高低间接反映和分析[25];对于植被格局开展研究对于水土保持治理和规划有很大的指导和应用价值[26-28]。目前对NDVI植被指数进行地表植被覆盖度的量化研究相对较多[29],NDVI植被指数是所选研究流域的一个平均值,仅用单一的NDVI值不能完全反映流域内各像元点的空间分布特征,也不能完全表达某一区域上的植被覆盖特征[30]。流域内植被覆盖FBM(fractional brownian motion)分形的标度的不变性特征是客观存在的,可以用FBM分维数来表述植被覆盖空间分布的复杂性。


1 研究区概况

大理河流域位于陕北毛乌素沙漠边缘,发源于靖边,干流全长170 km,流域面积3 906 km2,流域出口水文站为绥德站,集水面积3 893 km2。大理河流域地形地貌主要为丘陵沟壑区地貌和黄土梁峁丘陵沟壑地貌。大理河流域海拔900~1 700 m;属大陆性季风气候区;多年平均降水量439.8 mm,多年平均气温7.8~9.6 ℃;植被主要为干旱草原和落叶阔叶林的过渡带,植被覆盖度较低,植被空间分布不均匀。

大理河流域内共有水文站4个,分别为青阳岔站、李家河站、曹坪站和绥德站。其中青阳岔站以上主要为河源区,控制面积为662 km2,占绥德站以上控制面积的17%,多年平均来水量占绥德站以上来水量的17.4%,多年平均来沙量占12.4%。李家河站控制区以上为黄土丘陵沟壑区,控制面积807 km2,占绥德站以上控制面积的20.7%,多年平均来水量占绥德站以上来水量的18.9%,多年平均来沙量占16.5%。曹坪站控制面积187 km2,占绥德水以上控制面积的4.8%,多年平均来水量占绥德站以上来水量的5.1%,多年平均来沙量占3.5%。青阳岔站至绥德站之间为黄土峁状丘陵沟壑区。

2 流域侵蚀产沙量模型


2.1 参数选取

2.1.1 径流侵蚀功率




表1 次暴雨降雨径流侵蚀功率计算结果

2.1.2 流域地貌特征FBM分形维数

不同的地形地貌特征,对流域侵蚀产沙的强度、方式和过程等具有重要影响,传统的流域地貌量化参数包括坡度、坡长、沟壑密度、流域高差、地形起伏度和土壤侵蚀面等。沈中原等[13]在其研究成果中,重点研究了流域地貌特征FBM分形维数与传统地形地貌相关参数的关系,通过研究表明地貌特征FBM分形维数可以综合量化指标来表征流域地貌特征,通过计算分别得到曹坪站、青阳岔站、李家河站以上流域的地貌特征FBM分形维数,3个控制站的地貌分形维数分别为2.495 3、2.476 5和2.489 1。具体计算结果见表2。

表2 各水文站控制流域地貌特征FBM分形维数计算结果

2.1.3 NDVI植被指数


NDVI植被指数是植被生长状态以及植被空间分布密度的最佳指示因子,与植被分布密度呈线性相关。NDVI植被指数能较好的反映绿色植物生长状况和分布,可以宏观地反映地面绿色植物的生物量和覆盖度等植被定量特征。本研究采用各期遥感资料分辨率均为30 m× 30 m,时间均为每年的8~10月份。对遥感影像进行几何精度校正、大气效应纠正和角度效应纠正等预处理,分别以1990、1995、1999、2002年曹坪站、青阳岔站、李家河站控制断面以上流域的NDVI植被指数作为地表植被覆盖量化因子。由于1990年资料受云层的影响,其中青阳岔河、李家河的NDVI无法获取,具体NDVI植被指数统计表见表3。

表3 NDVI植被指数统计结果

2.1.4 植被格局FBM分形维数


表4 植被格局FBM分形维数计算结果

2.2 流域侵蚀产沙量模型构建



3 结果与分析

3.1 植被格局分形维数与流域土壤侵蚀强度关系


图1 大理河流域土壤侵蚀强度图

为了进一步定量研究大理河各级子流域侵蚀状况,本研究赋予各类侵蚀强度量化指标,对于微度侵蚀选取中间值500 t/km2×a,轻度、中度、强度和极强度选取区间平均数,剧烈侵蚀根据大理河以往研究成果取值为 20 000 t/km2×a,具体量化指标见表5。

表5 大理河流域侵蚀强度量化指标


从图2可以看出,植被格局FBM分形维数与土壤侵蚀模数之间存在着显著负相关,决定系数为0.506 6,即土壤侵蚀强度随着植被格局FBM分析维数的增大呈减小趋势,说明植被格局FBM分形维数对土壤侵蚀强度的影响较大。


图2 植被格局FBM分形维数与土壤侵蚀强度关系图

3.2 大理河流域不同下垫面次降雨径流泥沙响应关系


图3 38场降雨输沙模数预测值与实际值的对比图



从图4中可以看出,与NDVI为参数的模型的计算结果相比,以植被格局分形维数为植被量化参数的模型输沙模数模拟值与实测值之间的相对误差较小,即以降雨侵蚀因子(径流侵蚀功率)、地形地貌因子(地貌特征FBM分形维数)、植被格局FBM分形维数作为流域次暴雨侵蚀产沙模型因子的模拟值与实测值之间吻合度更好;基于植被格局分形维数为模型参数因子的输沙模数模拟值与实测值之间的相对误差随着输沙模数实测值的增大而减小。当输沙模数实测值小于500 t/km2时,模拟值与实测值之间的相对误差较大,另外相对误差随着输沙模数实测值的增大而减小。

图4 两组模拟值与实测值的相对误差图


从图5a对于各场降雨的绝对误差而言,输沙模数大致介于0到2 000 t/km2之间的27场降雨的绝对误差值小于300 t/km有16场,降雨的绝对误差小于100 t/km2有6场,有12场降雨的绝对误差小于200 t/km2。在实际输沙模数大于2 000 t/km2之间的11场降雨中,有3场降雨的绝对误差大于600 t/km2,有8场降雨的绝对误差介于300~600 t/km2。

从图5b中可以看出,对于各场降雨的绝对误差而言,输沙模数大致介于0到2 000 t/km2之间的27场降雨的绝对误差值小于300 t/km2有24场,降雨的绝对误差小于100 t/km2有13场,有20场降雨的绝对误差小于200 t/km2。在实际输沙模数大于2 000 t/km2之间的11场降雨中,有1场降雨的绝对误差大于600 t/km2,有3场降雨的绝对误差介于300~600 t/km2,有7场降雨的绝对误差小于300 t/km2。

以植被格局FBM分形维数作为流域下垫面植被格局描述参数,构建降雨因子、地貌因子与植被格局与降雨侵蚀产沙之间的多元线型回归模型,模拟数值与实测数据绝对误差小于300 t/km2有31场,说明将植被格局分形维数作为下垫面植被综合量化参数是可行的,并且计算出来的结果是可靠的。

图5 大理河流域次暴雨输沙模数模拟值与实测值的绝对误差分析


4 结论与讨论




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Response of vegetation pattern characteristics to sediment yield in Dali River Basin

Li Binbin1,4, Li Zhanbin2※, Hao Zhongyong1,3, Yang Shengli1,3, Huang Junxiong1

(1.100048,; 2.710048,; 3.100048,; 4.100083,)

Landform, land cover and landscape pattern are important underlying surface conditions for basin erosion and the dominating factors for regional water and soil erosion. It is essential to study the law of water and soil loss in Loess Plateau area to find out how to quantize the features of basin underlying surface in a scientific and rational manner, establish a underlying surface indicator system suitable for describing the erosion environment of the Loess Plateau area, and study the interaction and coupling mechanism between various quantitative parameters and sediment generation arising from watershed erosion. By applying multi-disciplinary cross theory knowledge, combining GIS (geographic information system) and RS (remote sensing) technology, and taking Dalihe Watershed of Loess Plateau in north Shaanxi as the study area, this paper studied the relationship between the fractal dimension of vegetation distribution pattern and water and soil loss. The paper established a Brownian motion fractal dimension calculation model for the vegetation pattern of Dalihe Watershed based on NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index); the model illuminated the space distribution characteristics of NDVI of Dalihe Watershed. An erosion sediment yield model was also established for Dalihe Watershed, and the comparative study was performed on the advantages and disadvantages of the fractional Brownian motion (FBM) fractal dimension of vegetation pattern and the vegetation index NDVI in respect of comprehensive quantization of watershed vegetation parameters. The phase relation between fractal dimension of vegetation pattern and soil erosion intensity was analyzed, and the opinion that water and soil conservation for Dalihe Watershed should focus on small watersheds and the control measures thereof was proposed. In order to further study the general effects of FBM fractal dimension of vegetation coverage on vegetation coverage characteristics in different watersheds, and the application of fractal dimension in hydrology, soil erosion and other prediction models as a fixed parameter, substituting the existing quantitative indicator of vegetation, the paper established a multivariate linear regression model of erosion sediment yield for Dalihe Watershed through comprehensive analysis of the precipitation, runoff, sediment yield and other data of the watersheds monitored by such 3 hydrologic stations as Qingyangcha, Lijiahe and Caogeping, which are located at the upstream, middle reach and downstream of Dalihe Watershed respectively. The secondary rainfall runoff erosion power was set as the aggressive external force input, the FBM fractal dimension of geomorphologic characteristics in watershed controlled by station, the FBM fractal dimension of vegetation landscape pattern, and the vegetation index NDVI were used to describe the underlying surface features; the GIS was adopted as the platform, and the predicting outcomes of 2 groups of different parameters were compared and analyzed. The results show that: With fractal dimension of vegetation pattern as vegetation quantization parameter, both the relative error and absolute error between the simulation value of sediment transport module of the model and the measured value are smaller than that with NDVI as vegetation quantization parameter. Among 38 storm floods, 13 of them present that the relative error between the simulated value and measured value is lower than 10% with fractal dimension of vegetation pattern as vegetation quantization parameter in the rainstorm-sediment transport module of the model, accounting for 34.21% of the total; 21 of them present a relative error lower than 20%, accounting for 55.26% of the total; 32 of them present a relative error lower than 50%, accounting for 86.85% of the total; in the above 38 storm floods, the average relative error between the simulated value and measured value is 25.19%, including 31 storm floods showing an absolute error of lower than 300 t/km2between the simulated value and measured value. FBM fractal dimension of vegetation pattern can better reflect the relationship between vegetation coverage and water and soil loss. In addition, the analysis shows that fractal dimension of vegetation pattern presents a negative correlation with soil erosion intensity and the correlation coefficient is 0.506 6. It indicates that soil erosion intensity shows downtrend along with the increasing of FBM fractal dimension of vegetation pattern, which means that FBM fractal dimension of vegetation pattern significantly affects soil erosion intensity.

vegetation; erosion; geographic information system; fractal dimension; soil and water loss


TP79; Q948








人民黄河(2020年2期)2020-10-12 14:26:14
西藏科技(2015年1期)2015-09-26 12:09:29