
2017-10-15 17:36ByJoshGlancy译/郭宇
新东方英语 2017年10期



We are living through a new age of instability. The pace of our lives, the pace of change, the introduction of new technologies—augmented reality, virtual reality, wearable technology, artificial intelligence—is bewildering at best2). To many it is deeply unsettling.

Power has shifted from traditional institutions to elaborate Silicon Valley campuses in north California. Googles inanimate algorithm has more impact on the success or failure of a modern business than any industrial strategy cooked up3) in Westminster. Some say this is just the beginning, that we are weaving4) unthinkingly towards the singularity5), the moment when machines become more intelligent than us, with only a few tech visionaries having any sort of plan for where we might be headed.

These are the views of Yuval Noah Harari, the 40-year-old Israeli historian who has become something of a prophet when it comes to explaining our past and predicting our future. He is the seer loved by Silicon Valley who doesnt have a smartphone or use social media. The man who spends months at a time in silent meditation before emerging to write books that strike at the heart of the modern condition.

Hararis breakthrough book, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, became an international bestseller in 2014, after spending three years at the top of the Israeli charts. Its a remarkable piece of work that explains how a middling6) primate7) from East Africa conquered the planet in just a few dozen millennia.

His basic theory states that it is our capacity for telling stories that has made us great. Chimpanzees, who share so much of our genetic data, cannot operate effectively in groups larger than 150. But Homo sapiens8) can. We use our language skills to create mutual myths—money, religion, nationhood—that bind us together and allow us to co-operate on a mass scale.

Sapiens was eventually bumped off the top of the Israeli bestseller charts by Hararis latest work, Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow. In it, he steps into the present, then the future, seeking to explain our current sense of instability and where our planets master species may be headed.

The success of Sapiens transformed Harari from an obscure academic specialising in crusader history into a world-famous intellectual. There have been TED talks, big-money publishing deals and invitations to speak at top universities and Google. Bill Gates praised his book and Mark Zuckerberg put it on his reading list.endprint

Readers of Sapiens will not be surprised to hear that he thinks our future looks fairly bleak.

“What is happening at the moment is that the narrative is collapsing,” he says. “Before 1991, there was the narrative of the Cold War. Then the Cold War ended and the new narrative was globalisation, liberal democracy and the need for everybody to adopt the breakthroughs of science and technology. This narrative ensures that gradually all nations will become like western Europe and America.”

However, there is a problem with this story, says Harari. “It just doesnt work. It works for some countries, for some people, but it doesnt work for a lot of countries, and even in the West its no longer working. What we are seeing is the collapse of the story, and when you dont have a story of what is happening in the world, there is insecurity, there is confusion.”

This is typical Harari—humans are nowhere without a good story. The other reason for our insecurity is, of course, technology, which is causing rapid, disorientating change that our creaking institutions simply cannot accommodate.

Harari is not the easiest company. I meet him twice to talk about his latest book, once for lunch and once for breakfast. His manner is clipped9), self-contained and serious. Physically, he is small, skinny, almost shrunken. There is not a hint of the charismatic salesman typical of so many modish10) intellectuals.

Over three hours of conversation, I extract just one smile from him. He does have a sense of humour, but it is ever so dry. His accented English is superb—he translates his own books from Hebrew. He talks a bit like Henry Kissinger11): thoughts emerge as fully formed paragraphs, without hesitation or pause for thought.

Six years ago, Harari was an unknown lecturer at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. As a junior academic, he got lumbered with12) one of the least popular courses to teach—world history. Harari loved it. His mind began seeing connections, joining up the dots of world history, carving a narrative through the vast mass of knowledge. He started writing a book.

What elevates Harari above many chroniclers of our age is his exceptional clarity and focus. He has always been an intense person. He was born near Haifa, in northern Israel; his father was an engineer and his mother an administrator—neither were scholars. He was always interested in “the big questions,” but he believes that it was taking up meditation that gave him the rare ability to tell a grand story without digression13), waffle14) or tangent15).endprint

Between environmental disasters, robot takeovers and political decay, lunch with Harari can be a bit of a downer16). He says hes not a pessimist, instead seeing his work as a “corrective” to the optimism of the tech utopians. But undoubtedly he takes a darker view than most.

He doesnt fit the Israeli male stereotype—loud, ebullient17), difficult—but there is something in his bluntness and in his unsparing18) views that is characteristic of those who have grown up in a tough country where there is little patience for circumlocution19). “When you grow up in Israel and the Middle East you always feel insecure,” he says. “Insecurity is kind of your comfort zone.”

Thinking things through is what Harari says most of us today are not doing enough of. Instead of planning for an uncertain future, we are “stuck in the comfort zone” of 20th-century discussions, simply because that is what we understand.

The only people with the faintest idea what is going on are in Silicon Valley, which is where he believes the religions of tomorrow are developing.

“Im interested in the visions, in the ideology and the mythology that these people are creating. I think many of them are quite naive, because they have no background in philosophy and history, so you get the kind of visions that you expect engineers to produce. But I dont think they are evil. It is very good that they are taking what they are doing seriously and trying to think creatively about the future. The problem is that they are not balanced by other people, other leaders, who offer alternative visions.”

Data, privacy, job automation and a basic income, the ethics of artificial intelligence, how technology can help the environment and the poor: These are the kinds of issues that Harari thinks should be dominating our politics. Much power has been transferred to big tech, yet still we rail at20) the old elites. Why?

“Partly because most people dont realise what is happening,” he says. “They are very happy to have their iPhones and to have email and to have access everywhere, all the time. They dont see that they are really giving away their most important possession, which is their data.”

“In the same way that in the early modern period you had the European imperialists coming to Africa and buying entire countries for a few beads, now we give away our most important possession, our data, to Google and Facebook in return for funny cat videos. People dont realise whats at stake.”endprint

The changes Harari outlines, and our failure to adapt to the pace of them, could have some fairly terrifying consequences. He sees huge job loss due to automation as highly likely and “very scary,” resulting in the creation of a “useless class” comprising billions of people devoid of any economic or political value.

Harari identifies two ideological trends emerging from Silicon Valley. The first is “dataism”—the almost religious preeminence21) of information and algorithms that will eventually replace our human instincts when it comes to decision-making. The second he calls “techno-humanism.” He argues that todays liberal humanism is an extension of Jewish and Christian belief in the soul. These religions maintained that each soul was precious because it was created by God. Today, more of us believe that the soul was created by evolution, but still we value it as the most precious thing in the universe, hence our attachment to human rights. Techno-humanism extends this further. Such is our obsession with human life, we will do anything to sustain, lengthen and protect it.

Harari believes that this quest for immortality will lead us to upgrade ourselves biologically. The story we have told ourselves about our eternal souls could lead us to destroy humanity as we know it.

These upgrades currently exist in things like the US army helmets that use augmented reality to speed up decision-making. But much more is on the way. Nano robots may search our blood for pathogens22) to destroy. Human brains might be connected to the internet, able to call on its wealth of knowledge simply by thinking about it.

Harari points out that there is the possibility of great inequality built into all this. In a world where almost all jobs are automated, the elites will have little use for the masses. Biological upgrades will not be shared equally, potentially creating a “cognitive elite” that will view the rest of mankind with the same superiority that sapiens once reserved for Neanderthals23).

Despite his technological doomsaying, Harari is not a determinist. He believes that technology may bring us good things too, such as wildly efficient renewable energy sources and the ability to use 3D-printing technology to make food. He also believes that we should take responsibility for our actions. “If people are concerned, then they should look at their lives and the decisions they are making; about merging with their smartphones and their computers, and transferring authority to computer algorithms.”endprint

If Harari is even half right about all of this, then our age of instability may just be beginning. But like all the best prophets, he is delivering his warning just in time for us to change our ways. “Its not something that will happen in thousands of years,” he says. “It is a timescale of decades, not millennia. If we want to do something about it, we should start thinking about it now. In 30 years it will be too late.”































1.seer [s??(r)] n. 预言家

2.at best:就最乐观的一方面看

3.cook up:策划,谋划

4.weave [wi?v] vi. 迂回曲折行进

5.the singularity:“奇点”,即人工智能会发展到某个关键的转折点,届时将完全超越人类智能。

6.middling [?m?d(?)l??] adj. 中等的

7.primate [?pra?me?t] n. 灵长目动物

8.Homo sapiens:人类;智人

9.clipped [kl?pt] adj. (语言风格)简洁明快的

10.modish [?m??d??] adj. 流行的;时髦的

11.Henry Kissinger:即亨利·阿尔弗雷德·基辛格(Henry Alfred Kissinger, 1923~),美国著名外交家、国际问题专家,美国前国务卿。

12.get lumbered with:为……拖累

13.digression [da??ɡre?(?)n] n. 离题

14.waffle [?w?f(?)l] n. 胡扯;空谈;含糊其辞

15.tangent [?t?nd?(?)nt] n. 突兀的转向;离题

16.downer [?da?n?(r)] n. 令人沮丧的经历

17.ebullient [??b?li?nt] adj. 兴高采烈的

18.unsparing [?n?spe?r??] adj. 不避讳的,不隐藏的

19.circumlocution [?s??(r)k?ml??kju??(?)n] n. (尤指对不好的事情的)迂回曲折的说法endprint

On the Success of Humankind
意志顽强 气概豪迈