
2017-10-13 21:03:01刘晋浩黄青青
农业工程学报 2017年2期

孙 浩,刘晋浩,黄青青


孙 浩,刘晋浩※,黄青青

(北京林业大学工学院,北京 100083)



0 引 言



从空气动力学角度来看,气流在流经沙障时,障前和障后会产生压力差,从而产生对沙障的水平作用力,透过性沙障周围的空气动力特征很早就得到了研究人员的关注[16-19]。早期的立式沙障模型高度一般在0.61~2.54 m之间,多采用对风场扰动较大的风杯式风速仪进行风速测量[20-21]。近年来,将小型沙障模型置于风洞环境下,并采用粒子成像测速系统(particle image velocimetry,PIV)进行流场测量成为主要的研究方法[22-24],沙障模型高度一般在20~200 mm之间。PIV系统可以对速度场进行直接测量,但不能测量压力场。Liu等[25-26]应用2套PIV系统首先对速度场进行测量,并应用相邻4帧粒子图像来计算粒子加速度,从而推倒出流场的压力分布,此方法技术上虽然可以实现,但精度上受图像采样频率很大,并不实用。数值计算是研究风沙流场的一个重要的研究方法,其准确性已得到了大量的试验验证[27-30]。


1 数值方法与几何模型


1.1 控制方程






1.2 几何模型


研究表明,气流在流经透过性沙障时,在障前和障后会产生涡流区,其中障前涡流区域范围在障前2~5之间,障后涡流区域范围在10~15之间。本算例中为避免入口和出口距离过小而造成尾流计算错误,障前尺寸为10,为500 mm,障后尺寸为30,为1 500 mm。计算域高度为500 mm,沙障高度为50 mm,厚度1 mm。


1.3 网格划分

本文采用结构网格对计算域进行划分。壁面内侧布置网格10层,壁面第1层网格厚度为0.01 mm,经计算满足yplus<1。同时对沙障附近网格进行加密,远离壁面网格逐渐稀疏,沙障附近网格划分如图3所示。

1.4 边界条件


式中*为摩阻风速,为保证与文献[32]中的风洞环境有相近的入口边界条件,本文取值为0.5 m/s。为karman常数,此处为0.4,为距离地面高度,0取值为d/10,d为沙粒平均直径,本文取0.5 mm。计算参数设置见表1。

表1 数值模拟参数设置

2 结果与分析

2.1 数值模型验证

为验证数值计算结果的可靠性,将本文数值计算结果与文献[32]中的风洞试验结果进行对比。Dong等[32]对孔隙沙障进行试验研究,并采用PIV试验获取流场数据。试验在中国科学院沙漠与沙漠化重点实验室的非循环风洞进行。风洞总长37.8 m,截面宽度为0.6 m、高1 m。沙障孔隙率为0,入口风速为10 m/s时,尾流区湍流强度的水平分量和垂直分量沿高度变化如图4所示。研究采用无量纲的表示方式,竖直方向与水平方向距离用模型高度做归一化处理。湍流计算方式与文献[32]相同。如图4所示,=0截面的湍流强度的数值计算结果与试验数据差距较大,原因可能在于:1)由于近壁面风速梯度较大,测量设备不能满足近壁面流场的测量要求,导致测量误差较大;2)因为本研究中=0的监测截面在壁面上,导致壁面上节点计算湍流强度值为0。远离沙障截面处的尾流区数值结果与试验数据吻合较好,可以反映出真实流场的风速脉动统计规律,说明本文边界条件,模型网格划分及参数取值是可信的,为下文的分析提供可靠性保证。

2.2 数值模拟结果

沙障的水平荷载来源于沙障前后的气压差和气流的拖拽力作用。而本文所使用的模型厚度仅为1 mm,因此气流的黏滞力作用相对较小,本研究忽略了气流黏滞力作用,仅考虑沙障前后壁面压力差值对沙障的荷载作用。定义沙障竖直坐标为0的截面为所要分析的截面,及沙障根部。由于本文的模型为二维模型,假定沙障的纵向长度为1 m,取沙障壁面上的节点气压数据,并对节点间进行线性插值。然后计算监测截面的弯矩和剪力。

2.1.1 嵌固端受力随时间变化规律

沙障在风荷载作用下,嵌固端主要受剪力和弯矩作用,沙床必须提供足够的嵌固力以防止沙障发生倒伏。在促发的持续风力作用下,沙障受力从无荷载作用到受到持续荷载作用必然会出现一个变化过程。图5为沙障嵌固端弯矩和剪力时程图。采样间隔为0.001 s。弯矩和剪力按下式计算

式中和F分别为弯矩(N·m)和剪力(N),P()和P()分别为沙障前后壁面的压力分布函数,为沙障纵向长度,本文取值为1 m,为沙障壁面任一点的离地高度,m。

a. 弯矩随时间变化

a. Bending moment change with time

如图5所示,沙障嵌固端的弯矩和剪力在促发气流作用下迅速增大,随着流场逐渐发展,沙障周围逐渐形成相对稳定的流场结构,前后壁面压力差逐渐降低,弯矩和剪力逐渐减小,并最终达到平稳。促发气流下,沙障孔隙率对其受力特性有较大影响,随孔隙率增加而逐渐减小。沙障受力稳定后伴有一定的压力波动,嵌固端受到的弯矩和剪力脉动随孔隙率降低而明显增大。将沙障嵌固端受力从最大值降低到稳定值所需要的时间定义为稳定时间。可以看出,稳定时间随沙障孔隙率增长逐渐降低。沙障孔隙率为0时,沙障受力约在1.5 s后达到稳定,当孔隙率为80%时,沙障受力稳定时间约为0.15 s,由此可知,沙障孔隙率越高,流场从静止状态发展到成熟流场结构所需的时间越短。

2.2.2 孔隙率对嵌固端弯矩剪力的影响






表2 波动强度随孔隙率变化


2.2.3 透过性沙障障后流场结构




3 结论与讨论







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Numerical analysis for force at embedded end of sand barrier under wind loads

Sun Hao, Liu Jinhao※, Huang Qingqing


Inserted depth is an important parameter in sand fence engineering. In order to provide a theoretical support for inserted depth of sand fence, the sand fence with different porosity was studied by using LES method. Five kinds of sand fence were selected as the research objects with the porosity of 0, 20%, 40%, 60% and 80%. The height of sand fence was 50 mm. Boundary condition was of great importance to the simulation of the flow structure around the sand fence, the large eddy model (LES) was employed as the turbulence model. The gas phase had been simplified with the influence of sand particles ignored. It was treated as incompressible gas, and its flow was assumed to be in transition state. The velocity at inlet of calculation domain followed the logarithm distribution and the friction velocity was 0.5 m/s. The SIMPLIC method was employed for flow field prediction. Ten layers were arranged near wall and the height of the first layer was 0.01 mm, and yplus was less than 1. The top boundary of calculation domain was slip wall boundary, and the bottom was nonslip wall boundary. The turbulence numerical results for sand fence with the porosity 0 were compared with the experimental results of a similar study that was conducted in a blowing sand wind tunnel at the Key Laboratory of Desert and Desertification of Chinese Academy of Sciences. The particle image velocimetry (PIV) was employed to determine mean velocity and the turbulence fields were calculated by the velocity. The numerical model was well verified. Then, the variation of bending moment and shear force with porosity and the flow structure around the fence were analyzed. The results showed that the bending moment and shear force on the embedded end of sand fence without pores was much higher than that for the sand fence with pores under the sudden air flow with same velocity, and its maximum bending moment and shear force on the embedded end were 2 and 1.5 times of that with 40% porosity, and were 16.5 and 14.45 times of that with 80% porosity. The maximum bending moment and shear force on the embedded end decreased with increasing porosity. The bending moment and shear force decreased greatly under continuous wind forces. When the porosity of sand fence was 0, its maximum bending moment and shear force on the embedded end was about 9.4 and 6.9 times of the mean under the continuous wind forces. When the porosity of sand fence was 80%, its maximum bending moment and shear force on the embedded end was about 2.3 and 2.5 times of the mean under the continuous wind forces. The size of the main vortex behind the sand fence decreased with the increase of the porosity. Large eddy had a stronger resistance to its movement change, causing the lager bending moment and shear force at the embedded end of sand fence with 0 porosity compared to the sand fence which has porosity. When the porosity was less than 50%, there was no obvious main vortex structure in the rear of the sand fence and its flow structure was similar to that for the single plate. The flow structure around the sand barrier with closed porosity had similar appearance, and it could be divided into 2 groups by the porosity of 50%, and the stress in each of the group had the similar varying characteristics.

porosity; flow structure; numerical methods; porous fences; large eddy simulation; sand fixation


S157.1; U216.41+3






孙 浩,男,黑龙江人,博士生,主要从事环境流体力学、风沙物理学研究。北京北京林业大学工学院,100083。Email:251045257@qq.com

刘晋浩,北京人,男,教授,博士生导师。主要从事林业装备自动化及智能化研究。北京 北京林业大学工学院,100083。 Email:liujinhao@vip.163.com

孙 浩,刘晋浩,黄青青. 沙障风荷载作用下嵌固端受力分析[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(2):148-154. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.020 http://www.tcsae.org

Sun Hao, Liu Jinhao, Huang Qingqing. Numerical analysis for force at embedded end of sand barrier under wind loads[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(2): 148-154. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.020 http://www.tcsae.org

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