
2017-10-13 12:37:47徐新华
制冷与空调 2017年3期

万 航 徐新华 严 天


万 航 徐新华 严 天

(华中科技大学环境科学与工程学院 武汉 430074)



0 引言




1 理论湿渗透模型








根据初始条件及边界条件对式(1)求解,可获得墙体内或墙体材料内任意一点的湿分布,如式(7)所示。理论湿渗透厚度(Theoretical moist penetration depth,TMPD)可以定义为其值为某点的相对湿度变化幅值为材料表面相对湿度变化幅值1%时,此点离材料表面的距离[19]。式(7)简化为式(8),并进一步求出理论湿渗透厚度为式(9)。



图1 周期作用下半无限大墙体材料内水蒸汽浓度分布图


2 不同材料的理论渗透厚度


表1 墙体材料湿物性参数及理论湿渗透厚度

图2 不同材料日周期理论湿渗透厚度


3 实际应用分析





4 结论


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Theoretical Moisture Penetration Depth Model of Building Wall Material and its Application Analysis

Wan Hang Xu Xinhua Yan Tian

( School of Environment Science & Engineering, Huazhong University of Science andTechnology, Wuhan, 430074 )

Thermal and moisture transfer exists in building wall due to the disturbances of indoor environment and ambient. This paper present the theoretical moisture penetration model (TMPD-model) of a single-layer building material and its solution. The theoretical moisture penetration depths are presented for various conventional building materials under different moisture periods. The results show that the theoretical moisture penetration depth increases with the moisture period, and the theoretical moisture penetration depths of various materials differ significantly. In calculation of moisture transfer between the material and the indoor air, the effective moisture penetration depth (EMPD) model is usually used. However, the EMPDmodel is based on the assumption that the moisture does not penetrate through the material layers. The theoretical moisture penetration depth can be used to check the effectiveness of the EMPDmodel. The theoretical moisture penetration depth can also be used for material design reference.

Theoretical moisture penetration depth; Effective moisture penetration depth; Humidity control material





万 航(1992-),男,博士研究生,E-mail:wanhang111@hotmail.com



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