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◇ 文 |曾天赐
On June 18th of 2017, as the photographing contest called “l love Chongqing,a wonderful day”started,countless camera lens devoured the wonderful moments of life in the ordinary world, as well as the gorgeous scenery of the wonderful day in Chongqing. On the very day, professional photographers and shutterbugs from all over the city’s 38 districts and counties used the camera to record beautiful views of Chongqing, and many citizens also used the phone to shoot the beauty of light and shadow in Chongqing.
《大礼堂前练武术》 (作者:刘嵩)
《魅力四射的洪崖洞》 2017年6月18日20:26,一位市民在雨中欣赏重庆夜景。(作者:张坤琨)
《花车巡游》 2017年6月18日11:25,江北嘴重庆大剧院,参加世界超级模特大赛总决赛冠军之夜活动的中外模特进行花车巡游。(作者:罗大万)
《观展览》 2017年6月18日9:37,四川美术学院虎溪校区 ,市民排队进入美术馆参观展览。(作者:赵杰昌)
《阅淘》 2017年6月18日14:22,解放碑新华书店,儿童阅览区的孩子们正在阅读。(作者:田国强)
《排队》 2017年6月18日15:18,永川区高铁车站,去往重庆的旅客正在排队上车。(作者:王玉玺)
They were wandering in the bustling city, passing through the streets, exploring into the quiet and distant village, or recording the lovely dog with the deep love of the mountain city. Photography-lovers excitedly captured the happiness and affection presenting in every corner of the city, harvesting ordinary but wonderful moments into the camera and carving life memories in this day.
2017年6月18日6:49,丰都长江二桥,工人攀上钢索检修。 (作者:谭万金)
Perhaps when we opened the image and pictures left on this day a few years later, the very summer would jump into our eyes accompanied by the enthusiasm and dedication from people living in the city as well as passers-by of this charming city.
当上领班后的周安英巡查生产车间 (作者:唐明兵)
2017年6月18日24:00,重庆江北国际机场,一架客机准备起飞。 (作者:罗斌)
2017年6月18日8:20,轨道十号线二期七星岗站工地,工人在为加工钢筋做准备。 (作者:周勇)
《站牌》 2017年6月18日10:49,重庆西站施工现场工人正在安装站牌。 (作者:卞冲)
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In the Name of Love, Shed Emotions on the City by Lens
Article | Zeng Tianci