Miller House Innsbruck, Austria
业主:Christine Miller
摄影:Henning Koepke
但是,因为结构线开阔和宁静的特点,加上设计师把使用的材料限于三种:无烟煤灰色金属(铝和钢)、白色底灰和有数千年历史的沉积石(giallo dorato),整个建筑给人宁静深沉的感觉。建筑所在地面上还激活了另一个能量场提供热量:建筑物配套使用来自120米深处的两个收集器的地热能。
Client: Dr. Christine Miller
Year: Start of Design: 2010 / Start of Construction: 2011 /
Completion: 2012
Usable Floor Area: 254 m²
Photos: Henning Koepke
The Miller House is in Hötting, a district of Innsbruck, on a step in the terrain in front of the Nordkette mountain range. The exceptional location of the site offers a view to the west that is prototypical for Innsbruck and that cannot be blocked by new building: this view extends into the upper Inn Valley, framed on the right by the dramatic rock edge of the Martinswand.
The building is developed from several lines of movement that traverse the space which the site offers in the form of three-dimensional diagonals, in the process generating a real field of forces. On the one hand an elongated, outreaching figure is created, which, on the other hand, is spatially condensed at the points where the diagonals intersect.
A rich variety of spaces and spatial zones is developed out of the field of tension generated by these lines: from spaces that are narrow, tall and two-storey to broad, horizontal, single-storey spaces and to linearly arranged ones.
One could think here of a thermodynamic process, of flows that are initially laminar, later turbulent, less dense (the spatial zones) and highly dense (the building envelope and storeys): walls, floors and ceilings are understood first as a continuum which is then differentiated by this process in order, on the one hand, to acquire the three characteristics just mentioned and, on the other, to generate those openings described in standard terminology as glazing, windows and ceiling openings into voids.
That, in the process, a powerful building volume is created, like a big-cat with its muscles tensed just before it leaps, and enormous demands are made on the structural design, is, of course, self-evident.
And yet the building emanates calm and contemplation through the generosity and serenity of the lines and the reduction of the materials to just three: anthracite grey metal (aluminium and steel), white render, and sedimentary stone thousands of years old (giallo dorato).
A further energy field on the site was activated to provide heat: the building supplies itself with geothermal energy from two probes about 120 metres deep.
首层平面图 ground floor plan
二层平面图 first floor plan
AA剖面图 section AA
BB剖面图 section BB
北立面图 elevation north
南立面图 elevation south