
2017-09-07 03:46:17RupertSteiner
世界建筑导报 2017年4期


Schaden House Vienna, Austria

业主:Monika Schaden, Günter Schaden

日期:设计启动:2005年/施工:2006年 /



结构设计:DI Harald Weiss

摄影:Rupert Steiner

这座房子是在一个私人住宅基础上开发的花园式庄园的组成部分,临近 Lainzer Tiergarten 的周边,景观富有维也纳特色。该综合性建筑根据 Landschaftsarchitektur 3:0 的总体规划设计。该总体规划的设计原则,一方面是制定一套尽量减少房屋妨碍景观和遮挡阳光的规则,另一方面是制定一套用于住宅的公共/半公共区域的室外区域所有要素的材料的标准。预期的设计结果是建造在其基础部分和前面的花园区域享有共同特色但又相互独立的住宅群。因为PTA建筑事务所设计的住宅是第一幢要完成的房屋,因此在开发中起着奠定基调的作用,特别是因为该住宅选择的材料将用于整个项目的开发建设——至少最初相关各方决定采用相同的材料。


住宅周围不同高度的地块采用来自 Waldviertel 的粒变岩建造的石墙,不同地块互相之间用几乎完全釉化的一楼地面相连,房屋周围的所有地表在周围景观上形成一个醒目的整体基础,建筑物好像悬挂在很细的钢柱上。底层是一个联通的空间,从一个尺寸较小的两层入口大厅通向这一空间,里面是客厅/厨房、用餐区,通过一道平缓楼梯通向活动区。这一较高的区域形成第二层,这也决定了较低区域的护栏高度,面前游泳池的水面的反射也给这一区域更加突出的感觉。较低的客厅/厨房和用餐区在原有地表上设计建造,而稍高的生活区域则采用白色的包围结构,形成一个稍有隐蔽的私人区域。穿过房屋的小路通过几步台阶通向一个小露台,这里可以远眺整个维也纳的美景。

Client: Monika Schaden, Günter Schaden

Year: Start of Design: 2005 / Start of Construction: 2006 /

Completion: 2007

Usable Floor Area: 202 m²

Structural Design: DI Harald WEISS

Photos: Rupert Steiner

This house is part of a garden estate development based on a private initiative and is located at the perimeter of the Lainzer Tiergarten with a view over Vienna. The complex is based on a master plan by 3:0 Landschaftsarchitektur and non:conform. The goal of the master plan was, on the one hand, to establish a set of rules that would minimise the obstruction of views and sunlight by the individual houses. On the other hand the aim was also to develop a common canon of materials for all elements in the outdoor areas of the public and semi-public spaces of the houses. The result intended was a development of completely individual houses that would still speak a common language in their plinth zones and front garden areas. As the house which we designed was the first to be completed, it acquired a pioneering role in the development particularly because the materials that we chose were to become definitive for the entire development – at least this is what was agreed.

The hard areas towards the private road were made of in-situ concrete with a broomed finish. The development will be free of fences and enclosures. The complex is zoned only by natural stone retaining walls which in terms of nature conservation present no obstacles to flora and fauna.

The dry stone walls made of granulite from the Waldviertel handle the different terrain levels of our house but at the same time form a striking plinth that grows out of the landscape and above which, separated by an almost completely glazed ground floor, the building seems to hover on extremely slender steel columns. The ground floor contains a spatial continuum that is reached from a small two-storey entrance hall: a living room/kitchen, a dining area and – somewhat higher and reached by a shallow flight of steps – a living area. This higher level forms a second horizon that defines the parapet heights of the lower area and is accentuated by the reflections from the water of the pool in front. The lower area with kitchen-living room and dining area is incised in the site, whereas the upper living area is taken up by a white rendered encasing figure that contains the private areas on the upper floor. Here the route through the house ends at a small terrace that is reached via a few steps and offers a fantastic view across the whole of Vienna.

总平面图 site plan

首层面图 ground floor plan

二层面图 first floor plan

北立面图 elevation north

东立面图 elevation east

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