
2017-09-07 03:46:54
世界建筑导报 2017年4期


Pichler & Traupmann Architekten


位于维也纳的 Pichler & Traupmann 建筑事务所由 Christoph Pichler和 Johann Traupmann 创立于1992年,自创立以来已经完成了一大批办公、工业与社会住房建筑项目,而且文化与教育建筑领域的建筑项目也越来越多。

该建筑事务所目前正在设计建造的重要项目包括为维也纳音乐与表演艺术大学设计的未来艺术实验室(Future Art Lab)、位于格拉茨的 Pfauengarten开发项目(一座被列为世界文化遗产并列入2017年密斯•凡•德•罗欧洲当代建筑奖候选名单的建筑)和一座最近获奖的位于维也纳的住宅楼;最近完成的项目有 ÖAMTC (奥地利汽车俱乐部与道路救援服务机构)新总部、Wiener Netze (维也纳电气供应公司)的信息交流中心与职工餐厅以及多次获奖的 LFS Güssing (农业教育校区);该建筑事务所的其他主要设计建筑项目有位于艾森斯塔特的国会文化中心(Culture Congress Centre)(2012年完工)、位于艾森斯塔特的 Raiffeisen 金融中心(2010年完工)、埃伯费尔德户外游泳池(2009年完工,入围2010年德国汉诺威 contractworld设计大奖提名),以及位于德国雷根斯堡的巴伐利亚历史博物馆(2013年通过验收)、位于慕尼黑的奥运村和位于法兰克福的世界文化博物馆。

Pichler & Traupmann 建筑事务所定期在全球各种国际会展上展示自己的设计作品,其作品已被收入很多出版物,且屡获专项奖。

Christoph Pichler 生于1964年,曾在维也纳的应用艺术大学、美国的哈佛大学学习建筑,自1992年起断断续续在维也纳技术大学和格拉茨技术大学任教,最初担任助教,1996年担任讲师。

Johann Traupmann 生于1958年,曾在维也纳学习神学,后来在维也纳应用艺术大学学习建筑,自1992年以来一直在维也纳应用艺术大学从事教学工作,最早担任讲师,2002年起担任助理教授 (2000年至2015年在Zaha Hadid 工作室工作,2015年起在 Kazuyo Sejima 工作室工作)。

The Viennese architecture office of Pichler & Traupmann was founded by Christoph Pichler and Johann Traupmann in 1992 and since that time has carried out a wide variety of commissions in the areas of office and industrial buildings, of social housing and increasingly in those of cultural- and educational buildings.

Among their most important current projects in process are the Future Art Lab for the Vienna University of Music and Performing Arts, the Pfauengarten Development Graz (a building among the World Cultural Heritage and shortlisted for the EU Mies Award 2017)) and a newly won residential building in Vienna. Recently completed projects are the new headquarters of the ÖAMTC (Austrian automobile club with roadside assistance service), the Communication Centre and Staff Restaurant for the Wiener Netze (Viennese electrical power and gas supply) and the several times awarded LFS Güssing (agriculture education campus), Further works of importance are the Culture Congress Centre in Eisenstadt (completed 2012), the Raiffeisen Finance Center in Eisenstadt (completed 2010), the Eybesfeld Outdoor Swimming Pool, (completed in 2009, shortlisted for the contractworld.award 2010), as well as the designs for the Museum of Bavarian History in Regensburg, Germany (recognition 2013), the Olympic Village in Munich and for the Museum of World Cultures in Frankfurt.

Pichler & Traupmann have regularly shown their projects at international exhibitions. Their work is documented in numerous publications and has been awarded specialist prizes.

Christoph Pichler was born in 1964. He studied architecture at the University of Applied Arts, Vienna and at Harvard University, USA. He is teaching at the Vienna and Graz Universities of Technology from 1992 (intermittently), first as a university assistant and since 1996 as a lecturer. Johann Traupmann was born in 1958. He studied theology in Vienna and architecture at Vienna University of Applied Arts. He is teaching since 1992, first as a lecturer and since 2002 as assistant professor at Vienna University of Applied Arts (Studio Zaha Hadid 2000 to 2015, Studio Kazuyo Sejima since 2015)

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