王光红 黄国军 李张维 吴攀 黄长玉
(成都市郫都区人民医院肿瘤血液科,成都 611730)
王光红 黄国军 李张维 吴攀 黄长玉
(成都市郫都区人民医院肿瘤血液科,成都 611730)
目的:比较来那度胺与硼替佐米维持治疗多发性骨髓瘤(Multiple myeloma,MM)的临床疗效与安全性。方法:2013年3月至2015年3月124例初治缓解的MM患者按照随机数字表法分为来那度胺组、硼替佐米组各62例,记录其无进展生存期(PFS)、总生存期(OS),评价两组患者客观疗效并比较其治疗期间不良反应、第二肿瘤发生情况。结果:两组患者PFS比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),来那度胺组OS、SCR率、CR率低于硼替佐米组,差异均有统计学意义。来那度胺组血液学毒性、感染发生率高于硼替佐米组,其外周神经毒性发生率低于后者,差异有统计学意义。来那度胺组第二肿瘤发生率为17.74%(11/62),高于硼替佐米组的8.06%(5/62),差异有统计学意义。结论:来那度胺与硼替佐米维持治疗MM均可取得良好的临床效果,硼替佐米可提高患者OS、降低第二肿瘤发生风险。
多发性骨髓瘤(Multiple myeloma,MM)是一种B细胞恶性肿瘤,以异常浆细胞在骨髓内恶性增殖并产生大量克隆免疫球蛋白为主要病理特征,患者常出现贫血、感染、肾功能不全等症状[1]。诱导化疗及自体干细胞移植是初治MM的首选治疗方案,有效率可达50%~60%,但完全缓解率有限,且患者中位生存期仅为2~3年,微小残留病灶导致复发与疾病进展是影响患者生存的主要原因[2]。因此,对于获得完全缓解的MM患者而言,继续维持治疗是维持缓解深度、延长缓解时间的重要手段。目前临床常用的MM维持治疗药物包括来那度胺、硼替佐米等[3]。为此,本研究选取124例MM患者,就来那度胺与硼替佐米维持治疗的效果与安全性进行比较。
1.1 资料与治疗方案
本临床研究已获得我院医学伦理委员会批准。选择2013年3月至2015年3月124例初治MM患者,化疗或(和)干细胞移植治疗后疗效判定为完全缓解(CR)或部分缓解(PR)[4],符合维持治疗适应证。在征得患者知情同意后,按照随机数字表法将其分为来那度胺组、硼替佐米组,各62例。两组均于疗效达缓解后继续6~8周巩固治疗,来那度胺组口服来那度胺(商品名瑞复美,瑞士Celgene International Sarl,注册证号H20130069,规格25 mg×21 s),每日1次,每次25 mg,每疗程第1~14 d治疗,21 d为1疗程;硼替佐米组静脉注射硼替佐米(商品名万珂,美国Ben Venue Laboratories Inc,注册证号H20100258,规格3.5 mg),每次1.0 mg/m2,每疗程第1 d、4 d、8 d、11 d治疗,21 d为1疗程。两组患者治疗均持续≥5个疗程或至复发[5-6]。
1.2 指标评价分析
表1 两组患者生存时间及疗效
表2 两组患者不良反应比较(n/%)
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Maintenance treatment on multiple myeloma
WANG Guanghong, HUANG Guojun, LI Zhangwei, WU Pan, HUANG Changyu.
(Department of Hematology,Chengdu City PI Du District People’s Hospital, Chengdu 611730 China)
Objective: The objective of this study was to compare the effectiveness and safety of lenalidomide and bortezomib on MM (multiple myeloma, MM). Methods: A total of 124 MM patients with the initial remission from Mar 2013 to Mar 2014 were divided into lenalidomide and bortezomib groups by means of random number table, with 62 cases in each group. PFS (progression free survival, PFS) and OS (overall survival, OS) were recorded and their objective effects were evaluated and their adverse reactions and secondary tumor incidence were compared. Results: The difference of PFS between two groups wasn’t statistically signif i cant (P>0.05); the OS, SCR and CR rate of lenalidomide group was lower than that of bortezomib group and the difference was statistically signif i cant; the hematological toxicity and infection incidence of lenalidomide group were higher than that of bortezomib group, while the peripheral nerve toxicity of the former group was lower than that of latter group and the difference was statistically significant; the secondary tumor incidence of lenalidomide group 17.74% (11/62) was higher than that of bortezomib group8.06%(5/62) and the difference was statistically significant. Conclusions: maintenance treatment effects of lenalidomide and bortezomib have obtained ideal effect while bortezomib is capable of increasing the OS and decreasing the risk of secondary tumor incidence.
maintenance treatment; bortezomib; survival time