2017-08-28 09:40TextPhotosbyDavidBowdenTranslationbyEmmaXu
空中之家 2017年8期

Text & Photos by David Bowden Translation by Emma Xu


Text & Photos by David Bowden Translation by Emma Xu

It's possible to be sitting in a small fi shing village along the Atlantic Ocean on the Normandy coastline within just a few hours of touching down in Paris at Charles de Gaulle Airport. This coastline is one of France's most picturesque landscapes, and it's easy to see how the sun and the scenery inspired so many artists, musicians and composers as well as being a destination that attracts a variety of holidaymakers.

Discover the harbourside marina in Fécamp. 费康的港口风光。



Admire sculptures in the gardens of Les Jardins d'Étretat.景观花园中的人面雕塑极为醒目。

Alabaster Coast

Parts of coastal Normandy are known as the Côte d'Abâtre (Alabaster Coast) because of the mineralrich white chalky cliffs that form the backdrop to sandy beaches lapping the Atlantic Ocean foreshore. These cliffs mirror the White Cliffs of Dover on the other side of the English Channel.

Painters such as Delacroix, Miro, Maupassant, Renoir, Picasso and Monet were attracted to these parts, and many produced some of their fi nest works here. Visitors to Eugène Boudin Museum in Honfl eur can see the works from many of these great French landscape artists.

As painters who embraced modernity and the unique use of light, the Impressionists revolutionised art in the 19th century. Today, they are considered very popular in the scope of the medium, and their works rank highly amongst the world's fi nest cultural relics.

The dramatic white cliffs of Aval along the famous Aiguille provided inspiration and also enlightened these painters. One of the best places artists would journey to was Les Jardins d'Étretat, a landscaped garden located just above the small town of Étretat not far from Le Havre near the mouth of the River Seine.

These picturesque gardens created by landscape architect Alexander Grivko, feature sculptures surrounded by meticulously manicured shrubs. Over-sized sculptures of young faces are in stark contrast to the natural surroundings.

Villa Roxelane, situated on the garden's highest vantage point is where Madame Thébault, a famous actress of the time and Auguste Lecanue, a landscape painter, fi rst planted scrubs in the chalky soil in 1905.

The area and the avant-garde gardens appealed and inspired famous Impressionist painters such as Claude Monet who worked extensively in Normandy.

Étretat is famous for its white chalky cliffs.埃特尔塔镇以白色峭壁闻名。






Left左The Palais Bénédictine.本笃宫。

Middle中Archways in Mont Saint-Michel.圣米歇尔山上的拱形长廊。

Right右Detailed architecture of Mont Saint-Michel.建筑细节。

Abbeys, Monasteries and Palaces

Normandy is home to many places of worship with the most famous being Mont Saint-Michel perched on a rocky outcrop just off the north western coastline near the Channel Islands.

The abbey is one of France's most photographed places because it is so unique in being situated on a rocky granite outcrop almost one kilometre across the tidal fl ats from the mainland. A new causeway, visitors' centre and parking area ensure that visitors can enjoy the sunshine by walking to the abbey via the causeway that crosses coastal fl ats which are either exposed or covered in seawater depending upon the height of the tide.

Being France's fi rst UNESCO World Heritage Site, Mont Saint-Michel not only has a special role to play in French life but it is also important to global culture. This fortifi ed village dating back over 1,200 years is dominated by the abbey on the highest parts while villagers live in the lower precincts.

The abbey is vast with over 20 chambers that exhibit many architectural styles added over the centuries. While open to the general public, specialist tours can be arranged to enable interested visitors to see and experience lesser seen parts of the religious site including views from the very top where massive Gothic spires reach skyward.

Another famous building that could well be mistaken for an abbey along the Normandy coastline is the Palais Bénédictine in Fécamp. This incredible Gothic and Renaissance-styled building is home to the renowned Bénédictine liqueur which is a popular beverage the world over.

While the ornately-decorated palace only dates back to the 19th century, the liqueur was fi rst produced in the 16th century when a Bénédictine monk named Dom Bernardo Vincelli created a secret elixir that was produced for decades but then lost during the French Revolution.

In 1863, Alexandre Le Grand, a local wine trader, rediscovered the recipe found in a book within his vast library. The complex herbal-based recipe was recreated, and the Palais Bénédictine built as a home to what is one of the best known liqueurs on the market today.

Not only is the palace where the liqueur is distilled using numerous secret herbal ingredients, but it is also a cellar for ageing the liqueur, a repository of art, a venue for grand hospitality events and, a boutique for sampling and buying the famous beverage. Visitors can join a guided tour to take in the impressive setting, the spectacular pieces of art and to enjoy guided samplings of the well-known liqueur.

Mont Saint-Michel.宗教圣地圣米歇尔山。







Left左The fishing village of Honfleur.翁弗勒尔渔港。

Right右Dine on the freshest seafood.无比新鲜的海货。

Ports and Bays

There are many ports, bays and marinas to enjoy the sun and coastal location with Honfl eur, Fécamp, Cherbourg, Caen, Cabourg and Deauville standing out.

Cherbourg has one of the most famous harbours along the coast. It is located at the entrance to the English Channel and is a major port for ferries heading to and from Britain.

In addition to its docks and marinas, one of the big attractions here is La Cité de la Mer Cherbourg. This museum is located in the former transatlantic liner terminal which dates back to the 1930s when huge ocean-going cruise boats pulled in here on their way from England to the east coast of the United States.

There are many attractions in the museum including a re-creation of the Art Deco baggage hall for the ill-fated Titanic. While the Titanic did not actually embark from Cherbourg, tender vessels transported 274 passengers from the coastal port out to the Titanic which was moored offshore in the English Channel.

Another highlight was a visit to La Cité de la Mer, to explore Le Redoutable, a French Navy submarine. This is the largest submarine open to the public in the world and an eye-opening experience for all.

If you want another picturesque harbour, head over to Fécamp where there is another marina that is very popular with tourists. Visitors can stroll along the promenade here, dine in restaurants and enjoy local beverages in the town's atmospheric bars.

In days gone by, fi shermen from Fécamp headed out into the Atlantic Ocean in search of codfi sh which were mostly caught in the waters off the Canadian maritime province of Newfoundland. A new museum in Fécamp called Musée des Terre-Neuvas et de la Péche has just opened to celebrate these brave fi shermen and how they contributed to the wealth of the small fi shing port.

Food for the Senses

Seafood is another great reason to visit Normandy where oysters, mussels and scallops thrive in the coastal waters and are served in restaurants all over the region.

Many restaurants and cafés specialise in seafood with some worth seeking out including l'Equipage (beside the harbour in Cherbourg), La Môme du Vaugueux (Caen) and L'Ostréa (Honfl eur).

While Honfl eur is quite touristy, it's well worth visiting at the weekend for the open-air markets that sprawl around the small harbour and to visit the exciting new Normandy Outlet shopping complex that has just opened nearby. Half-timbered houses typical of Normandy line the dock front here creating a magical setting for visitors.

Other local specialty foods and beverage items include Camembert cheese, apple cider, Calvados (apple brandy) and tarte aux pommes (apple tarts).

Left 左Admire the check-in counter for the Titanic.泰坦尼克号展览。

Middle中Visit a submarine in Cherbourg.瑟堡的潜水艇。

Right右Sea gull海鸥。








Peaceful coastline.迷人海岸线。


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