
2017-08-16 04:23AdamMrk
世界建筑导报 2017年3期


Ku.Be House of Culture and Movement



设计内容/规模:健康文化中心:4 000平方米馆楼以及4 500平方米公园(包括社区中心、展览中心以及演出场地、操场、健康中心)

摄影师:Adam Mørk

Architects: MVRDV, Rotterdam and ADEPT, Copenhagen

Client: Municipality of Frederiksberg, Danish Foundation for Culture and Sport Facilities (LOA) and Realdania Foundation

Size & Programme : Community centre with exhibition spaces, performance hall, health centre, library, study areas, sports hall, yoga zone, café (school), kitchen, play zone, retail, offices, parking, playground and public park

Photographer: Adam Mørk


The 4 000 m2Ku.Be House of Culture in Movement was designed for the municipality of Frederiksberg as a focal point for both the immediate community and also the wider area of Copenhagen; one that the people themselves could take ownership of and that would evolve its programme based on the specific wants and needs of its users. The project is a new typology, developed out of the response to a brief that solely asked for a building that would bring people together and improve the quality of life. In reply MVRDV and ADEPT answered with one that blends theatre, sport and learning into a space where body and mind are activated to promote a more healthy life for everyone, regardless of age, ability or interest; creating links between people that wouldn’t otherwise connect with each other.

The six primary volumes which make up Ku.Be, each with their own programme, are clad in a unique colour and material, clearly defining them within the building; from outside these shapes are hinted at in the fragmented tile façade. “We designed Ku.Be to encourage the unexpected,” explains MVRDV co-founder Jacob van Rijs. “Larger volumes are suited to hold performances or public meetings, smaller ones can be for exhibitions or debates. The fast-pace rooms are perfect for dance, or parkour; and zen rooms give you the contrast of yoga or meditation. It’s between these volumes where the real fun will happen though; spaces where we hint at a use, but which will become entirely user-defined.”

The urban gardens outside form the connection between Ku.Be and the urban realm, playing an important role in expressing the eight volumes and the activities happening inside. The diverse landscape - a system of microclimates with changing sounds, lights and scents which blends seamlessly into a hill with integrated slides - reaches out into the gardens and ends in an amphitheatre outside.

三层平面 3rd floor

二层平面 2nd floor

一层平面 1st floor

剖面图 section

概念拓展分析图 diagram concept extended

空间分析图 diagram zones
