
2017-07-03 15:07:55徐伟岳晓乐韩群
动力学与控制学报 2017年3期

徐伟 岳晓乐 韩群,2

(1.西北工业大学应用数学系,西安 710072) (2.华中农业大学理学院,武汉 430070)



(1.西北工业大学应用数学系,西安 710072) (2.华中农业大学理学院,武汉 430070)


胞映射方法, 并行算法, 离出, 短时高斯逼近




1 非线性随机动力学中的胞映射方法研究进展







2 胞映射方法在随机动力系统中的若干应用研究

2.1 随机响应与分岔


























图1 系统(11)的全局特性图 μ1=μ2=0.0; μ1=0.09,μ2=0.133; μ1=0.09,μ2=0.134Fig.1 Global properties of system (11) μ1=μ2=0.0; μ1=0.09,μ2=0.133; μ1=0.09,μ2=0.134





图2 确定性系统(11)的吸引子A(星号)和混沌鞍S(点)Fig.2 Attractor A (asterisk) and chaotic saddle S (dots) of system (11)

图3 系统(11)在不同时刻瞬态联合概率密度函数的等高线图(a) t=1T;(b) t=2T;(c) t=3T;(d) t=4TFig.3 The contour plots of transient joint probability density function of system (10) at different times(a) t=1T;(b) t=2T;(c) t=3T;(d) t=4T

2.2 首次穿越时间











图4 对称双稳系统首次穿越时间的概率密度函数f(t)实线表示广义胞映射方法的结果,圆圈和星号表示直接模拟的结果Fig.4 First-passage time probability density functions f(t) in the asymmetric bistable system solid lines are results from the generalized cell mapping method, circles and stars are results from direct Monte Carlo simulation

2.3 离出位置分布





图5 系统(15)全局特性及离出位置分布(a)全局性质(ε=0), A为吸引子,B为A的吸引域; (b)离出位置分布,实线表示广义胞映射方法的结果,圆圈表示直接数值模拟的结果Fig.5 Global properties and exit location distribution of system (15)(a) global properties, A is attractor and B is the basin of attraction of attractor A; (b) exit location distribution, solid lines are results from the generalized cell mapping method, circles are results from direct Monte Carlo simulation

2.4 碰撞振动系统

对于含高碰撞损失或碰撞约束不在平衡位置的碰撞振动系统,一般的近似解析方法不再适用,只能依赖数值方法来求解,路径积分法就是其中一种.Dimentberg 等[68]基于短时高斯近似的路径积分法研究了具有高碰撞损失的碰撞振动系统,验证了方法的有效性,但该结果只针对运动约束在平衡位置的情形.Li[69]试图利用通过改进广义胞映射方法,使其适用于一般噪声激励下碰撞振动系统的响应概率密度函数求解.广义胞映射方法在非光滑系统定性分析中已经取得了一些研究进展[36,70-73].




图6 系统(16)的稳态联合概率密度函数(a)q=-0.5;(b)q=-0.8;(c)q=-1.0;(d)q=-1.2Fig.6 The stationary joint probability density function of system (16)(a)q=-0.5;(b)q=-0.8;(c)q=-1.0;(d)q=-1.2


3 结语




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*The project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(11472212, 11672230).

† Corresponding author E-mail:weixu@nwpu.edu.cn

17 March 2017,revised 18 April 2017.


Xu Wei1†Yue Xiaole1Han Qun1,2

(1.DepartmentofAppliedMathematics,NorthwesternPolytechnicalUniversity,Xi′an710072,China) (2.CollegeofScience,HuazhongAgriculturalUniversity,Wuhan430070,China)

This paper introduces the development of several cell mapping methods closely associated with nonlinear stochastic dynamical systems, including generalized cell mapping method with digraph, cell mapping method based on short-time Gaussian approximation, parallel cell mapping method etc. The applications of cell mapping method in stochastic dynamical systems are also shown, focusing on stochastic response、bifurcation、exit and vibro-impact system. Finally, some challenges and possible future researches about cell mapping method are presented.

cell mapping method, parallel algorithm, exit, short-time Gaussian approximation

*国家自然科学基金资助项目(11472212, 11672230)



† 通讯作者 E-mail:weixu@nwpu.edu.cn

当代旅游(2018年8期)2018-02-19 08:04:22