
2017-06-26 11:47:41文/晓
初中生 2017年24期

文/晓 菲


文/晓 菲



Chapter 30

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

The great glass lift was now hovering high over the town.Inside the lift stood Mr.Wonka,Grandpa Joe,and little Charlie.

“How I love my chocolate factory,” said Mr. Wonka,gazing down. “Do you love it too,Charlie?”he asked.

“Oh,yes, ”cried Charlie,“I think it’s the most wonderful place in the whole world!”

“I am very pleased to hear you say that,”said Mr.Wonka,looking more serious than ever.He went on staring at Charlie. “Yes,”he said, “I am very pleased indeed to hear you say that.And now I shall tell you why.” Mr.Wonka cocked his head to one side and all at once the tiny twinkling wrinkles of a smile appeared around the corners of his eyes, and he said,“You see,my dear boy,I have decided to make you a present of the whole place.As soon as you are old enough to run it,the entire factory will become yours. ”

Charlie stared atMr.Wonka.Grandpa Joe opened his mouth to speak,but no words came out.

“It’s quite true, ” Mr.Wonkasaid,smiling broadly now.“I really am giving it to you.That’s all right,isn’t it?”

“Givingittohim? ” gasped GrandpaJoe.“You must be joking. ”

“I’m not joking,sir.I’m deadly serious. ”

“But...but...why should you want to give your factory to little Charlie?”

“Listen, ”Mr.Wonka said, “I’m an old man. I’m much olderthan you think.Ican’tgo on forever.I’ve got no children of my own,no family at all.So who is going to run the factory when I get too old to do it myself ? Someone’s got to keep it going.Mind you,there are thousands of clever men who would give anything for the chance to come in and take over from me,but I don’t want that sort of person.I don’t want a grown-up person at all.A grown-up won’t listen to me; he won’t learn.He will try to do things his own way and not mine.So I have to have a child.I want a good sensible loving child,one to whom I can tell all my most precious sweet-making secrets-while I am still alive.”

“But Mr.Wonka, ” stammeredGrandpa Joe,“do you really and truly mean that you are giving the whole of this enormous factory to little Charlie?After all... ”

“There’s no time for arguments! ” cried Mr. Wonka. “We must go at once and fetch the rest of the family-Charlie’s father and his mother and anyone else that’s around!They can all live in the factory from now on!They can all help to run it until Charlie is old enough to do it by himself!Where do you live,Charlie? ”

Charlie peered down through the glass floor at the snow-covered houses that lay below. “It’s over there, ” he said,pointing. “It’s that little cottage right on the edge of the town,the tiny little one... ”

“I see it! ”cried Mr.Wonka,and he pressed some more buttons and the lift shot down towards Charlie’s house.

The lift was now hovering over the roof of the Buckets’little house.

CRASH went the lift,right down through the roof of the house into the old people’s bedroom. Showers of dust and broken tiles and bits of wood and cockroaches and spiders and bricks and cement went raining down on the three old ones who were lying in bed,and each of them thought that the end of the world was come.Grandma Georgina fainted, Grandma Josephine dropped her false teeth,Grandpa George put his head under the blanket,and Mr.and Mrs.Bucket came rushing in from the next room.

“Just look at our house! ”cried poor Mr. Bucket.“It’s in ruins! ”

“My dearsir, ” said Mr.Wonka,jumping forward and shaking Mr.Bucket warmly by the hand,“I’m so very glad to meet you.You mustn’t worry about your house.From now on,you’re never going to need it again,anyway. ”






“我很高兴听到你这么说,”旺卡先生说,脸上的神色更严肃了。他目不转 睛 地 盯 着 查 理 。“ 是 的 ,”他 说 ,“ 听 到你这么说我确实非常高兴。好,让我来告诉你这是为什么。”旺卡先生把头侧向一边,即刻他的眼角闪现了几丝喜悦的笑意。他说:“你瞧,亲爱的孩子,我已决定委派你为这一切的代理人。而等你长大成人能经营这座工厂时,它便完全属于你了。”















Tips for learning:

1.hover v.徘徊;盘旋

2.gaze v.凝视

3.cock v.使朝上

4.entire adj.全部的;整个的

5.sensible adj.合乎情理的

6.enormous adj.巨大的

7.fetch v.取来

8.cottage n.村屋

9.cockroach n.蟑螂

10.brick n.砖

11.cement n.水泥

12.petrify v.使石化;使惊呆

13.at once 立刻;如:Let me come at once,or at once come to me! 让我立刻到你那儿去吧,或者你立刻到我这儿来!

14.stare at 凝视;如:She stared at me in surprise.她惊奇地睁大眼睛看着我。

15.sort of 这一类;如:I don’t do that sort of thing in this university. 我认为在这所大学这类事情不符合礼仪。




本期推荐的小说《查理与巧克力工厂》(Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)是达 尔 先生于1964年完成的作品。该书的主人公查理小朋友,一家七口住在一栋破旧的木棚房子里。家里唯一的经济支柱就是查理父亲——一个牙膏厂的工人。查理记不清到底已经吃了多少顿卷心菜汤了,但是能和家人一起围坐在既是床又是饭桌的木板上吃饭,他就觉得是寒冬里难得的无比温暖的时刻。贫穷并未让查理觉得童年的日子很难熬,更何况,总还有为数不多的特殊日子,可以和家人一起分享一块旺卡先生工厂里生产的巧克力。那可是全世界的孩子都觉得无比美味的食物。旺卡先生在镇上的那个神秘而传奇的巧克力工厂,一直是查理和爷爷最向往的地方。查理哪里能想到,有朝一日,自己竟然会赢得那张神秘的金色入场券,并战胜其他对手,成为那座工厂的继承人。



陈晓 菲(Sherly Chen):毕 业 于 北 京 师 范大学英美文学专业,获美国俄勒冈州政府奖学金赴美留学深造。7年一线英语教学经验。精通英语,酷爱文学。愿用手中笔,记下心中爱。

小说月刊(2015年4期)2015-04-18 13:55:18