⊙ By Elizabeth Blair
⊙ By Elizabeth Blair
2010年,一部与环球影业联合制作的3D动画片《神偷奶爸》(Despicable Me,旧译《卑鄙的我》)让照明娱乐公司一下子成了业界新星,也让全球观众第一次认识了格鲁这个看似反派、实为暖男的“世界好奶爸”。2013年,《神偷奶爸2》横扫世界各地票房榜,片中的谜之生物小黄人由于人气太高,甚至有了自己的衍生动画片。2017年,粉丝们翘首以盼的《神偷奶爸3》将于6月30日在北美上映——让人百看不厌的格鲁一家又回来啦!
One reason Gru is1)hilarious is the way he looks. He’s got this big, huge chest and short,2)skinny, little legs. He’s bald with a long, pointy nose. He’s both3)full of himself…and a social4)misfit. Steve Carell is the voice of Gru. When he was developing the character, he just felt Gru should have an accent.
Steve: I couldn’t really tell what sort of accent and I don’t think anybody can actually determine what accent I’m doing in the movie, which was by choice, of course.5)Despicable Me writers Cinco Paul and Ken Daurio say Gru is something of a personal fantasy of theirs.
Cinco: Well, Gru, as we6)conceived him, is basically the guy who does all the stuff that we would love to do, but we just can’t. You know, he’s the guy who will7)freeze everybody in line at the Starbucks.
Ken: If someone’s annoying him, he will tell you. He will point out your8)flaws.
(From the movie)
Gru:9)FYI: your dog has been leaving little bombs all over my yard, and I don’t appreciate it.
Neighbor: Sorry. You know dogs. They go wherever they want to go.
Gru: Unless they’re dead.
Oh, Gru is evil. Ken Daurio and Cinco Paultalk about Gru as if he’s their child or their10)alter ego. They’ve written Gru’s entire life, including his rough childhood.
Ken: It’s rare you get to see the11)villain’s back story as we’ve gotten to see Gru…
Cinco: Yeah.
Ken: …you know, as a little kid and his horrible mom.
Gru has flashbacks. We see him as a little boy in a pretend space suit trying to impress his mom, who just12)sneers. You might call the grown-up super villain Gru’s13)revenge.
(From the movie)
Gru: With14)gadgets and14)weapons and cool cars. The whole deal.
Gadgets and weapons and cool cars—sound familiar?
Ken Daurio and Cinco Paul are huge fans of old James Bond movies. Gru looks a little like the Bond villain Blofeld. Gru’s assistant, Dr. Nefario, is inspired by the Bond character Q.
Ben Child (Movie Critic): It’s sort of James Bond times a thousand.
Ben Child writes a movie16)column for The Guardian in London.
Ben: It’s extremely hard to do a17)sequel that’s as good as the original, and this one actually did just have me literally crying tears of laughter at certain points. It was absolutely fantastic.
He’s a single father now, so he’s had to give up his life of crime for tea parties and playing princess with his girls. Ken Daurio and Cinco Paul both have daughters and wrote those scenes from personal experience.
Cinco:18)Ultimately, the story of Gru is the story of all men, who are villains until they become dads.
1) hilarious [hI5leErIEs] adj. 有趣的
2) skinny [5skInI] adj. 瘦的,皮包骨的
3) full of oneself 自高自大,目空一切
4) misfit [5mIsfIt] n. 不适应环境的人
5) despicable [dIs5pIkEb(E)l] adj. 可鄙的,卑劣的
6) conceive [kEn5si:v] v. 构想,设想
7) freeze [fri:z] v. 使冻结,此处是指格鲁用随身携带的武器将众人冻住。
8) flaw [flC:] n. 瑕疵,缺陷
9) FYI 供参考(for your information的缩写)
10) alter ego [心]他我,个性的另一面
11) villain [5vIlEn] n. 坏人,恶棍,反面角色
12) sneer [snIE(r)] v. 讥讽,嘲笑
13) revenge [rI5vendV] n. 报复,报仇
14) gadget [5^AdVIt] n. 小配件,小玩意儿
15) weapon [5wepEn] n. 武器,兵器
16) column [5kɒlEm] n. (报纸、杂志的)专栏
17) sequel [5si:kw(E)l] n. 续集,续篇
18) ultimately [5QltImEtlI] adv. 最后,最终
u James Bond 詹姆斯·邦德:代号007的英国军情六处特工,是英国小说家伊恩·弗莱明笔下的《007》系列小说主人公。自第一部007电影于1962年公映以来,担任007的历代男星无不风度翩翩、有勇有谋,驾驶的豪车总是附带各种由Q博士提供的高科技装备,身边总有风情万种的“邦女郎”相伴,每逢危急关头总能化险为夷……这些极具代表性的特征让007风靡全球,成了世界上最著名的特工形象。