Collective Nouns for Animal Groups
记得初学英语的时候,我有点瞧不起英语,因为它没有几个量词,顶多就是a piece of paper、a loaf of bread、a pair of glasses等,哪像汉语啊,一头牛、一条鱼、一张纸、一根香肠、一支笔、一辆车,等等。可是渐渐地,我明白自己“冤枉”英语了,它也有丰富的量词,一点儿也不比汉语逊色。这次,我们先来看看如何表达一群动物吧。
a sloth/sleuth of bears(熊)
a train/caravan/flock of camels(骆驼)
a clowder/glaring of cats(猫)
a herd of cattle(牛)
a coalition of cheetahs(非洲猎豹)
a herd of deer(鹿)
a pack of dogs(狗)
a herd of elephants(大象)
a leash/skulk/troop of foxes(狐狸)
a herd/corps/tower of giraffes(长颈鹿)
a flock/herd/tribe/trip of goats(山羊)
a down/husk of hares(野兔)
a bloat of hippos(河马)
a herd/band of horses(马)
a mob/herd/troop of kangaroos(袋鼠)
a pride of lions(狮子)
a nest of mice(老鼠)
a troop of monkeys(猴子)
a team/yoke/drove of oxen(牛)
a herd/sounder of pigs(猪)
a nest/warren of rabbits(兔子)
a crash of rhinoceroses/rhinoceros(犀牛)
a pod/herd/colony of seals(海豹)
a flock/fold of sheep(绵羊)
a dray/scurry of squirrels(松鼠)
an ambush/a streak of tigers(老虎)
a pod/school/mod of whales(鲸鱼)
a pack/rout of wolves(狼)
a herd/zeal/cohort of zebras(斑马)
a bask/float of crocodiles(鳄鱼)a lounge of lizards(蜥蜴)
a rhumba of rattlesnakes(响尾蛇)a bed/knot/den/nest of snakes(蛇)a bale/turn of turtles(龟)
a brood/peep of chickens(鸡)
a murder of crows(乌鸦)
an arc/a flight of doves(鸽子)
a padding/flock/raft of ducks(鸭)
a convocation/an aerie of eagles(鹰)
a stand/flamboyance of flamingos(火烈鸟)
a gaggle/skein of geese(鹅)
a boil/cost/kettle of hawks(鹰)
an exaltation of larks(云雀)
a tiding of magpies(喜鹊)
a parliament of owls(猫头鹰)
a company/pandemonium of parrots(鹦鹉)
a pride/muster of peacocks(孔雀)
a rookery/colony of penguins(企鹅)
a host/ubiquity of sparrows(麻雀)
a mustering of storks(鹳)
a flight/gulp of swallows(燕子)
a herd/bank of swans(天鹅)
a rafter/dole/flock of turkeys(火鸡)
a descent of woodpeckers(啄木鸟)
a nest/swam/an army of ants(蚂蚁)
a swarm/nest/hive of bees(蜜蜂)
a flutter of butterflies(蝴蝶)
an army of caterpillars(毛虫)
an intrusion of cockroaches(蟑螂)
a swarm/cloud/business of flies(苍蝇)
a cloud of grasshoppers(蝗虫)
a bed/swarm of eels(鳝鱼)
a school/shoal of fish(鱼)
a troubling of goldfish(金鱼)
a school/shoal/shiver of sharks(鲨鱼)
a hover of trout(鳟鱼)
an army of frogs(青蛙)
a smack/brood of jellyfish(水母)
a bed of oysters(牡蛎)
a clutter of spiders(蜘蛛)
a nest/knot of toads(蟾蜍)
(如爱 供稿)
1. A; 2. A; 3. D; 4. A; 5. D; 6. A; 7. B; 8. C; 9. A/B; 10. D; 11. C; 12. A/C; 13. B; 14. D; 15. C