
2017-06-24 13:52:08ByGabrielleEmanuel
疯狂英语·新悦读 2017年6期

⊙ By Gabrielle Emanuel



⊙ By Gabrielle Emanuel


提到“未来”与“工作”,你会有种茫然不知所措的感觉吗?职业规划对你来说还是个陌生的概念吗?别担心,you are not alone ——许多美国学生直到大学毕业还面临着同样的问题呢。有这么一位老师挺身而出,希望通过她所倡导的“勇气课”为更多学生提供打开职业大门的金钥匙……

This story starts some 20 years ago in a1)downtrodden part of New Orleans. Aimee Eubanks Davis was a brand-new sixth grade teacher. She came to love her students. And as the years passed, she kept in touch, helping them pick the right high school and then the right college. Soon they were thinking about jobs, and some wanted to become teachers themselves.

Aimee: All of a sudden, you’re like, “Oh my goodness!” This is, like, the moment you want…is to see your students, like, living their dreams.

Too often, they were only dreams. Many of her former students didn’t get the jobs. Instead, they got rejection notes.

Aimee: I was2)horrified.

Horrified and confused. Eubanks Davis realized that once her former students got their college diploma, they had no idea what to do, no idea how to get a good first job. These were students who were just as hard-working…

Aimee: Just as talented, just as smart, who were not getting the same looks from the labor market.

So Eubanks Davis made a plan, raised some money and created a3)nonprofit to teach students those skills. There were three principles. First, bring in professionals from the real world. Second, transform the

1) downtrodden [5daJn5trɒd(E)n] adj. 被践踏的,被蹂躏的

2) horrified [5hɒrIfaId] adj. 惊悸的,惊骇的

3) nonprofit [5nɒn5prɒfIt] n. 非营利机构classroom into a work environment.

Aimee: Can you operate and manage? Can you do a project plan? Do you know how to effectively communicate?

Third, working with big state schools, Eubanks Davis offered tiny little classes. She called them “Braven.” Each class has one professional and just a handful of students. For these students, this is often the very first time they’ve met someone from the professional world. I visited one of the Braven sites.

Tutor: You have to decide how do you stand when someone else is talking? All that is part of the presentation, so I recorded it so you can see your body language.

These students are learning the skills of a4)consultant. They’ve been given a problem to fix: the student debt load. Next door, there’s another group. They think everything on5)campus should be6)itemized—just pay for the gym, or the student union, or the library. Keep going down the7)hall. Here, the solution involves paying8)tuition gradually over their lifetime. Lots of different solutions, but they seem to agree on one thing.

Student A: Braven is the best course that I’ve taken here.

Student B: It was worth signing up for it, worth staying late.

4) consultant [kEn5sQltEnt] n. 顾问

5) campus [5kAmpEs] n. 校园

6) itemize [5aItEmaIz] v. 详细列举

7) hall [hC:l] n. 门厅,过道,走廊

8) tuition [tju:5IF(E)n] n. 学费

It was worth signing up for it, worth staying late.

别看这句话只有短短的十个单词,我们能从中找到三个非常好用的词组!首先是be worth doing sth.,意思是“值得(做某事),有(做某事)的价值”;第二个词组是sign up for sth.,意思是“注册,选课,报名参加”;第三个词组是stay late,可以表达“待到很晚,加班,熬夜”等多个意思。这三个词组在日常生活中随处可见,如:

l The book is worth reading! (这本书值得一读!)

l She has signed up for a secretarial course. (她报读了秘书课程。)

l He told me to stay late to finish up the report. (他让我加班把报告写完。)








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