A Study on English Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Vocational Schools

2017-06-13 22:44龙薏潘郑重
校园英语·中旬 2017年5期


【Abstract】Vocabulary knowledge is widely agreed upon as a significant factor in learners second language acquisition. This article concludes by arguing that non-English majors and English majors in vocational schools tend to favour different types of vocational learning strategies. It is also suggested that some effective strategies need to be introduced to students, especially those with relatively low language proficiency, need a push from teachers in vocabulary learning.

【Key words】English Vocabulary; Vocational Schools

1. Definition and classification of vocabulary learning strategies (VLS)

1.1 Discovery Strategies

Discovery strategies are mainly used when learners encounter new words (Schmitt, 1997). Using dictionaries and guessing or inferring word meanings belong to determination strategies, while asking teachers or classmates for information about a new word is included in social strategies.

Determination Strategies. As a type of determination strategy, the use of dictionaries is generally expected and actively encouraged in language learning. It is also argued that an effective dictionary can not only present learners adequate information about one word, but will also help learners to memorise and gain comprehensive knowledge of its use (Nation, 2001). Making guesses and inferences about new words has been discussed and analysed in many studies (eg. Nassaji, 2003). Although there is no exact answer to what proportion of unknown words can be guessed from context (Nation, 2001), learners, especially those with higher verbal ability, can guess word meanings correctly from texts.

Social Strategies. Social strategies can also be used when learners encounter new words. Interaction with someone who knows the word can help learners to discover the meanings of the word easier and faster. However, it is recognised that the transferred knowledge can be restricted and incorrect (Schmitt, 1997).

1.2 Consolidation Strategies

Learners also need to acquire more knowledge about how to use the word. In order to consolidate word meanings in memory for future use, learners tend to use consolidation vocabulary learning strategies, which cover social strategies, memory strategies, cognitive and metacognitive strategies.

Social Strategies. Social strategies can not only be used for discovering vocabulary meanings, but also for practicing vocabulary. They can help learners stabilise information by speaking to native speakers or even language teachers inside or outside the class.

Mnemonic strategies. Mnemonic strategies, also known as memory strategies, are a large number of strategies that learners apply to recall vocabulary. One component of mnemonic strategies that has been researched by many studies is the keyword method. There are two versions of the keyword method. One version is to connect the word definition with the keyword visually. The other version of the keyword method is to generate a meaningful sentence to link the keyword to the definition. However, this method is more effective for the learning of concrete words than abstract words.

Cognitive Strategies. Cognitive strategies are defined as internal processes by which learners select and modify their ways of attending, learning, remembering and thinking. The common function of cognitive strategies is manipulation or transformation of the target language by the learner. With regard to vocabulary acquisition, cognitive strategies highlight repetition and mechanical ways of vocabulary learning rather than the manipulation of mental processing.

Metacognitive Strategies. It is argued that metacognitive strategies are used to “oversee, regulate or self-direct language learning” (Anderson, 2002). Learners can use metacognitive strategies to plan, monitor, and evaluate their own learning processes, and take the main responsibility of how and what to learn.

2. The use of vocabulary learning strategies: non-English majors versus English majors in vocational schools

Before discussing the differences between non-English majors and English majors in vocational schools, it should be recognised that the language proficiency of the subjects is different. This is because different levels of English proficiency, as well as various learning habits, can be a factor that influences the use of learning strategies.

The significant differences of the use of VLSs between the non-English majors and English majors can be found from types of VLSs. First of all, as regards guessing strategies, both students would like to adopt this type of VLSs in their vocabulary learning because guessing or inferring meanings is an applicable way to know new words. However, much more English majors tend to use linguistic cues to guess word meanings than the non-English majors. More specifically, the non-English majors are less likely to make use of sentence structures or word structures to guess word meanings. In terms of note-taking strategies, the non-English majors adopt mechanical ways, such as writing down usages on notebooks, more often than the English majors.

Memory strategies and consolidation strategies mainly focus on long term retention of word meanings. More non-English majors would write down the word and its Chinese equivalent simultaneously and repeatedly, while the English majors think this is time-consuming. However, the English majors use the other three memory strategies much more frequently than the non-English majors, which are combination of words with pictures or imagery, using related words, and the keyword method.

The English majors would like to pair words with pictures to remember word meanings, both concrete and abstract words. In addition, the use of mental images is regarded as an efficient way to learn word meaning by the English majors. On the other hand, non-English majors prefer to adopt this strategy to learn concrete words. The key word method is also used much more frequently by the English majors. However, some non-English majors rarely used this method because they were not very familiar with it. Therefore, it can be assumed that the rare use of VLSs could be due to a lack of instruction. The last type of VLSs that has a difference between the two groups is activation strategies. The English majors prefer to use words in communication as much as possible, while less non-English majors tend to put new words to use even though they know vocabulary acquisition is mainly about using words in real situations.

3. Implications of vocabulary learning and teaching

Different students tend to adopt different vocabulary learning strategies. Many students, especially the non-English majors, are reluctant to adopt new and more efficient strategies to learn vocabulary. The reason behind it is mainly about their learning motivation and habits. On the other hand, the situation is the opposite for English majors, as the majority of English majors perceive English as the main part of their study, and are motivated to learn English. As suggested by Nation (2001), the commitment to devote time and effort to create and explore opportunities for learning is a key element that decides what categories of strategies to use. Therefore, in order to enhance the effectiveness of vocabulary learning, it is important to know whether learners have the time and ability to use a strategy. Also, the adoption of learning strategies is dependent on self-regulation and motivation, which have a profound influence in vocabulary learning.

Apart from the internal factors, external factors can affect the use of vocabulary learning strategies. Thus, teachers can be a source for students to access various learning strategies, especially for students with relatively lower learning motivation. As claimed by Nation (2001), training learners in strategy use is required, and it is not sufficient to merely demonstrate how to use strategies in class. Moreover, teachers can also provide practices for students to feel confident in using the introduced strategies. One of the examples is the keyword method. Some learners have no knowledge of how to use the keyword method and some need considerable training in this method before they can use it well. In addition, guessing strategies, for instance, also need time and effort to be introduced to learners. Therefore, vocabulary learning should involve skills learning.

However, this study has its own limitations. The strategies adopted cannot indicate what strategies Chinese vocational college students used most or least frequently. Moreover, the VLSs discussed in the study are not comprehensive. Therefore, further research can focus on a larger range of vocabulary learning strategies.


[1]Anderson,N.J.(2002).The role of metacognition in second language teaching and learning.ERIC Digest.

[2]Nassaji,H.(2003).L2 vocabulary learning from context: Strategies,knowledge sources,and their relationship with success in L2 lexical inferencing.Tesol Quarterly,37(4),645-670.

[3]Nation,I.S.(2001).Learning vocabulary in another language.Cambridge,UK:Cambridge University Press.

[4]Schmitt,N.(1997).Vocabulary learning strategies.In N.Schmitt & M.McCarthy(Eds.),Vocabulary:Description,acquisition and pedagogy(pp.199-227).Cambridge,UK:Cambridge University Press.



