
2017-06-05 15:23
世界建筑导报 2017年2期


简介 Biography


加尔尼塞罗在多次竞赛中脱颖而出,完成了多个项目,其中包括C.E.U.大学、巴耶卡斯社会住房、位于阿尔巴塞特的一所高中、瓜达拉哈拉阿拉伯塔的修复、位于马德里市的新司法区检察官办公室、位于原马德里屠宰场的马德里马他台罗16 号机库艺术中心以及彼奇民居。

他的作品已被世人所公认,曾斩获2016年“金狮奖”;2015年“美国建筑师协会纽约分会(AIANY)住宅奖”;2012年“设计先锋奖”;2012年“豪瑟奖”;2011年“新兴建筑记录奖”;2009年“罗马奖”;2012年“COAM奖”;2012年“FAD西班牙建筑和舆论奖”;2013年“巴巴拉·卡布其奖”(荣誉提名);2007年“BSI门德里西奥大学(入围)”入围2009年“建筑摘要奖”及2013年“BIGMAT奖”;2004年“Luigi Cosenza奖”。他曾参加过2011年英国皇家建筑学院(RIBA)“国际新兴建筑师展”;2011年“布拉格建筑周”以及2012年日本“GA画廊”展。他曾在如康奈尔大学、哈佛大学亚太国际大学院、莱斯大学、伯克利大学、威尼斯建筑大学、卡尔顿大学、罗马第三大学、罗马智德大学、卡尔加里大学、智利天主教大学、杜布罗夫尼克Days of Oris 大学、布拉格塞万提斯学院、ROCA伦敦展厅(London Roca Gallery)、巴塞罗那拉萨尔大学、马德里理工大学建筑学院、塞维利亚大学和纳瓦拉大学等学术机构演讲。


自2012年以来,他与合作伙伴洛伦娜·德尔·里约(Lorena del Rio)共同经营黎加工作室。

Active in both the academic field and a professional practice, Iñaqui Carnicero is an internationally awarded architect, European PhD and academic with experience at the Polytechnic University of Madrid and Cornell University. Recently awarded with the Golden Lion at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2016 as director of the Spanish Pavilion with the exhibition "Unfnished".

Carnicero has won several competitions and completed many projects, including C.E.U. University, Social Housing in Vallecas, a High School in Albacete, the restoration of an Arab tower in Guadalajara, the new District Attorney’s Offce in Madrid’s City of Justice, Hangar 16 Matadero-Madrid at the former slaughterhouse of Madrid, and the Pitch´s house.

His work has been recognised with the Golden Lion 2016, AIANY Housing Award 2015, Design Vanguard Award 2012, Hauser Award 2012, Emerging Architecture Award Architectural Record 2011, Rome Prize 2009, COAM Award 2012, FAD Spanish Architecture and Public Opinion Award 2012, 2013 Barbara Cappochin Award (Honorable Mention), BSI University of Mendrisio (selected) 2007, shortlisted Architectural Digest award 2009 and BIGMAT 2013, Luigi Cosenza 2004 and exhibit at the RIBA exhibition International Emerging Architects 2011, Architecture week in Prague, GA Gallery Japan 2012, and lectured at prestigious institutions such as Cornell, Harvard GSP, Rice, Berkeley, IUAV, Carleton, Roma Tre, La Sapienza, Calgary, Catholic University of Chile, Days of Oris in Dubrovnik, Cervantes Institute in Prague, London Roca Gallery, Barcelona La Salle, Madrid ETSAM, Sevilla and Navarra University.

He has been co director of "Symmetries", an architecture platform that relates roman and contemporary strategies in the city. His Ph.D. dissertation focuses on Louis Kahn and Robert Venturi’s discoveries and connections with Rome.

Since 2012 he runs the offce Rica Studio with her partner Lorena del Rio.

访谈 Interview


亚雷汉・德罗阿拉维那(Alejandro Aravena)邀请所有国家馆的策展人分享他们认为过去两年建筑遭遇的主要问题。

























1, Can you introduce to us the exhibition of "Unfnished" in the Venice Architecture Biennale?

Alejandro Aravena invited the curators of all the National Pavilions to share what they thought it has been the major issue that Architecture has suffered in the past years.

Spain is one of the countries where the practice of architecture has been most affected by the economic crisis. There are few places on earth where such large numbers of buildings were built in such a short period of time. The lack of reflection over whether these projects were necessary or valid resulted in the subsequent abandonment of many buildings when their completion or maintenance was discovered not to be economically viable. Their appearance throughout Spanish territories has generated a collection of unfinished buildings where the factor of time was eliminated from the formula for making architecture. Using photography as a filter to portray this reality, the Pavilion's central space represents the optimistic view of those who have fought back against this recent past, understanding these inherited constructions as an opportunity.

The "Unfinished" exhibition, presented in the Spanish pavilion at the Biennale, seeks to direct attention to processes more than results in an attempt to discover design strategies generated by an optimistic view of the constructed environment.

2, What is the key challenge in the process?

The exhibition gathers examples of architecture produced during the past few years, born out of renunciation and economy of means, designed to evolve and adapt to future necessities and trusting in the beauty conferred by the passage of time. These projects have understood the lessons of the recent past and consider architecture to be something unfinished, in a constant state of evolution and truly in the service of humanity. The current moment of uncertainty in our profession makes its consideration here especially relevant.

The main challenge would be bringing attention to the opportunity of rethinking what already exist before demolishing and building new things in our planet.

3, As for you, what is the connection of these different areas: architectural design, art, exhibition, lecture?

All this things are connected in our own personal experience by being involved in the current issues our society is suffering. Our daily life, the context where we live in is full of opportunities for improvement of things by means of design. Art, exhibitions and lectures are a medium to communicate things. The most important aspects of them are the ideas that you want to convey and the relevance they might have in our context.

4, Could you describe your design approach and process, taking the Social Housing in Vallecas Madrid as an example?

Designing Social Housing in Spain is really challenging for the amount of regulations that architects have to deal with in the design process. This situation is creating a very monotonous landscape of repetitive buildings where materials and constructive solutions are very similar to each other. Our approach here was challenging regulations and codes. The main focus was oriented in discovering a way to enhance the idea of collectivity by creating common spaces. By extracting strategic voids we distorted the original shape that the regulations invited us to use. These voids became activators of the daily life where people usually gather reinforcing the idea of community.

5, What is your starting point of designing?

It changes every time but usually starts by setting all the constrains on the table: regulations, programmatic demands, economic constraints, context, etc... Once you can see the complexity of the project at once you can start playing with all the pieces as in a puzzle.

6, How can you fnd out the demand of the project?

It comes from the combination of the client and the context´s demands. The current needs might change in the future. A good design must consider uncertainty as part of the original strategy.

7, What is your thinking source and the basis of design?

It comes from many places, but mainly from my own life experience, traveling, reading, studying others, inhabiting heterogenic places, experiencing different cultures, being in contact with students from different schools around the world…

8, How to make the integration of the architecture with the site and landscape?

Learning from them. Studying the ecology and the weather conditions. Considering architecture as part of an ecosystem in terms of energy. Looking at its materiality and the relationship with the site. Not altering too much what was there before architecture arrived.

9, ln your opinion, how do new materials and technologies infuence architecture?

In a big way. We are still operating as designers with materials incorporated in construction in the industrial revolution, even though our construction palette is much wider. Is not always necessary to discover a new material to produce new solutions, innovative solutions could be achieved by using traditional materials in unconventional ways. Garbage could be used as a construction material. Compacted earth has not been exploited enough and the infinite combinations with which you can intervene in the process of casting and mixing concrete could generate what it could be perceived as a new material.

10, What's your understanding about innovation nowadays?

I believe there is a great ambition today for innovation for the sake of innovation without reflecting on the improvements that these inventions could. I am much more interested in studying carefully the problems we have nowadays and innovate by modifying or adapting things that already exist. There is a big interest in the media to present the architect as an inventor of things and this might lead us to stupidity.

11, Would you like to talk about your imagination of the next 10 year’s design?

I would like to imagine the next 10 years as an opportunity to re orientate the scale, the ideas and design strategies to focus more on the less privilege ones of our societies. For decades the good architects have been considered those who have built iconic buildings usually with huge budgets and no constraints. I would like to imagine a new scenario where architects can really help improving the living conditions in places where there is not even ambition for design. Places where a good design can really make a difference.
