谭 娇,丁建丽※,董 煜,杨爱霞,张 喆
谭 娇1,2,丁建丽1,2※,董 煜3,杨爱霞1,2,张 喆1,2
(1. 新疆大学资源与环境科学学院,乌鲁木齐 830046;2. 绿洲生态教育部重点实验室,乌鲁木齐 830046;3. 新疆师范大学地理科学与旅游学院,乌鲁木齐830054)
潜在蒸散量的变化具有明显的区域性特征。研究表明,新疆生长季及全年的ET0呈显著减少趋势[4-5];陇东地区近50 a ET0呈下降趋势,且夏季ET0减少明显,日照时数是影响ET0变化的主要因素[6];新疆的阿拉尔垦区近40 a ET0呈减少趋势[7];阿克苏河流域ET0减少显著,在高海拔地区主要受相对湿度影响,而在低海拔地区主要受风速影响[8]。近期也有研究证实中国蒸发皿的蒸发量自1990年后由减少转变为显著增加趋势[9-10];西北干旱区ET0在2000年后由下降逆转为上升趋势[11-14];新疆气候由暖干向暖湿变化[15]。现有研究中大多是日值、月值数据计算潜在蒸散量以及使用M-K突变检验来进行分析,关于ET0的季节变换的研究鲜少报道。ET0的变化趋势及主导原因在不同时期,不同季节存在差异[16]。另外,目前广泛应用的是联合国推荐的Penman-Monteith公式计算ET0的常用公式,不少研究者采用这种方法对不同区域潜在蒸散量进行了分析。中国区域广阔,针对各地ET0的变化及归因研究具有明显的区域性特征[17-21]。
艾比湖绿洲位于西北干旱区、欧亚大陆腹地,是对气候变化最为敏感的区域[25-26]。其地理位置位于天山西段北麓、准噶尔盆地西南部,在43°38′~45°52′N、79°53′~85°02′E之间。由于三面环山,气流被拦阻,该地区干旱少雨、蒸发量大、日照充足,属温带大陆性干旱气候,研究区由艾比湖盆地、博尔塔拉谷地构成,包括博乐市、温泉县、精河县和阿拉山口市(图1),光热资源充沛,降水稀少,蒸发旺盛,空气干燥,多大风天气。研究区内日平均气温6~8 ℃,年日照时数约为2 800 h,年平均降水量90.99 mm,年蒸发量3 790 mm以上。主要植物种类有胡杨、梭梭、芦苇、铃铛刺、柽柳、黑果枸杞、小獐茅等。
图1 艾比湖绿洲气象站点分布图Fig.1 Distribution of meteorological stations in Ebinur Lake oasis
2.1 数据来源
表1 研究区主要气象因素数据Table1 Data for main meteorological factors in study area
2.2 研究方法
2.2.1 潜在蒸散量计算
式中ET0代表参考作物蒸散量,mm/d;Rn代表参考作物冠层表面净辐射,MJ/(m2·d);Δ代表饱和水气压与温度曲线的斜率,kPa/℃;γ为干湿表常数,kPa/℃;T代表日平均气温,℃;G代表土壤热通量, MJ/(m2·d);ea代表实际水汽压,kPa;es代表蒸发表面饱和水汽压,kPa;U2代表风速,m/s;Ra代表代表顶层太阳辐射,MJ/(m2·d);δ代表波尔兹曼常数;n代表实际日照时数, h;N代表最大日照时数,h;Tmax代表最高绝对气温,K;Tmin最低绝对气温,K;as代表大气外界辐射到达地面的分量;bs代表大气外界辐射到达地面的分量;α为地表反射度,取值0.23[27]。Ti代表第i月的平均气温,Ti-1代表第i-1月的平均气温,K。
2.2.2 距平分析法
2.2.3 突变分析方法
2.2.4 偏相关分析与相对贡献率计算
3.1 研究区ET0年代际动态变化
3.1.1 ET0的年代际变化
艾比湖绿洲年代际ET0及累积距平如表2所示。由表2可以看出,研究区在1960—2013年平均ET0为1 064 mm。研究区全年的ET0在1960—1989年为正距平,1990—1999年转变为负距平,且在20世纪90年代负距平达到最低,至2000年后又转为正距平。整体来看,1960—2013年研究区ET0呈下降趋势,且趋势较为明显。
表2 1960—2013年研究区ET0及其累积距平Table2 ET0and accumulative anomaly (AA) in study area from 1960 to 2013
3.1.2 ET0的季节变化
表2表明,春季、夏季、秋季的ET0与全年ET0变化趋势一致,冬季的ET0距平相对其他季节变化很小。1960—2013年研究区春季平均ET0为313 mm、夏季为552 mm、秋季为173 mm、冬季为25 mm,分别占全年的29%、52%、16%、3%。说明春、夏两季对全年ET0贡献最大,占全年的81%。从ET0的季节趋势来看,在20世纪80年代春季和秋季的距平变化类似,均为负值;20世纪90年代,春季、夏季、秋季3个季节的累积距平均为负值。
3.2 ET0Cramer突变检验
研究区年、季节ET0及Cramer法突变检验结果如图2所示。从全年来看,1960年至20世纪90年代中期,ET0明显减少,但之后开始呈增加趋势,这一趋势符合其年代际距平的变化特征。Cramer法突变检验表明,1997年t检验统计值为-4.35,绝对值大于临界值(-4.032)的绝对值,因此1960—2013年研究区ET0在1997年存在突变点。1960—1996年研究区ET0呈极显著降低趋势,平均递减率为-2.81 mm/a(P<0.01);在1997—2013年研究区ET0呈极显著上升趋势,平均递增率为3.43 mm/a(P<0.01)。从不同季节看,Cramer法突变检验表明春季确定突变点在1999年;夏季确定突变点在1996年;秋季确定突变点在1999年;而冬季不存在突变点。研究表明[28],1990年是艾比湖流域年潜在蒸散量的突变点。与之不同,本研究表明,研究区全年ET0突变点出现在1997年,不同季节突变点稍有不同,但均出现在20世纪90年代。
图2 艾比湖绿洲ET0年、季节及Cramer突变检验Fig.2 Annual and season variation and Cramer’s mutation test for ET0in Ebinur Lake oasis
3.3 研究区ET0的归因分析
表3 气象因子与ET0的偏相关系数及其相对贡献率Table3 Partial correlation coefficients (PC) between climate factors and ET0and relative contribution of each factor (CC) to ET0
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Decadal variation of potential evapotranspiration in Ebinur Lake oasis of Xinjiang
Tan Jiao1,2, Ding Jianli1,2※, Dong Yu3, Yang Aixia1,2, Zhang Zhe1,2
(1. College of Resources and Environment Science, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Oasis Ecology of Ministry of Education, Urumqi 830046, China; 3. College of Geographical Sciences and Tourism, Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi 830054, China)
Evapotranspiration is one of the important parameters in hydrological and meteorological studies. Under the background of global warming, it is essential to accurately estimate the potential evapotranspiration (ET0) in arid and semiarid areas where the water resources are limited and excessively explored. In this study, we used the data of main daily meteorological factors such as temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and sunshine duration from 4 meteorological stations to calculate the ET0based on Penmen-Monteith equation for analyzing the spatial distribution and temporal change in the ET0in Xinjiang Ebinur Lake oasis during 1961-2013. The Cramer mutation analysis was used for determination of the mutation point of ET0, the partial correlation analysis was conducted, and the contribution of the main climatic factors to ET0was calculated. The results showed that: 1) the accumulative anomaly of ET0was positive in 1960-1989 and negative in 1990-1999. The ET0was the lowest in the 1990s and then increased since 2000. As a whole, the ET0in the study area decreased from 1960 to 2013. The change of ET0in the spring, summer and autumn was consistent with that of the whole year, and the change of ET0in the winter was not obvious. The average ET0calculated based on the whole year from 1960-2013 was 1 064 mm. The ET0in the spring, summer, autumn and winter accounted for 29%, 52%, 16% and 3% of the total, respectively, indicating that ET0in the spring and summer had the largest contribution to ET0; 2) the ET0mutation was in the year of 1997 based on the whole year data, in 1999 based on the spring data, in 1996 in the summer and in 1999 in the autumn. ET0was decreased at a rate of -2.81 mm/a from 1960 to 1996 and then increased at a rate of 3.43 mm/a since 1997 to 2013. There was no mutation in the winter; 3) the mean temperature, daily range of temperature, sunshine duration, wind speed, relative humidity and annual precipitation had different influence on the ET0. In the spring of 1960-1998, there was a high correlation between ET0and wind speed and relative humidity. In the spring of 1999-2013, ET0had a high correlation with mean temperature, wind speed and sunshine duration. In the summer of 1960-1995 and 1996-2013, ET0had a high correlation with the mean temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and sunshine duration. In the autumn of 1960 to 1998, ET0had a high correlation with the mean temperature, relative humidity and wind speed. However, after 1998, ET0only had a high correlation with wind speed. There was a high correlation between ET0and mean temperature, relative humidity and wind speed in the winter. According to the relative contribution of each factor to ET0, the wind speed was the main factor affecting ET0in the study area. In the spring, ET0was also affected by the daily range of temperature, and in the summer, autumn and winter it was also affected by the mean temperature. The results would provide valuable information for restoration of fragile ecological environment water resources allocation, agricultural irrigation and management science.
evapotranspiration; climate change; regression analysis; Penman-Monteith equation; Ebinur Lake oasis; Cramer mutation analysis
谭 娇,丁建丽,董 煜,杨爱霞,张 喆. 新疆艾比湖绿洲潜在蒸散量年代际变化特征[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(5):143-148.
10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.05.021 http://www.tcsae.org
Tan Jiao, Ding Jianli, Dong Yu, Yang Aixia, Zhang Zhe. Decadal variation of potential evapotranspiration in Ebinur Lake oasis of Xinjiang[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(5): 143-148. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.05.021 http://www.tcsae.org
谭 娇,女,新疆五家渠人,主要从事干旱区资源环境及遥感应用研究。乌鲁木齐 新疆大学资源与环境科学学院,830046。
※通信作者:丁建丽,男,山东成武人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事干旱区资源环境及遥感应用研究。乌鲁木齐 新疆大学资源与环境科学学院,830046。Email:watarid@xju.edu.cn