
2017-06-05 15:00:26周新群吴政文张学军
农业工程学报 2017年5期

齐 飞,周新群,吴政文,张学军


齐 飞1,2,3,周新群4,吴政文1,3,张学军1,3

(1. 农业部规划设计研究院,北京 100125;2. 新疆农垦科学院,石河子 832000;3. 农业部农业设施结构工程重点实验室,北京 100125;4. 农业部规划设计研究院科技管理处,北京 100125)



0 引 言


1 农业基础设施的概念与内涵


1.1 农业基础设施的2层概念


1.2 农业基础设施的内涵


1.3 农业基础设施的特征


1.4 农业基础设施的内容


图1 农业基础设施内容与分类Fig.1 Contents and classification of agricultural infrastructure

2 农业基础设施工程化的概念、特征与内容


2.1 工程化的概念和内涵


2.2 工程化的特征


2.3 工程化的内容



图2 工程化的主要内容与作用Fig.2 Main contents and purposes of engeering






3 农业基础设施工程化的现状与趋势

3.1 发展历程




3)发展阶段(1991年至今)。农业基础设施工程化取得长足进步。在 “以工助农、以城带乡”[55]、“工业反哺农业、城市支持乡村[56]”等一系列强农惠农发展理念、政策、技术、标准化等方面取得跨越式进步。特别是十六届五中全会提出建设社会主义新农村的重大历史任务以后[57],农业基础设施进入了快速发展时期,并相应制订了一系列工程管理制度,将“工程”概念从简单的工程设计和建设拓展到“决策、咨询、造价、设计、监理、建造、管理”等多个环节,并率先在工业与民用建筑领域推广,开启了真正意义上的“工程化”建设。工程化理念也开始在农业基础设施建设中强化,工程化措施开始在农业基础设施建设中得到应用,工程化比例增加、环节增多、水平提高。

3.2 发展现状


3.3 国外经验


3.4 发展趋势


4 农业基础设施工程化实现路径与推进方法

4.1 实现路径


图3 工程化的宏观路径Fig.3 Macroscopic approaches of engieering

4.2 平衡推进的方法


图4 某时段的网络平衡计划图Fig.4 Scheme plans of network in certain period


4.3 推进顺序的选择方法



图5 事项综合评价矩阵Fig.5 Comprehensive evaluation matrix

4.4 事件评估方法与结果







图6 事项推进战略选择矩阵Fig.6 Selection matrix to promote strategic planning



5 结论与讨论



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Approaches and methods of infrastructure engineering during agricultural modernization

Qi Fei1,2,3, Zhou Xinqun4, Wu Zhengwen1,3, Zhang Xuejun1,3
(1. Chinese Academy of Agricultural Engineering, Beijing 100125, China; 2. Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural and Reclamation Science, Shihezi 832000, China; 3. Key Laboratory of Farm Building in Structure and Construction, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100125, China; 4. Science and Technology Department, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Engineering, Beijing 100125, China)

Progress and development of Chinese agricultural modernization are accompanied by the rapid changing of the society. Agricultural infrastructure, one of the core factors, has the characteristics of complexity, dynamism and openness. Construction quality and comprehensive benefit need modern engineering theory and methods to support the whole process of agricultural modernization. Taking productive hardware infrastructure as research objects, this paper studied and analyzed the concept, connotation, characteristics, content and current situation of agricultural infrastructure. And the concept, characteristics, content, mutual relation and development trend of agricultural infrastructure engineering were proposed. This paper pointed out that agricultural infrastructure mainly refers to the basic hardware facilities to improve the operating ability of agricultural production and represents the pilot factor of agricultural and rural development, and it is the premise of strengthening the foundation of agriculture, and the key to improve the competitiveness of agriculture. And the quality and long term are the important elements of the construction of the infrastructure in the future. Agricultural infrastructure should include roads, water conservancy, telecommunications, electricity, energy, farmland construction, horticulture, animal husbandry, aquatic facilities, storage, processing, environmental protection, services, emergency, construction, and so on. Agricultural infrastructure engineering means the procedure, making the quality and function of the whole life cycle of infrastructure fully guaranteed based on the theories and achievements of science and technology under the scientific operation mechanism and standard specification implemented by the organization. And the agricultural infrastructure engineering has the characteristics of scientific nature, systematicness, standardization, high efficiency and persistence. Agricultural infrastructure engineering is composed of project strategy, engineering decision-making, engineering preparation, engineering implementation and the various stages of the project operation and the closed loop of the 4 factors. Agricultural infrastructure engineering mainly experiences 3 stages. In the early stage of engineering development, agricultural infrastructure engineering has the trend of piloting the content system and meets the sustainable development requirements. The results showed that agricultural infrastructure engineering means the applications of the concept, methods, techniques and the results of the project in the construction of agricultural engineering. And the agricultural infrastructure engineering was promoted from microcosmic and macroscopic aspects. At the microscopic aspect, the tools and methods of the engineering strategy, engineering decision, project preparation, project implementation and project operation are considered throughout the whole process of the life cycle of the agricultural basic construction project. At the macroscopic aspect, it needs to link the comprehensive decision of various constructions, implementations and evaluations, and systematize and optimize the advancement of the timing, extent, goals, and so on. These practices can maximize the long-term stability of agricultural infrastructure in Chinese agricultural modernization. In the circumstance of accelerating China’s agricultural modernization, the contents of agricultural infrastructure engineering need to be enriched and improved, and the views, methods, and tools revealed in this study can provide the basis for advancing this process.

agriculture; engineering; structures; modern agriculture; infrastructure; approaches; methods





齐 飞,周新群,吴政文,张学军. 农业现代化过程中基础设施工程化路径与方法[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(5):16-25.

10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.05.003 http://www.tcsae.org

Qi Fei, Zhou Xinqun, Wu Zhengwen, Zhang Xuejun. Approaches and methods of infrastructure engineering during agricultural modernization[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(5): 16-25. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.05.003 http://www.tcsae.org




齐 飞,男,总工程师、研究员,主要从事温室结构、设备、材料和产业发展方面的研究。北京 农业部规划设计研究院,100125。


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