安溪有芳茗 自然香满邑

2017-05-02 04:36五花肉
质量与标准化 2017年11期




Anxi county of Fujian Province is home to the terrain of continuous ridges and peaks. "Flowers bloom in rainy seasons. However, thunder can be heard in the winter without snowing."It has the reputation of hometown of oolong tea. In 2010, Tieguanyin tea, which is originated from Anxi, displayed in the Shanghai World Expo as the top of "the ten famous teas in China".

复杂工艺留存茶中精华Essence of Tea Left after Complex Manufacturing Process


The manufacturing process of Tieguanyin tea is sophisticated. Though more than ten standardized procedures including withering, cooling, sun-drying,tossing, stirring, rolling, roasting, packed-rolling,repeating the roasting and kneading, the fresh leaves plucked from the tea tree will become the fi nished tea product.


According to the research data from Tea Science and Research Institute of Anxi, Tieguanyin tea contains high levels of beneficial elements, such as tea polyphenol, amino acid and catechinic acid and etc. Average content of tea polyphenol reaches up to 21.14%, the content of catechinic acid is 149.71mg/g,therefore Tieguanyin tea is favorable for antimicrobial,antioxidant and anti-radiation and etc.

五法品鉴只为极致口感Five Savoring Method for the Best Flavor

品鉴铁观音,讲究“观形、听声、察色、闻香、品韵”。根据GB/T 19598-2006 《地理标志产品 安溪铁观音》,铁观音可分为清香型和浓香型两种,每种根据条索、色泽、净度、香气、汤色等标准,又包括特级、一级、二级、三级四个等级。

It is very important to view the shape, hear the sound,observe the color, smell the aroma and taste the fl avor when savoring Tieguanyin tea. According toGB/T 19598-2006: Product of geographical indication(Anxi Tieguanyin tea), Tieguanyin tea can be divided into light and dark. According to the standards on shape, color, clarity, aroma and liquor color, it can be classif i ed into superf i ne class, fi rst class, second class and third class.


Locals in Anxi all talk about a tea called Tieguanyin tea which might be from black bamboo forest. Its faint aroma will never be forgotten, and deep meditationtestif i es the heart of osmanthus. It vividly reveals that the highest grade Tieguanyin tea gladdens people's heart with long aftertaste.

精致雅趣尽显“品饮功夫”Ref i ned Pleasure Incorporates "Savoring Kungfu"


The tea in Central Fujian Province is the best in the world, one never feel tired to bend down brewing tea.In the civil society, Tieguanyin tea is regarded as a typical example of "Kungfu Tea". To pursue the refinement and elegance, it involves in eighteen standard brewing procedures including smelling tea,heating teapot, adding tea, steeping tea, serving tea and savoring tea, which need fourteen types of wares.It is excellent with spring as water, charcoal fire asstove fi re and tea in small tea sets. Enhance one's selfcultivation in the complex manufacturing process, and then taste life when savoring the tea.

结 语Conclusion


From planting and plucking to making and brewing,the manufacturing process of Tieguanyin tea seems sophisticated but every step follows the standards all the time. It contains the life philosophy of selfcultivation during the philosophic and pleased savoring process. Like Tieguanyin tea, we can get enlightened to know the true meaning of life through experience of trial and suあering.

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