
2017-04-22 10:10周其林谢建华沈其龙席振峰崔春明
科技创新导报 2016年32期


摘 要:人类社会的进步与发展离不开新物质的发现与创造,而合成化学则是创造新物质的主要工具和手段。在新物质的创造过程中,磷、氟、硼、硅、稀土等元素扮演着极其重要的角色。然而,这些重要元素资源正因人类的不合理利用而日益贫乏和枯竭。因此,针对“新物质的创造和转化”的科学问题,结合当前合成化学发展的新形势和面临的新问题,从促进我国宝贵元素资源的高效利用出发,开展若干重要元素的有机化学前沿研究具有极其重要的科学意义和巨大的社会效益,也是一个艰巨的挑战。 本项目将充分利用我国在元素有机化学方面长期的研究基础和队伍优势,选取磷、氟、硼、硅、稀土等重要元素开展元素有机化学的基础和前沿研究。项目将设置4个课题:(1)有机磷新试剂和新功能研究;(2)含氟有机化合物的选择性合成和应用研究;(3) 硼、硅有机化合物的特性和应用研究;(4)新颖稀土有机化合物的合成和性能研究,并围绕这4个方面,深入认识和探索元素有机化合物新成键模式、新反应性;通过对元素有机化合物的立体、电子效应等的调控,发展元素有机新试剂,发现元素有机化合物的新功能;开展功能有机化合物和材料的合成研究,并发展相应的新技术。重点解决元素有机化合物新的成键模式、新的反应性、以及新功能及其调控等关键科学问题。通过项目的实施,有望发展若干具有国际影响的元素有机新试剂、新反应和新方法,造就一支在国际上有重要影响力的研究队伍,推动我国有机化学及相关学科的发展,进一步提升我国在元素有机化学研究领域的国际影响和地位,促进我国宝贵元素资源的高效利用和社会可持续发展。

关键词:有机化学 合成化学 新物质创造 重要元素

Abstract:The development of human society is inseparable from the discovery and creation of new substances. Synthetic chemistry is one of the most important tools and methods for creating new substances. In the process of the creating new substances, the elements such as phosphorus, fluorine, boron, silicon and rare earth play an essential role. However, the resources of these important elements are depleted rapidly because of the irrational use. Therefore, in the view of the scientific problems of "the creation and transformation of new substances", the basic and cutting-edge research on the organic chemistry of these elements is highly importance for developing new synthetic chemistry and promoting the efficient use of our element resources, and consequently is beneficial to sustainable development of human society. Based on the long-term and productive studies on the elemento-organic chemistry, particularly on the organic chemistries of aforementioned important elements in China in last few decades, the researches of this project will set up four subjects including (1)New organo-phosphorus reagents and new functions; (2)Selective synthesis of organo-fluorine compounds and their applications; (3)Properties and applications of organo-boron and organo-silicon compounds; (4)Synthesis and properties of new organo-metallic compounds of rare earth elements. This project will intend to in-depth investigate and explore the new bond-forming mode and new reactivity of elemento-organic compounds; to develop new reagents and discover new functions of elemento-organic compounds through regulating their steric and electronic structures; to synthesize new functional organic compounds and materials, and to develop new synthetic methodologies. All of these studies will focus on the scientific issues including (1)new bond-forming mode of element-organic compounds; (2) new reactivity of elemento-organic compounds; (3)new properties of elemento-organic compounds and their regulations. By implementation of this project, the developments of a number of new elemento-organic reagents, new reactions, and new methodologies are expected. This project will also promote the development of organic chemistry and related disciplines in our country. Furthermore, research achievements of this project will provide a scientific basis and technological support for improving the efficiency of the use of element resources and will promote the sustainable development of our society.

Key Words:Important element; Synthetic chemistry; Organic chemistry; Creation of new substance

