Hacksaw Ridge
IMDb 8.5
Epic war fllm. Considered as the best war fllm after Saving Private Ryan.“Everyone's religion should be respected. This reveals the real side of us.”
IMDb 7.7
Some build the fences to cut off others, whilst some build them to isolate their heart.
IMDb 8
This is an tearjerker about an Indian child searching for his mother afar. This is also an inspiring
movie that proves that science can change one's fate.
IMDb 8.3
Some say that Arrival might not be the best science flction movie this year, but it deflnitely is the best science flction melodrama movie of the year. Different from other blockbuster science flction movies with marvelous scenes, dazzling effects and flghting aliens, Arrival is deflnitely a nontypical science flction movie that doesn't follow the mainstream. With a sad and mysterious atmosphere, and a continuous narration, the whole movie presents an aesthetic perception featuring Chinese-calligraphy-like alien font, nonlinear time concept and low saturation colour. Even though Arrival did not crown the Academy Award, its rational combination of science, philosophy and humanity upgraded this movie to a high level in terms of reputation and offlce.
All movies above can be watched on China Southern's in-flight cinema.