Connoisseur is what people call Hao Liwen. But strictly speaking, this occupation is not offlcially recognised as a job in China. For now, Hao’s job is wine taster, commenter and trainer.
Text by Chen Yuqiang Photos by Chen He Translation by Zheng Ying
March 10th, a little cold in Shanghai. In a winery in Changning District, Hao Liwen took a bottle of wine out of the rack originally from Burgundy, France. Hao cut the seal with a wine knife, took out the cork and held the bottom of the bottle, moving it closer to the glass. The bottle inclined gently, and the liquid, which was clean as ruby, flew into the glass.
Hao Liwen lifted the glass up, swished it gently, sniffed the joyful smell before taking a sip.“Elegant” was Hao's comment.
Connoisseur is what people call Hao Liwen. But strictly speaking, this occupation is not offlcially recognised by the country, and there is no professional certiflcate for this job. For now, Hao's job is wine taster, commenter and trainer, but people will normally call him just connoisseur. “I think connoisseur is like an epicure, there is no high criteria for this. As long as somebody loves wine and is able to analyse it rationally, that's enough. If someone could know deeper and get more fun from this, then they will open the door of the world of the wine.”
As a rare connoisseur in China with WSET 4 grad diploma, Hao Liwen tastes and comments on nearly 1000~2000 wines every year, rating and reviewing them. There's a saying that connoisseurs swallow no wine when they taste. This is verifled by Hao.
“It's wasteful to just spit so much good wine. The wine sent to be tasted should have been treasured. It's their best fate to be tasted.” Said Hao. But when he tastes about more than 100 kinds of wine everyday, to keep the taste bud pure, most are spat out. Tasting too much wine could even hurt the nose. So in order to balance the smell, Hao will smell the back skin of the hand to recover his smell.
In this circle, Hao is famous for “Beard Martin”, that's an alias he made for himself. However, he didn't have a chaotic beard when we met him. When Hao was little, he loved the hotel manager with the beard in the TV series Grand Hotel, and he thought that was cool and wanted one for himself. But he was not allowed by his parents when he was little, and later not allowed by his wife. The beard he wants is never on his face, but becomes his alias.
Just like the story about his alias, Hao has a temperament mixed by western and eastern cultures. When he appears, he is always dressed up, regardless of whether he holds a glass in his hand or not. It's also a Shanghai style, appropriate and decent. During the process of more than 10 years' research for wine chateaus, he comes back and forth between two kinds of cultures and absorbs the best parts from both.
Since the flrst time he had stepped into the industry and tasted his flrst sip in 2004, he travelled in Chateaus in France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Chile and other countries in South America, and pilgrimed in the Holy Lands in the world of wine, such as Bordeaux and Burgundy. So many years' travel and taste makes Hao realise how broad is this world of wine. “Every place has its own culture and its own style of wine. The wine is also restricted by the region even in the same area, yet there can be something different in details. For example, in Burgundy, there are more than 600 different regions. When you taste carefully, every region is so different. For now I only know the rough traits of Burgundy, and iflwant to master all the differences of every area, it would take more than my whole life.”
After travelling to the chateaus of the old and new world, Hao Liwen found out surprisingly that there are also good quality chateaus in China, where the culture of wine has been popular for only a short time. In Helan Mt in Ningxia and Tian Mt in Xinjiang, the wine from these exquisite chateaus have been gradually recognised and approved. In the coming years, Hao will be engaged in making more people realise that there are also competitive wine products in China.
正式进入葡萄酒行业。在这个阶段郝利文得到许多经典产区酒庄参观的机会,并在其后的十多年,访问和考察过全球近百家知名酒庄,足迹遍及美国、苏格兰、法国、 意大利、 德国、西班牙、 葡萄牙、智利、南非等国家。
获得WSET(英国葡萄酒和烈酒教育基金会)4级Diploma证书和认证讲师资格, 波尔多葡萄酒学校讲师资格。其后,郝利文先后获得勃艮第认证讲师、新西兰认证葡萄酒专家、法国香槟骑士、美国纳帕谷葡萄酒专家等证书。
加入《Decanter醇鉴》并担任中国品牌大使,出版《葡萄酒游记》一书。成为法国干邑认证讲师,并开始葡萄酒行业最高专业头衔——葡萄酒大师(Master of Wine)学习。
成为罗伯特·帕克团队的亚洲酒品评人,为《葡萄酒倡导家》(The Wine Advocate)及RobertParker.com品评来自亚洲的精品葡萄酒和清酒。借助这个世界上最有影响力之一的评分体系,给真正吸引人的亚洲酒带来更多来自葡萄酒世界的关注。
H=Hao Liwen
N: Is it easier for westerners than easterners to enter the world of wine?
H: People may misunderstand that in some foreign countries, especially in France and Italy, it seems that everyone knows about wine. In fact, it's not true. In research of wine, I have travelled to many countries, including those which are famous for wine production. I just found out that people there are not necessarily more knowledgable about wine than we are. For instance, some foreigners also think that every Chinese is good at Tea ceremony. But actually, most of us just drink normal tea everyday, and have no expertise in the ceremony. To my opinion, their advantage lies in the language. If people can overcome the difflculty of language, they are more likely to learn something profound in this fleld.
N: When red wine first came onto our table, it was popular to drink it with Sprite. Is this a mistake?
H: To add Sprite into red wine feels a little“unenlightened”, but not really wrong. Some Chinese drink red wine with Sprite just because they don't get used to this kind of bitter taste. It's the same when foreigners love to take tea with milk and warm water. Spanish also make Sangria with Sprite. However, when taking some good wine, I suggest not adding anything else, just straight.
N: Why would you use the word “elegant“ to review the wine that you approve?
H: My friends are always, just laughing at me about my only one comment on wine, “elegant”. Of course, I have plentiful words when I want to express something. “Elegant” is a basic criterion to judge a good wine. Just like people, wine has its personality, so using words like “elegant”,“humble”, “flne”, and “smooth” can also be objective, and this kind of skill has been working since old times. This way of review is not to mystify something, but rather to make the readers know deeper about wine. For example, a type of wine is reviewed as “strong strike in velvet”. At the flrst sight, it looks confusing. But when you think about it twice, you can feel this comment can describe the gentle feeling at the flrst sip, but it has a stronger power when you swallow it, like a strong strike to your mouth. These ways of commenting on wine are also very interesting when you compare your thinking with the real tastes.
N: when you taste red wine, do you need rituals to help you get into a groove?
H: Rituals are needed absolutely. We don't need a full set of rituals like having a bath, changing the clothes, burning incense and playing music. But drinking red wine also needs some speciflc routine tools and atmosphere to help me immersed into the world of wine, such as clean glasses, an environment without smell, light without colours……These can groove me up quickly. I like it most when in a leisurely afternoon, I take out a good wine and taste it in peace. It's an ideal status.