
2017-04-12 21:25:43陈昌学
校园英语·下旬 2017年3期

【摘要】Make这个高频词在《十八大政府工作报告(英文版)》共计被使用了149次,其主要用法有二:一是与名词或名词短语构成常用短语,如make progress, make innovations, make efforts to do sth等;二是后面带复合宾语(宾语加宾语补足语),其宾语补足语可以由名词、代词、形容词、动词不定式以及动词的过去分词充当。熟悉这些短语、弄清这些结构,对英语学习者读懂《十八大报告(英文版)》有很大的帮助。

【关键词】《十八大报告(英文版)》 make 短语 复合宾语

【Abstract】The frequently-used word “make” has been used in the Report to the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (English version) for a total of 149 times. Its main usage falls into two kinds. Firstly, make + nouns or noun phrases forms some common expressions, such as make progress, make innovations and make efforts to do sth. Secondly, make + compound objects (objects + objective complements). The object complements can be a noun, pronoun, adjective, infinitive and the past participle of verbs. Getting familiar with these phrases and clarifying these structures can be of great use to the English learners in understanding the Report to the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (English version).

【Key words】Report to the 18th National Congress of the CPC; make; Expressions; compound objects

Make在英语中是使用频率最高的动词之一。《十八大政府工作报告(英文版)》大量使用make一词,共计使用了149次,其中原形make使用了 72次,过去式与过去分词形式made使用了40次,现在分词making使用了37次。分析理解make在文中的使用情况,有助于英语学习者更好把握其用法,更容易读懂《十八大政府工作报告(英文版)》。


全文使用了25个由make 构成的短语。其中用得最多的是make progress,其次是make innovations, make efforts to do sth., make decisions, make achievements.

1. make progress

這个短语使用次数多达二十八次。其中二十二次均使用被动语态,采用的是 “(Fresh) progress has been made in (adjusting the industrial structure).”这一句型。而主动语态仅仅使用了六次。

在progress前面使用了丰富的形容词,如:fresh, new, major, greater, good,notable, marked, comprehensive, all-around, further, continued等加以修饰, 体现程度之不同。

Fresh / New progress has been made in ……取得新进展、新进步、新成绩、新成就、新成效

Notable / Marked progress has been made in …….成效显著

Comprehensive / All-around progress has been made 全面推进、全面加强……

Further progress has been made 深入开展……

Major progress has been made ……迈出重要步伐、取得重要进展、取得重大进展

Even greater progress should be made ……迈出更大步伐

make continued progress不断在……上取得新成效

2. make innovations

这个短语使用次数达十五次, innovations前面使用了courageous, theoretical, original, further等词语加以修饰。

make courageous theoretical innovations勇于推进理论创新

make original innovation and integrated innovation 原始创新、集成创新

make further innovation再创新

3. made efforts to do sth

这个短语使用次数为十三次,effort(s) 前面使用了great, intensive, joint, active and prudent, every, concerted, all-around, determined, greater, unremitting等词语加以修饰。

make great efforts to do大力做某事

make both active and prudent efforts to积极稳妥做某事

make every effort to do千方百计做某事

make concerted efforts to do 齐心协力做某事

make all-around efforts to do全面努力做某事

make determined efforts to下决心做某事

make greater efforts to加大做某事的力度

make unremitting efforts to竭尽全力、不懈努力做某事

make more determined efforts to更加顽强的努力

4. make decisions


make the historic decision作出历史性决策

make resolute decisions 果断决策

5. make achievements

这个短语使用次数达四次,achievements前面使用了new , major, notable, significant等词语加以修饰。

have made new and major achievements 取得新的重大成就

Notable achievements have been made… 成绩显著

Significant achievements have been made… 取得重大成就

6. 其他短语

make political advance推进政治体制改革

make fundamental accomplishments 取得根本成就

make epic accomplishments 书写了感天动地的壮丽史诗

make major / new breakthroughs 取得重大、新的突破

make scientific / overall / active plans (planning) 科学、全面、积极计划

make good / better/full use of 很好、更好、充分利用

make reasonable arrangements 合理安排

make new strides取得新成就

make important headway取得重大进展

make tremendous successes取得巨大成就

make choice作出抉择

make no exception没有例外

make a turnaround实现企稳回升

make laws 立法

make the policy 制定政策

make proposals 議事协商

make the utmost sacrifice付出了最大牺牲

make greater contribution to作出更大贡献

make sure 保证,确保

make up for our shortcomings 取长补短


make 这个动词可以带复合宾语,即宾语加宾语补足语。可以用作其宾语补足语的有名词、代词、形容词、动词不定式、过去分词以及介词短语。在《十八大政府工作报告(英文版)》中这一用法得以充分展示,唯一没有使用的是介词短语作宾语补足语。


1. make +宾语 +名词(短语)或代词作宾语补足语

在“…make realizing, safeguarding and developing the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people the starting point and goal of all the work of the Party and country”这个句子中,“realizing, safeguarding and developing the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people”用作宾语,“the starting point and goal of all the work of the Party and country”这个名词短语用作宾语补足语。该句子意思是“……把实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民根本利益作为党和国家一切工作的出发点和落脚点”。


…make China a modern socialist country 把中国建设成为社会主义现代化国家。

…make them shared convictions使之成为……的共同信念。

…make promoting economic and social development the top priority in applying the Scientific Outlook on Development. 把推动经济社会发展作为深入贯彻落实科学发展观的第一要义。

…make pursuing comprehensive, balanced and sustainable development the basic requirement for applying the Scientific Outlook on Development. 把全面协调可持续作为深入贯彻落实科学发展观的基本要求。

…make political consultation a part of the policymaking process. 把政治协商纳入决策程序。

…incorporate the system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics into the curriculum and make it a way of thinking. 推动中国特色社会主义理论体系进教材进课堂进头脑。

…make rural areas the focus of our work. 以农村为工作重点。

…the arbitrary use of force cannot make the world a better place. 窮兵黩武无法带来美好世界。

We made China's economy the first in the world to make a turnaround. 在全球率先实现经济企稳回升。(本句使用的是代词短语作宾语补足语。)

Notable progress has been made in making China an innovative country. 创新型国家建设成效显著。(本句中making China an innovative country 用作介词in的宾语。我们探讨的是这部分中make的用法。)

2. Make +宾语 +形容词作宾语补足语

在 “We should make small and medium-sized cities and small towns better able to develop industries, provide public services, create jobs, and attract population.”这个句子中,“small and medium-sized cities and small towns”为宾语,“better able to develop industries, provide public services, create jobs, and attract population”这个形容词短语为宾语补足语。该句子意思是“应增强中小城市和小城镇产业发展、公共服务、吸纳就业、人口集聚功能。”


…and make democratic consultation more effective. 增强民主协商实效性

…make it full of vitality. 使其充满活力

…improve its competence so as to make the government performance-oriented. 推进政府绩效管理

…make the exercise of power more open and standardized. 推进权力运行公开化、规范化

…make the whole nation better educated in science. 提高全民科学素养

…make such services more efficient. 提高服务效能

…and make cultural operations larger in size and more specialized.提高文化产业规模化、集约化、专业化水平

… make senior secondary education basically universal, 基本普及高中阶段教育

…and make social security services more convenient and efficient. 建立更加便民快捷的服务体系

… to make the country prosperous and the armed forces strong富国和强军 (本句中make有两个并列的复合宾语)

… make the international order and system more just and equitable. 推动国际秩序和国际体系朝着公正合理的方向发展

… make Party building more scientific in all respects. 全面提高党的建设科学化水平。

…and make intra-Party activities more transparent. 增强党内生活透明度

We should make community-level Party organizations more service-oriented. 加强基层服务型党组织建设

… making the superstructure compatible with the economic base. 推动上层建筑适应经济基础的必然要求

…with emphasis on making the system more equitable and sustainable 以增强制度的公平性、保证其可持续性为重点

making Party building more scientific in All Respects 全面提高党的建设科学化水平

… making China strong 强国 (使中国富强)

… make the management of officials more democratic 扩大干部工作民主

… and make China's exports more competitive in terms of technology, brand, quality and service. 形成以技术、品牌、质量、服务为核心的出口竞争新优势

… and make people's democracy more extensive, fuller in scope and sounder in practice. 发展更加广泛、更加充分、更加健全的人民民主

take steady steps to make interest rates and the RMB exchange rate more market-based, 稳步推进利率和汇率市场化改革

We should make the economy more demand-driven, 强化经济的需求导向

… and make the geographical and structural layout of the development of infrastructure and basic industries more balanced. 合理布局建設基础设施和基础产业

On the basis of making China's development much more balanced, coordinated and sustainable, we should double its 2010 GDP and per capita income for both urban and rural residents. 在发展平衡性、协调性、可持续性明显增强的基础上,实现国内生产总值和城乡居民人均收入比二〇一〇年翻一番

3. Make +宾语 + 过去分词短语作宾语补足语

在“This will make economic development driven more by domestic demand, especially consumer demand, by a modern service industry and strategic emerging industries, by scientific and technological progress, by a workforce of higher quality and innovation in management, by resource conservation and a circular economy, and by coordinated and mutually reinforcing urban-rural development and development between regions.” 这个句子里,“economic development”为宾语,“driven more by…,by…, by…, by…, by…, by…and by…”这个过去分词为宾语补足语。


4. make +宾语 +动词不定式作宾语补足语

不定式用作动词 “make”后的宾语补足语时要省略标志词“to”.

在“…make the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference serve as a major channel for conducting consultative democracy.”这个句子中,“the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference” 为宾语,“serve as a major channel for conducting consultative democracy” 这个省略了 “to”的不定式短语为宾语补足语。这个句子的意思是“……充分发挥人民政协作为协商民主重要渠道作用。”


… and make China's open economy become better structured, expand in scope and yield greater returns. 推动开放经济朝着优化结构、拓展深度、提高效益方向转变。

… and make the government better perform its functions of creating a favorable environment for development. 推动政府职能向创造良好发展环境转变

… make unemployment insurance play a bigger role in promoting employment. 增强失业保险对促进就业的作用。

… make its members and officials develop a firm and correct worldview and a firm and correct attitude toward power and career. 教育引导党员、干部牢固树立正确的世界观、权力观、事业观

《十八大政府工作报告(英文版)》中,make 的用法灵活多变,主要用法有二:一是用作及物动词,后面带一个名词或名词短语作宾语,如make progress, make innovations, make efforts to do sth 等;二是用作及物动词,后面带复合宾语(宾语加宾语补足语),宾语补足语可以由名词、代词、形容词、动词不定式以及动词的过去分词充当。熟悉含make的短语、弄清有make的句子结构,有助于英语学习者理解句子与篇章都,有助于更好地读懂《十八大报告(英文版)》。






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