学生风采展示板:Being Warm-Hearted

2017-04-08 01:46:47作者安徽师范大学附属中学高三李函指导老师任汉鼎
疯狂英语·新悦读 2017年2期

作者:安徽师范大学附属中学高三(3)班 李函指导老师:任汉鼎

学生风采展示板:Being Warm-Hearted

作者:安徽师范大学附属中学高三(3)班 李函指导老师:任汉鼎

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! It’s my honor to address[向……致辞]you. My English name is Isabella. I’m a high school student of 17. I have some good personality traits[特点], including being warm-hearted. So here comes my topic: Being warm-hearted.

Born a warm-hearted girl, I am always eager to help everyone in need so as to fulfill[实现]my dream of creating a beautiful world, bit by bit.

For example, when the horrible Wenchuan earthquake occurred, with thousands of souls gone, I was also in deep sorrow. I had donated as much as I could, including lots of my books and lovely toys, as well as a consolation[慰问]letter with my good wishes to those unfortunate children. Later on, I received quite a few letters of thanks from them.

Besides, I always drop by to help a disabled girl in my neighborhood. Dropped out of school, she always stays at home all by herself, with no one looking her in the eye—except me. To cheer her up, I often share interesting stories with her, and try my best to teach her something I learnt at school. It’s so happy to see her face light up with a cheerful smile.

Now, you see, warm-heartedness does have some magical power. It can bring us friendship and happiness. Let’s pass it on and help more people in need! I believe, only by doing so can we create a beautiful world!

Thanks for listening!

老师点评:本文为作者参加芜湖市“希望之星”英语风采大赛的原创演讲稿,要求围绕“我最闪耀”(I’m the brightest star)这一比赛主题展开一段不超过两分钟的个人自述。文章结构合理,用词准确,表达地道,画面感极强,字里行间流露出作者对生活的热爱,同时展现了作者的青春风采。该主题演讲先后获得芜湖市高中组第一名、安徽省赛区第三名,以及全国赛区三等奖。



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