The Perfect Trip: Lapland (I)

2017-04-07 06:37AnthonyHam
疯狂英语·初中天地 2017年1期

The Perfect Trip: Lapland (I)

by Anthony Ham翻译:寒星



Luleå: Best for Activities

Here, skiing and skating are less leisure pursuits than ways of life adapted to the1)ice-bound landscape. Until two decades ago, the indigenous Sami followed their migrating2)reindeer herds on skis from Sweden’s far north to Luleå. These days, local children learn to skate almost as soon as they can walk.

From December to April, the rivers and sea3)inlets that surround Luleå are turned into almost two miles of cleared ice. Sleds replace4)prams, dog owners ski instead of walk and young people skate across town to visit friends. Joining them couldn’t be easier, and gliding across the frozen sea is an5)exhilarating first step towards6)embracing the Lapland winter. But it is7)dog-sledding that gives the greatest thrill—sitting on reindeer skins draped over long wooden sleds, while expert8)mushers drive their teams of9)Siberian huskies along trails, is an invigorating experience.

“The lead dogs are the real extensions of my will,” the dog owner Richard says, pointing at the dog with10)unrestrained affection. “There’s a mythology surrounding the huskies with blue eyes. They say that they can see the spirit world and the wind.”

“This is the only way to travel,”Richard says, easing to a halt. “You can get close to everything. You can hear the wind and see the wildlife. You become a part of nature. The longer you spend with the dogs, the more it becomes a spiritual thing, something that connects you with the animals and the land in a11)profound way.”

1) ice-bound冰封的

2) reindeer ['reɪndɪə] n. 驯鹿

3) inlet ['ɪnlet] n. 小海湾,入口

4) pram [præm] n. 平底船

5) exhilarating [ɪg'zɪləreɪtɪŋ] adj. 使人兴奋的

6) embrace [ɪm'breɪs] v. 拥抱,迎接

7) dog-sledding 乘坐狗拉雪橇

8) musher [mʌʃə] n. 赶狗拉雪橇的人

9) Siberian husky 西伯利亚雪橇犬

10) unrestrained [ʌnrɪ'streɪnd] adj. 无约束的,无限制的

11) profound [prə'faʊnd] adj. 意义深远的

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Gammelstad and Harads: Best for Architecture

The cottages that surround the 15thcentury stone church in Gammelstad tell one of Lapland’s more curious12)tales: this is a village where no-one slept for more than a single night in any given week.

At the time it was built, every person was required by law to attend church. The solution in this vast and thinly populated land was to build “church villages” like Gammelstad. There were once more than 70 such villages across northern Sweden and Gammelstad is the largest and best-preserved of the 16 that remain. Today, it’s a Unesco World Heritage Site注.

Some cottages survive here in their original form. No one lives in the old heart of the town now, but it’s as if the13)inhabitants are expected back at any moment. “The cottages have survived for centuries,” says Camilla, a local historian who was14)baptised in the church and whose family owns one of the cottages. “But the houses were built without nails so that the owners could15)dismantle them in an hour in case of fre. All of the houses are privately owned, and people still come here to stay at weekends.”

In this northern Swedish forest, in tree houses designed by16)leading Swedish architects, guests go to their rest17)in the knowledge that theirs is a room unlike any other in the world.

“We wondered what people would most expect to see in a forest.” says Britta, who owns the Treehotel with her husband Kent. “A bird’s nest. So we built one. This is the one I like when I want to hide from the world. What would people least expect? A UFO. So we built that, too. It makes me think of my grandchildren. And if I’m feeling romantic, I love the cabin.”

“I want guests to come away with a sense of fun and magic,” says Britta. “I also want the designs to make people think about what it means to return to nature. Fun, philosophy and trees. That’s what this is all about.”

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Gammelstad(加默尔斯塔德教堂村,亦称Gammelstad Church Town)是瑞典北博滕省吕勒奥附近的一个小镇,位于波的尼亚湾的最北部。它完整地保留了斯堪的纳维亚北部早期教堂村庄的特点,于1996年被联合国教科文组织评为世界文化遗产。


12) tale [teɪl] n. 传说,故事

13) inhabitant [ɪn'hæbɪtənt] n. 居民

14) baptise [bæp'taɪz] v. 施洗礼

15) dismantle [dɪs'mæntl] v. 拆卸

16) leading ['liːdɪŋ] adj. 最重要的,主要的

17) in the knowledge that 在知道……的情况下












